Chapter 88 : Sorting ceremony

"Hannah Abbott"

Then a girl stood up and walked towards Professor and sat on the chair and professor put the hat on her. Then the hat shouted


Then the girl walked towards the Hufflepuff table and the sorting ceremony continued, just as in the movie Harry, Ron, and Hermione got sorted into Gryffindor then Alex's name came

Alex was called up to the stool

"Alex Walker"

Alex sat on the chair and put on the sorting hat,but the sorting hat didn't talk and a voice came to Alex's mind.

'Interesting, kid it's the first time I cannot able to enter someone's mind'

'Why do you think I can't be able to read your mind?'

'You guess?' Asked Alex

'Boy don't make fun of me, you are underestimating me '

'I'm an artifact made by the four founders of Hogwarts '

'Then why don't you try?' Said Alex

'I'm trying, but you are one weird kid '

''You think you can enter my mind, what do you take my system for ?' thought Alex in his mind

'Boy just tell me which house you want to go to?'

'What you gave up this easily ?'

'Yeah, just tell me '

'Just assign me to Gryffindor ' said Alex

'I respect your choice since young wizards have their right to choose their respective house in a special like you

'it is nice to meet you, young wizard, hope you achieve great achievements in your life '

'Thank you, Mr Sorting Hat '

While Alex was talking with the sorting hat

In the hall

All students were talking

"Why is it taking so long for his sorting ?"

'Yeah, it's already passed five minutes "

"is the hat broken ?'

"No how can the hat be broken? It is an artifact"

At the professor's table

"Professor Dumbledore isn't taking long for sorting ?" asked Flitwick

"Don't worry sometimes it will happen, no need to worry?" said Albus Dumbledore, but there was a vigilance in his eyes

Even though Dumbledore is called the greatest white wizard, his history is not all white, it can be said he created the second dark lord, because of his actions. Dumbledore's actions and decisions are considered to have caused the rise of the second Dark Lord, Voldemort, by allowing him to come into power.

Therefore, he was always vigilant whenever he encountered someone he could not understand. Now, he is also seeing Alex this way since he is mysterious and has a lot more magic than kids.

Then Sorting Hat shouted


Alex put down the Sorting Hat and walked towards the Gryffindor dining table, and sat beside Hermione

"Alex, why did it take long for your sorting ?" asked Hermione

"Nothing, just having a friendly chat with the hat "

"What did that cause some problems ?" asked Alex, as he also saw he is getting many weird stares from all the students.

"You don't know, while you were talking with the hat it caused a commotion as it took a long time for your sorting," said Hermione.

"Well it is not like I excepted this," said Alex, he also did not expect he will cause a commotion on his first day

However, he decided to ignore it since he doesn't care about that, and the only thing that bothers him is the intense stare that Dumbledore is giving him.

He just wanted to enjoy school life and not be targeted by the old fox, but now it seems far away since he caused a disturbance on his first day.

Even though it seems Dumbledore is a good guy in the movie, Alex knows he is not as good as the film would have it appear. He knows that if he gets suspected by Dumbledore now it will cause unnecessary problems for him.

"Hello, my name is Harry. It is nice to meet you "

Hearing that Alex came out of his thoughts and saw Harry sitting in front of him.

"Hello my name is Alex, nice to meet you, Harry," said Alex

"I'm Ron Weasley, nice to meet you too Alex "

"Nice to meet you too Ron "

After finishing his introductions, they ate their dinner

Following dinner, Dumbledore gave a speech, after which the first years left after following their respective houses' perfects. Gryffindor's first years followed Percy Weasley, as he is the perfect of the house.

The freshman followed Percy up and down the stairs, where there were paintings of many people who were moving. The freshmen were taken to the moving staircase, a feature of Hogwarts castle which is of its most iconic features. The moving staircase can take a person from one floor to another. It is a magical feature of the castle that adds to its charm and mystique.

"Remember the route, don't forget," said Percy Weasley

Then came a painting and Percy said

"if you say the password this door will open, and the password is Caput Draconis "

Then they came inside

"Right side is female rooms and the left side is male rooms, your luggage is in your rooms "

"You all go to your respective rooms," he said and left

Alex, Ron and Harry became roommates,after sorting out the luggage alex he slept on his bed thinking about something and he became sleepy and went into a deep sleep.