Chapter 96 : Forbidden forest (3)

After Dealing with Spiders Alex and Hermione continued their exploration.

After walking for some time Alex heard the sounds of some creatures fighting

"Alex, did you also hear?"

"yes "

"it seems like some creatures are fighting, let's go and see "

Alex was curious to find out what was going on and thought that he could help if needed, so he decided to investigate the source of the noise

Upon entering the place, he saw three giant spiders, which are two times bigger than the previous spider, attacking a baby unicorn.

The baby unicorn had white fur and a silver horn, which shined brightly even in the darkness of the room. Its eyes were wide with fear, but it still showed courage when it tried to fight back against the spiders.

Alex was watching the scene while hiding behind the large trees and decided to deal with spiders

Then Alex used his telekinesis and crushed the heads of Spiders giving them no time to react

Hermione who saw this was dumbfounded.

What did she see?

Why did the spider's head get crushed?

Who did this?

Then her eyes fell on Alex, and then

"Alex, did you do that?"


"I mean crushing the heads of those spiders."

"Yes, I did "

"But how ? nevermind forget I asked that, " said Hermione as she also understood it is one of Alex's mysterious abilities.

"Okay "

"Do you want to help that unicorn?" she asked as she saw the pitiful condition of the Baby Unicorn

"Well, I can "

Due to the poison, the baby unicorn was unable to move and suffered intense pain in the body. When it had given up on hope and thought it was about to die

The unicorn heard footsteps approaching them. It saw two humans approaching them and became vigilant and tried to move.

"Don't move, we are trying to help" a warm voice said, hearing that it had stopped moving.

"Okay let's heal you "

At that moment, a green light emanated from Alex's hand and flew towards the unicorn. The green light surrounded the unicorn's body and removed the poison from it as well as healing its injuries.

The wounds on the body began to close as they began to heal. This made it appear as if there had never been an injury before. Within 15 seconds all of the wounds were completely healed.

The unicorn who felt the pain and injuries disappeared stood up on its four legs and started running around Alex as it was expressing its happiness for saving it.

Even though it's a baby since it is a magical creature its intelligence is no less than a human kid. So it knew Alex was the one who helped it

Then it came in front of Alex and started stroking his chest with its head expressing its thanks.

Having never seen a unicorn before, Alex patted the unicorn's head and was also surprised as it was the first time he had seen one since his journey began. And it's truly different from normal animals.

"Wow, it is gorgeous," said Hermione as she watched the unicorn

Girls like beautiful and cute things and girls. At around Hermione's age, girls are often drawn to things that are beautiful, whimsical, and represent innocence, which is why she was so taken aback by the unicorn.

"Do you want to touch it?"

"Can I?"

"Yes, here, " said as he took Hermione hand and placed it on Unicorn's head

Hermione began to caress the unicorn's head.

The unicorn made a happy sound as it liked Hermione's caressing.

"Do you want to play with it?"

"Can I ?" asked Hermione with an excited voice

"Yes, but don't leave my sight."


Then Hermione and the baby unicorn started playing as the baby unicorn also loved playing with Hermione. Since its mother was eaten by spiders it always spent time alone in the forest

Seeing Hermione had Alex in a good mood, but his smile froze as he noticed a large group of spiders approaching them.

"I don't understand. Why would Hogwarts allow so many spiders to live in the Forbidden Forest?"

"Because of them only most of the creatures in the forbidden forest disappeared."

"Do they not think when they can't find food "

"They will attack students at Hogwarts."

"I don't understand their thinking."

"Since I'm here I will deal with them."

"But dealing with many of them at the same time"

"I can only use spells of mass destruction, "he said as he saw the large group of spiders.

"Hermione we are leaving "

Hearing that hemione who was playing with the unicorn stopped

"Can't we stay for a while longer?"

"No, there are a lot of spiders approaching."

"So we have to leave."

"Can we take the unicorn with us?"

"I don't think it will be safe since many spiders are coming "

"Nope we can't take it with us "

"But I have another way."

"What is it?"

Then Alex drew his wand because he was going to perform complicated magic, and pointed it in the direction of the unicorn. Two magic circles appeared one at the unicorn's feet, and the other at Hermione's feet.

Then Hermione felt a connection forming between her and the unicorn

"Accept the connection, Hermione."

Hearing that Hermione nodded and the magic circle began to glow and the unicorn disappeared,

"Alex where did the unicorn go "

"I just performed a familiar contract between you and Unicorn "

"You can sense it."

"Try it"

Then Hermione concentrated her thoughts and thought about the earlier connection and she saw the unicorn running in a forest happily.

"Wow, Alex what did you do?"

"I have no time to explain."

"l will first teleport to your room "

Then Alex teleported Hermione to her room and turned to deal with the spiders.