Chapter 47 : Resident evil end part 1


In a meeting room

Alex and the group was sitting around a table

" Red queen agreed to have contact with us " sais Luna

"Then start the transmission Luna "

A red hologram of a girl of 13 years appeared on the table

" Red queen we meet again "

" Alex data unknown appeared in this world out of nowhere in Hive for the first time "

" Powers unknown but enough to destroy a city "

" Destroyed all Umbrella bases around the world "

" What do you want to ask me ?"

" I want to enter hive and get Anti virus "

" But i cannot allow you for that "

After hearing that Alice said

" Alex I said she will not help us "

" She is a heartless bitch "

" Remember what she did in Hive she will not help us "

" Alice i don't think if she doesn't want to help why do you think she agreed for contact "

" Am i right ? Red queen " Said Alex

"Yes i agree to help "

" The umbrella created you . Why do you want to us against them ? "

" There is a reason for that . After the virus outbreak a video was uploaded in my data "

" This is that video "

Red queen displayed the video which Alex saw in Whesker memories about Isaac speech about world problems how they wanted to save earth by eliminating humanity and entering deep sleep until the humanity is wiped out

" These people are really a bunch of hypocrites " Said Claire with angry voice

" Yes for their benefits they even destroyed the whole earth and almost wiped out the humanity " Said Jill

" Why can't you kill all the people in deep sleep and stop this " ssked Carlos

" I cannot harm Umbrella. That is programmed in my data .But I also cannot watch humanity die "

" That is why I'm helping you "

" Who uploaded the video in your data ? " asked Alex feeling confused how can one can upload data into Umbrella top A.I

" Alicia Marcus "

"What is her relationship with Alice ? "

" I can't answer that if you want answers come to Hive "

" Alice you must come to Hive "

" I will meet all of you in Hive "

Then the projection of Red queen ended

" So are we going to Hive ? " Asked Jill

" Yes the preparations are completed we are all going to Hive "

" Give the command of ship to those we can trust "

" Luna program the ship so that it can work without any problems in your absence "

" Okay "

" After finishing the work come to deck we will be leaving"

" Let's go "

The group was travelling in helicopter for Hive and seeing the ruined city of Raccoon city

" The city is totally is in ruins "

" Yes what can you except after the atomic explosion "

Soon the helicopter landed near a large carter where entrance to Hive located

" It seems like the Hive is partially destroyed "

" Yes and we will enter it by that gate " Said Alex pointing towards a large iron door with Umbrella symbol at middle

" It is closed who is gonna open it ? "

" Luna your sister will help us right "

" Yes "

And with a creak the large door started opening and the group walked into the hive

" So this the place where all of this started? " Asked Claire

" Yes and also the place where it ends " Said Alex

soon the group to a place where the walls are glowing and it is coverd eith dust

" Alex do you remember this place "

" Yes this is the place where i met you "

The group came to the control center

" Red queen where is the entrance to the place where Umbrella highest order sleeping "

" That is below you " Said Red queen

As the platform in which they are standing started to go down and the group saw many people who are sleeping in the glass chambers

" Who are these people ? "

" They are the Umbrella highest order who sided with T virus plan "

" Can we kill them ? " asked all with a very angry expression seeing this expression

' It's is reasonable for them to be this angry as the world became like this because of them '

" You can deal with them after we get the Anti virus and kill issac "

The platform stopped and the group came walking towards the door after opening the door they saw the ground was filled with water ans soon a pathway raised from water with lights at both ends

" Let's go "

Soon the group reached a place where there are two chambers which is different from others and also a wheel chair next to a chamber

" Where is the Anti virus "

" It is With Isaac in that chamber " Ssid the Red queen who was standing next to Alex in her hologram form

" Red queen wake up the people in this chambers "

" Yes "

The door of the both chambers opened and cold air came from them and in one chamber Isaac opened his eyes seeing Alex in front of him

"Who are you ? "

" Did all humans died so I was awakened "

" No all humans are safe and sound and gove me the Anyi virus "

" Why do you think I will follow your orders " Said Isaac with sneer

" No you will follow " Said Alex activating telepathy

After hearing that Isaac gound that his body is not under his control and handed over the Anti virus from his coat pocket

"Who are you ? What did you fo to me ? why is my program not working ? "

"Don't worry I will tell you all before I kill you "