Chapter 76 : Dealing with Luke

"Did you not see?" asked Alex as he tilted his head and wondered what these guys were doing when he was dealing with Hades.

"No, we were taking care of Percy's mom, so we did not see what happened," said Annabeth.

"So you did not see what happened?" asked Alex

"Nope we also saw you fighting with Hades, we did not see where you got the lightning bolt"

"Well, I got it from Percy's shield," said Alex as it is the fact

"What is it doing in my shield?" asked Percy not understanding how it got into his shield.

"It is not your shield, it's is given to you remember," said Annabeth.

Percy who heard this had a thought, Yes this was given to me by Luke

"So you mean to say, Luke hid the lightning bolt in the shield?" asked Percy

"Yes," said Annabeth.

Grover did not understand why Luke had a lightning bolt, so he asked, "Why does he have it?"

"Now also you did not understand, Luke is a Lightning thief," said Annabeth.

"As excepted of Daughter of Athena, you are very intelligent," said Alex praising Annabeth

He also felt Luke is not a good person from the start, now he is sure he is the cause of all problems.

"Then why did he hide the lightning bolt in the shield?" asked Percy not understanding why he hid the lightning in the shield.

"I don't know, we have to find out that," said Annabeth.

"Okay, we can deal with him after we give the lightning bolt to Olympus," said Grover

"Okay "

Then Alex took out the five pearls from the inventory and handed them to Percy, Annabeth, Sally and Grover. The four took the pearls.

"So where are we going?" asked Alex

Even though he saw the movie, he did not remember all the contents of the plot.

He did not remember how to go to Olympus.

"We are going to the State Building."

"Why are we going there?" asked Percy

"Because there is the entrance to Olympus in the state building "

"Since we know the location, let's go."

"Put the pearls under your feet and think of the place and Crush them," said Alex as he gave the instructions on how to use the pearls.

Then the five crushed pearls disappeared from the underworld.

Then five who vanished from the underworld appeared at the top of the state building.

"So where is the entrance to Olympus?" asked Alex as he did not find anything.

"That is the entrance," said Sally pointing towards the door on the side.

"Okay, let's take this lightning bolt to Olympus and clear Percy's name," Grover said.

"Let's go then," said Alex.

As they were about to walk towards the door a voice came stopping them in their tracks.

"I didn't expect Percy Jackson to escape the underworld," said Luke

After hearing this, the four turned towards that direction and saw Luke who flying in the air with the help of flying shoes some distance from them.

"Luke, why did you do all this?" asked Percy

Also, Annabeth and Grover were baffled as to why Luke would do this. They grew up with Luke in the same camp, so they know him very well, so they don't know what caused him to cause all this.

"Why do you ask? Heh!"

"To cause war between gods"

"I stole the lightning bolt, which caused a stir among the gods."

"Then why did you hide the lightning bolt in the shield and give it to us?" asked Percy

"Why? Because when you said you are going to the underworld, up to that I was in a dilemma about how to give Bolt to Hades "

"But you four came in at the right time and asked me how to go to the underworld"

"So I Hid the bolt in Shield and gave it to you, so you can take it to the underworld "

"But you were supposed to hand it over to Hades and die in the Underworld. Why did you have to come back and mess up my plans?"

"Now give me the bolt, so the war can continue," said Luke as he stretched his hand

"No, there will be no war as I will put an end to it," Percy said as he held up a lightning bolt.

"I can't allow that Percy," said Luke as he flew towards Percy but was stopped in the middle of the air.

"So you caused this war for your selfish wish?" asked Alex as he caught Luke in the air with his telekinesis.

"Yes, I caused all this. Gods all are selfish, they have to perish," said Luke while trying to escape from the invisible grip.

"So you believe that all gods are selfish?"

"Yes, they are all selfish, so Alex join hands with me to cause their destruction."

"No," said Alex and drew Luke towards him.


"You cannot hate all gods for your father's mistake."

"And to cause a war between gods and cause their destruction, did you not think about the consequences of the war that will affect the mortal world?"

"You are no different from the selfish gods you loathe."

"No, I'm different from them. I caused all this for the benefit of the demi-gods," said Luke as his face became ugly from anger.

"See your thinking is no different from the gods. They only think for themselves. You only think about demi-gods and not think about humans who are affected by war."

"You have no right to call other people selfish when your thinking is rotten."

"No, no you are wrong," said Luke as his face became a mess due to anger and frustration.