Chapter 109 : Nimbus 2000

" So what did you face to cause the ring to react?" asked Alex who was lazily sitting on his bed with sleepy eyes. Having felt the magic circle he had engraved on the ring being used, he awoke from his sleep.

Harry was given the ring by Alex because it could help them with basic spells. The ring can automatically cast spells when needed.

A magic circle that could be used to teleport was also engraved on the ring. When in danger, this circle will teleport the user and nearby people to the destined location which was coded on the ring.

Faced with Alex's question, Harry and Ron turned their attention towards Alex, who was sitting on the bed.

"Alex, how are we here?" asked Harry

"Yeah,we were supposed to be on the third floor ?" asked Ron

"Well the ring I gave has a function that will teleport the users to safety if they encounter danger," said Alex

"So that is how we escaped?" asked Harry.

"Yeah, now can you tell me what danger you have faced?"

" Alex, we saw a huge three-headed dog on the third floor is huge.... " said Ron as he wiped the sweat on his forehead and gasped.

He was still scared when thinking about that dog, as it had a loud bark that made his heart skip a beat.

"Yes we thought we were going to become its food "

"Is that so?" asked Alex

Alex began to wonder how these two guys' fates had not changed. They still found those rooms and almost got attacked. If not for my caution, they would be in serious trouble.

" Yes "

" Why do you think such a dangerous animal is present at Hogwarts?" asked harry

"And what are the professors thinking by allowing such a dangerous animal in the school?"

"Well, the headmaster warned you not to go into that room already," said Alex

" But you still entered that room and were about to become that dog food"

"Yes, still thinking about that dog gives me chills," said Ron while shivering

"That's why I said not to go," said Alex

"But you didn't listen to my advice."

" Yes that Malfoy cheated us," said Harry

" You can blame your foolishness for that? "

"Yes, we were wrong to listen to Malfoy," said Ron

" Okay "x2

" Since you learned your lesson, good night "

" I'm going to get some sleep "

Then Alex slept

Harry and Ron also slept in their respective beds

In the morning

In the hall

" So you guys are saying, there is a huge three-headed dog in Hogwarts?" asked Hermione.

"Yes, Harry and I saw it," said Ron

"Are you sure about that?" asked Hermione

" Yes, you can also ask Alex "

"Don't ask me I didn't see it? "

Though Alex already knew, what would be the point of telling him? There is no fun in that, but it is fun to watch how they will find it out.

It would be better to find it on their own, it will also give them some time to master their newly acquired skill.

If they can't find out till the end he will help.

"We are hundred percent sure, there is something there," said Ron

" But how can we find it?"

"That is the question."

" Why don't you ask Hagrid? He knows a lot about fantastic beasts " said Alex.

" Yeah, how can we forget about Hagrid?"

"I'm going to ask him tomorrow about it," said Harry

" Harry you have a quidditch match next month, you have to practice for it," said Alex

" Yes, we have a match with the Slytherins," said Ron as he also remembered the quidditch match.

" We can't lose to them "

" It seems like you have to postpone your meeting with Hagrid," said Alex.

" Yes, but I don't have a broom "

Suddenly, an owl swooped down and delivered a letter with a broomstick, just in time for the meeting. It was an unexpected turn of events, but it seemed like fate was on their side as the owl had come from nowhere to deliver the broomstick exactly when it was needed.

Then the owl stooped at Professor Mcgongal's table, who was sitting at the professor's table.

Harry opened the parcel and saw a broomstick.

The Nimbus 2000 was a shiny deep navy colour with silver trim and had the number 2000 written on the handle in silver lettering. It also had a sleek and aerodynamic design, with a curved handle and wide sweeping bristles

"Wow!, it's nimbus 2000 new edition " exclaimed Ron seeing the broom

"It seems Professor McGonagall also wants you to win," Hermione remarked as she noticed the owl that had brought the gift belonged to McGonagall.

"Yes Harry you have to win, "said Ron

"I will try my best," said Harry