Chapter 110: Soul extraction

The next day

At night

The night sky was blanketed in deep blue, illuminated by the full moon's soft, silvery glow. Stars twinkled in the distance, and the air was filled with a mysterious stillness.

The forbidden forest appeared dark and foreboding, the trees looming tall and thick, their branches reaching out to obscure the moonlight. A chill breeze rustled the leaves, and the stillness of the night was punctuated by the hoots of owls.

A figure was seen rushing through the trees.

The figure seemed to barely touch the ground as it quickly weaved between the trunks and branches, like a ghostly apparition. Its movements were almost silent, and the only sound was the occasional crunch of fallen leaves beneath its feet.

This figure is none other than Alex, as he came to the forbidden forest to test his skills.

As he was running he saw a spider

"Well let's try my skill on you "

Then Alex came in front of Spider swiftly without giving it a chance to react, immobilizing it with telekinesis.

"Now let's try this "

A small number of blue particles began to gather around Alex's hand, and he directed them towards the spider, which was now completely immobilized. The particles began to wrap around the spider, and soon it was completely encased in thin blue light.

"The first step is completely invading the body with spiritual energy "

"Now the second step is to sense the soul with spiritual energy."

Now he is trying to develop a skill which will extract the souls from the body so he came to the forbidden forest which is full of fantastic beasts.

The spiritual energy invaded the whole body of the spider, and Alex felt a connection with the spider's soul. He closed his eyes to concentrate on that connection.

Alex then spotted a bright red particle which was in a sphere shape surrounded by darkness, which seemed to be the spider's soul. Alex was amazed by the beauty and complexity of the soul.

'System is this the soul? '

[ Yes host, this is the inner world of the spider ]

'Then do I also have an inner world? '

[ Yes host ]

' Then can I enter it? "

[ Yes, but you have to practice for that ]

'Okay, for now, I will deal with this soul.'

The spiritual energy that invaded the spider's body entered the inner world. Then Alex changed the shape of spiritual energy and formed it into shackles. And the shackles surrounded the soul and started binding. The sphere started resisting as it did not want to leave the place.

'Augh!, damn it stop resisting '

Alex began to increase his spiritual energy and he formed a blue transparent cube around the soul in which the soul was trapped.

While Alex was extracting the soul, the spider began to make various sounds as it felt like something was invading its body.

'Now the final step is extraction. '

Alex then extracted the spiritual energy from the Spider. Blue light began to come out of the spider's body, and a blue transparent cube with bright red particles also came

Alex caught the cube and observed the soul. And a notification came to his mind

[Soul extraction (A) skill acquired]

The spider also stopped moving as it lost its soul.

'Now let's try to revive this dead body with this soul'.

Then Alex carefully placed the soul on the spider's body, trying to place it where it had previously been placed.

Alex then came to the inner place of the body and saw the entire place is dark and placed the soul in the middle.

Once the soul had been placed, it began to disperse as it lost its stability.

Seeing the revival as a failure

'It seems like it's not easy to place a soul in a body. It seems like I have a long way to go before learning that '

'Let's try again.'

'As there are many subjects in the forbidden forest' thought Alex with a big smile.

At the same time, all the creatures in the forbidden forest felt like they were being stared at by something evil.

After an hour

Alex was standing surrounded by many spider-dead bodies

'Failed again'

'It is really hard to revive someone

'System, how much time will it take for me to master this ?'

[It will take some time ]

[but don't get discouraged, you are making great progress]

'Yeah '

'Do you have any other ideas to develop this skill?'

'I'm not getting any more ideas '

[Host: Why don't you try making living things out of spiritual energy?]

[it's better than the skill you are trying now]

'But it is hard to create life.'

[But you have that potential, don't forget all creatures are born with the help of spiritual energy ]

"Then how can I create them?"

[You have to find it on your own]

[The system on;y gives you instructions. You have to develop it by yourself ]

'Yeah, yeah you always said that '

Alex lifted his head and saw the night sky. The clear night sky was filled with stars, and the moon was shining brightly. Alex felt a peace come over him as he looked up at the spectacular sight.

"it seems like I have a long way before I can revive people "

"And I have to start searching for fragments of the system as well."