Chapter 77 : System fragments

"I'm not wrong, but your thinking is wrong Luke "

"Since you are the lightning thief, I'm planning to hand you over to Olympus "

"They will decide what punishment you will get "

"No you can't do this, please let me go," said Luke.

"No, with your thinking you may cause some problems in the future so it's better to lock you up."

"Now sleep," Alex said as he used telepathy to make Luke unconscious

"What did you do to him?" asked Annabeth as she saw Luke fainting.

"Nothing, just to avoid trouble I made him lose consciousness," said Alex

"Now let's go to Olympus "

As Sally opened the door, the group was met by the sight of a lift with the symbol of Olympus, the home of the gods. This symbol suggested that this was the way to Olympus.

The four stepped into the lift and it closed. Sally pressed the buttons on the lift and the lift began to move rapidly upwards. It stopped after reaching the top. The doors opened to reveal a stunning view outside the lift doors, and the group gasped in awe.

"Did we arrive?" asked Alex

"Yes," said Annabeth as she saw the Olympus mountain

It looked like a mountain from the myths of the Greeks with a castle at the top. Olympus was the home of the gods in Greek mythology, and it was known for its extraordinary beauty and grandeur. Alex was amazed to see it in real life, and it was even more impressive than he had imagined.

The night sky on Olympus was full of stars and the Milky Way was visible, forming a beautiful arch across the sky. Alex could make out the constellations and he felt as if he was standing in the heavens, looking down at the world below.

As Percy saw Olympus, he said, "It appears we have arrived.".

"Yeah, it is more beautiful than I imagined," said Alex

"Let's go and hand over this bolt," said Annabeth

Following that, the four stepped out of the lift while Alex carried Luke in midair. Sally was not able to enter Olympus due to restrictions.

"Percy, go I can't enter," said Sally

"Okay, mom I will go hand this bolt over," he said as he turned and started walking towards the Olympus castle at the top of the mountain.

The four then began walking towards the castle.

At the same time, a notification rang in Alex's mind

[Found the system fragment]

He felt a strange sensation as the blue light surged through him. He realized that the blue light was the fragment he was searching for and that it had been absorbed into his body.

[Does the host want to integrate the newly acquired system fragments?]

'System what is present in this fragment?'

[This contains the 1/4 knowledge of magic present in the Omniverse]

'System if I integrate the fragments now, it will not cause any previous like previous integration right ?'

As Alex remembers, he lost conciseness during previous integrations.

[No this time that will not happen]

'Then integrate it'

[Intiating system fragment integration]


[Integration complete]

[Gained 1/4 knowledge of magic in the Omniverse]

Alex suddenly felt a rush of information dump into his mind, giving him a comprehensive understanding of the magical forces at play in the Omniverse.

A large amount of information about magic entered Alex's brain. Alex closed his eyes and had a headache due to a large amount of data transfer about the knowledge of magic. Alex was accessing a large amount of information very quickly and his brain was not able to process it all at once. This caused a surge of data that his brain could not handle, resulting in a headache.

While walking Alex began to digest the information given by the system and closed his eyes.

After 5 minutes

As he opened his eyes, he realized he had more knowledge of magic. His understanding of his abilities began to increase as he could use his abilities more easily and efficiently.

For instance, he could now cast a spell to arrange a portal between the worlds he travelled. He can also cast spells that affect the entire earth and many mass destruction spells. Now he can efficiently use large amount of his magic power.

[Restrictions placed on the host are removed]

[Host can now use 100% of his power]

Receiving the notification, Alex felt that the shackles placed on him when he arrived in this world were being removed.

'Now I can use my full power'.

'There should be no one who can match my power'

The group had arrived at Olympus Castle, the home of the Greek gods and the place where Zeus, the king of the gods, reigned supreme. Alex also felt many gods gathered inside

The doors of the castle opened and the group stepped inside.