Chapter 95 : Forbidden forest (2)

At the entrance to the Forbidden Forest

A blue magic circle emerged and two people appeared in the magic circle. These two people were none other than Alex and Hermione.

The entrance of the Forbidden Forest was an eerie sight, the trees looming ominously above them and a thick mist obscuring their vision.

"Alex, is it okay to go to the forbidden forest?"

"It seems scary," said Hermione as seeing Forbidden forest

"There is no need to be scared since I'm here," said Alex.

"Oaky "

"Let's go "

Then Alex and Hermione started walking towards the forbidden forest. With a sense of anticipation, they walked side by side in silence.

Inside the Forbidden Forest, they could hear the sounds of animals and see the eerie shadows of the trees. It was a world of mystery and magic, one they had never experienced before. The Forbidden Forest was a place of mystery and enchantment, filled with creatures they had never seen before and plants they had never encountered. The air was thick with the smell of damp earth and exotic blossoms, and the shadows of the trees danced in the moonlight.

"Alex, are there any scary creatures?"

"Yes, there are many "

"But don't worry, since I'm with you there is no need to be worried."

"So Alex, is there any particular magical creature you want to see?"

"Nothing, I just want to see magical creatures "

Then Alex and Hermione continued their journey in the forbidden forest, and Alex felt like they were being followed by something as they entered the innermost of the Forbidden forest.

"Alex, did you hear all the sounds?"

"yes "

"It seems like we are being followed," said Alex

"What we are being followed ?"

"Who is following us?"

"It's not who, there are some strange things following us?"

"What things?"

"You will see them?"

Alex's words had a magical effect, and the spiders seemed to appear out of nowhere. They crept out from the shadows of the trees, encircling the two of them.

The spiders are many times larger than an average spider. These is the spiders which present in the forbidden forest.

"Eeek, what are these?"

"Why are the spiders this big?" Hermione asked as she became both disgusted and fearful after seeing the spiders.

"These are Acromantula, the spiders that live in the Forbidden forest "

"Why are there this many ?"

"Well they have excessive births, which caused the whole forbidden forest to be filled with them "

"Why are they surrounding us?" asked Hermione as she tightly held Alex's arm

"What do you think?"

"I don't know "

"Why else they are hungry?"

"Then they want to eat us?" asked Hermione as she became scared

"yes, there is no one to feed them "

"So they are very hungry, so they want to eat us."

"Then what do we do? There are so many that we can't escape "

"Don't worry, there is no need for us to escape."

"I have a way to deal with them."

As Alex and Hermione were talking the spiders slowly started near them. Seeing this a black fireball appeared on Alex's hands.

This is one of the abilities he obtained when his race changed to the dragon. He can control many different kinds of flame. Although this was something he had rarely used before, he knew instinctively how to use it as a weapon.

One of them is this black flame that has a high temperature and can burn anything to ashes, one of its properties is that it can burn souls to ashes as well.

Then a flame surrounded all the spiders and started attacking them when they saw the fire coming towards them.

Seeing the fire coming towards them, the spiders felt danger and wanted to escape but before they were surrounded by Alex's black flame.

The spiders started to screech in fear and panic as they saw the fire coming closer, desperately trying to find a way to escape the flames.

As the fire approached the spiders it started burning them, and the spiders screeched which resounded throughout the forbidden forest.

The fire didn't burn the surrounding as Alex precisely controlled the fire and only burned Spiders. He didn't want to cause a commotion by burning the whole forest.

Soon all the spiders turned into ashes, and the surroundings became clear.


"See there are no spiders"


"Alex, is that black flame magic? "

"No, it is not."

"Then what is that?"

"It is a special ability that is unique to me."

"Oh " nodded hemione

"Let's go and continue our exploration," said Alex and again started to ex[plore the forest.