Chapter 89 : First class in Hogwarts

In the morning,

As the sun shone through the windows, an atmosphere of warmth filled the room and gave it a peaceful feeling. Alex stretched out and opened his eyes, feeling refreshed and ready to start the day.

Alex took a bath and wore his Gryfilndor uniform which was delivered to his room. Then he came to the hall to eat some breakfast and sat at Gryfilndor's table and bread, coffee and roasted chicken and vegetable stew appeared in front of him. Seeing this Alex began to eat then a voice came

"Alex, good morning."

Alex then turned his head and saw Hermione and she sat beside him. She also started eating.

"Hermione, why did you come alone?"

"Why didn't you come with your roommates?" asked Alex

Hearing this, Hermione flinched and this was noticed by Alex.

"Don't tell me, you didn't talk to them?"

"No I did talk to them but they ignored me," said Hermione feeling a little down.

"What did you talk about?"

"I talked about magic and other study-related matters."

Hearing that Alex's face plammed himself, how can he forget that Hermione is bad at making friends, even in the movie her friends are Harry and Ron and she has no other Girlfriends.

"Why did you talk about magic with them?"

"Isn't it interesting to talk about magic?"

"Not for other people, you have to talk about common things girls talk about "

"Isn't that a waste of time?" asked Hermione not understanding why anyone would waste their time like that.

Hearing Hermione reply Alex sighed. This is why this girl doesn't have any friends thought Alex.

"Hermione I know you like studying very much, but you also have to interact with others so that you can make friends with them."

"But didn't you become my friend?" asked Hermione

"Not everyone will be like me," said Alex

"I don't care about that. Since I have you I don't need other friends," said Hermione.

"Wrong, even if you don't need other friends you need them for other purposes "

"Okay, I will try my best," said Hermione weakly.

"Good now, let's discuss our classes," said Alex

"For today our first class is Transfiguration, which is led by Professor McGonagall"

"Next is Charms class which is led by Professor Flitwick "

"Alex do you know any transfiguration spells?" asked Hermione

"I know, but why?"

"Can you show me?" asked Hermione excitedly.

"Since our first class is transfiguration can't you wait until class?"

"No I can't wait, you also promised me you would teach me magic after we enter Hogwarts "

"Fine you win, I will show you a spell "

Then Alex waved his hand and the coffee turned into an owl. Alex can use magic even without a wand since he has high magic power.

"See this is a high-level transfiguration spell that can turn non-living things into living things."

"Wow, then how can you use high-level magic?"

"It is a secret."

"And you also didn't say any spell and used a wand "

"Oh, this is known as silent casting and wandless chanting which is only possible for very powerful wizards "

"Well then, how can a first-year student like you use it?" Hermione asked. After spending a month with Alex, Hermione also knows Alex is mysterious.

"Well because ...."

"Because......." said Hermione with anticipation that Alex was going to tell something important

"Because I'm special," said Alex with a smug smile

"Puah, you always brag about yourself," said Hermione with disappointment.

"Okay, let's go you don't want to be late for your first class "

"The classroom should be located on the ground floor of Hogwarts Castle, accessible from the Middle Courtyard. "

"Okay, let's go" as he took Hermione's hand and started walking towards the class.

The two of them arrived in front of a room and opened the door, and noticed only a few students had come since the class had not started yet, and Alex also noticed a black cat watching them from the podium.

Alex pulled Hermoine and sat in the middle of the table. Seeing the cat, Hermoine asked

"Alex, why is there a cat in the classroom?"

"You will know it soon," said Alex. Not telling the cat is professor McGonagall

While the two were talking, the classroom was filled with First Year wizards who were excited about their first class.

Since Slytherin and Gryffindor have the same timetable for most of their classes, the Slytherin students also came.

The left side of the classroom is filled with Slytherin students and the right side is filled with Gryffindor students.

As the time approached nine o'clock

A bell rang indicating the start of class. At this moment, the closed classroom door was opened again, and everyone focused their attention on the two figures who opened the door.

"Come on Harry, we're going to be late!"

The sound of panting was followed by Ronald with red hair running in with a book in his arms. When he saw that there was no one on the podium, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Looks like the professor is late too!"

And Harry, who followed behind, was also relieved. He also didn't want to be late for their first class

Then the cat jumped from the podium and turned into Professor McGonagall

" Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, It's not appropriate to be late on your first day," said Professor