Chapter 209: Cullen's family changes

After some time, Alex sat at the dinner table with the Cullens family, and they all began to talk. Esme tried to make Alex and Bella feel welcome.

"Well Alex, Bella eat this food specially made for both of you," said Esme with a motherly smile.

"Why don't you guys eat too?" asked Bella with a confused expression. Edward didn't tell much her about vampires.

"Bella, we are vampires. We can only drink blood," said Emmett with a forced smile.

"Yeah, that is the disadvantage of being a vampire," said Alice with a slightly sad expression. Besides her Jasper looked like he was having difficulty breathing.

"Yeah, I miss those foods," said Edythe with a face of disappointment as she thought of her human days when she enjoyed eating.

"Don't think about the past. It is not possible for us to be normal " said Carlisle

"That is right, we are soulless creatures," said Edward with a grim face.

"Don't talk about depressing things Edward" said Edythe as she scolded Edward.

"It is possible for me to make you normal," said Alex with a calm expression.

"Is that really possible? " asked Carlisle

"Yes, it is really easy for me to remove sparkling characteristics and make you the same as normal humans."

"But you still remain a vampire so you have to drink blood once a month."

"Except for immortality and drinking blood, you will be the same as humans, you can eat and enjoy other things "

"Can you really do that?" asked Emmett with an excited expression.

"Yes, I have seen and done many things and this is a simple thing for me."

"If you want I can do it now," said Alex

"Really? " All asked at the same time

"Yes, do you want to?"

"Yes," all said

All were surprised and happy to hear that they could change their characteristics and also have a chance to have children. Although they were satisfied with their present life but how can they disagree when they were presented with such an offer?

"Okay, then whatever happens don't move " said Alex as a magic circle appeared in his eyes.

Then a large amount of life force began to emanate from his body. A green aura began to emanate from Alex's body, spreading outward until it filled the entire room. The life force he was emitting was so strong that it felt like the air was alive, buzzing with energy.

Seeing the green aura emanating from Alex, everyone was shocked. They had never seen anything like it before and didn't understand what was happening. They were all filled with awe and amazement at the power and strength of the life force emanating from Alex.

They also felt relief all over their body, as if the energy was healing and calming them. Bella opened her mouth in shock as she looked at Alex.

The room was filled with massive amounts of life force, and the air was thick with energy. Even though his divinities are locked away, Alex can still use his divinity by consuming his magic power. But it doesn't work as efficiently as using divine power.

Divine power and magic are two different energies, whereas magic is based on the power of nature to perform any kind of magic. While divine power is like a law which controls a certain aspect of the universe.

Then in Alex's eyes, a complex D.N.A. of vampires appeared. Looking at the D.N.A. Then he began to change the D.N.A. by manipulating the Divine power and using its energy to reshape the strands of the vampire's D.N.A., thus creating a vampire without the defects of the common vampires.

Then he finalized a D.N.A. which is perfect, one which is free of all the defects and weaknesses of the common vampires. He created a vampire that was immune to the weaknesses of the old vampires and could become much more powerful.

"Now the final step begins."

Then the green aura began to flow into Cullen's bodies. The life force which entered their bodies began to reshape the D.N.A. and at the same time began to modify the body to adapt to the new body.

The Cullens felt a warm feeling all over their body at the same time. Changes also began to appear on their bodies as their white cold skin began to turn into fair skin and their eyes also turned normal.

"This? Edward, your eyes look normal," said Edythe in surprise.

"You also look normal and see all family members look normal," said Edward

All the Cullens were surprised and happy. Likewise, the dinner table was full of smiles, and the atmosphere was full of laughter and joy. They were happy to get rid of the vampire worries they had and be able to be a normal family again.

After some time Alex left saying goodbye to Rosalie and Cullen's family.