Chapter 210: Underworld

As Alex left Cullen's after dinner, he said his last goodbyes.

After leaving Cullen's house, Alex left with a smile on his face. He flew towards the sky, taking in the sight of the town of Forks below, the streetlights twinkling in the darkness.

"Well it's a peaceful place," said Alex as he looked at Forks town.

"What should I do tonight?" Thought Alex as he was floating above Forks town.

"Should I go to my room and sleep?" thought Alex

"No it's boring to sleep let's go and explore this world I feel this world is not the same as Twilight " a doubt began to emerge in Alex's mind.

Because he saw something he shouldn't have seen in this world. Then he took out a book with the title "The Legend of Alexander Corvinus ".

He found this book two days ago in an old bookstore while travelling with Rosalie. At first, he thought the book cover was interesting but after seeing the book he brought it from book store. Because he felt he saw Alexander Corvinus's name in some movie.

Then he opened the book and read it

Alexander was a Hungarian warlord who came to power in the early fifth century. He ascended to power just in time to watch his village be ravaged by an unknown plague. Alexander was the only plague survivor.

After that, he has conquered the whole of Hungary country with his army. His battles were said to have been magnificent as he didn't die on the battlefield. He is said to be an immortal warrior who didn't fall on the battlefield.

After his victory, he fathered three children. With his wife Helena, he fathered three children twin brothers Marcus and William Corvinus.

His third child's information was not mentioned in the book. Like that Alex came over to your last page where he saw Alexander died at the age of 80 and his kingdom fell.

As Alex glanced at the book's end, he placed it in his inventory and closed it.

"As I suspected it seems there is another world integrated into this world "

'System why didn't you mention this? '

[I thought host would find it on his own ]

'So you did know that the underworld is also integrated with this world '


'Here I thought you didn't know either?'

[Don't underestimate the system, I just thought of it as a test for the host ]

'Okay did I pass ? '

[Yes barely passed ]

'Tch, you can't even compliment me '

'Well I thought life in Twilight would be boring but I didn't expect there to underworld integrated into this world'

'Now I can find some fun '

"Now before that let's message Rosalie," thought Alex as he took out his phone.

Alex: Babe , I'm going to have some work for two days

Alex: Can I go?

Then a reply came

Rosalie: where are you going?

Alex: Hungary

Rosalie: Why?

Alex : Just some work to do , don't worry I will return in three or four days.

Rosalie: Okay take care

Alex: Don't worry about me , there is nothing in this world that can harm me.

Rosalie: Good night, Babe love you

Alex: Love you too.

Alex placed his phone in his pocket and looked towards the direction of Hungary.

"I don't even know how much the plot progressed of the underworld "

"Let's hope not much progress otherwise there will be fun to watch "

Then Alex flew towards Hungary at the speed of sound. This caused a sonic boom as he moved, reverberating throughout sky The shockwave from the sonic boom dispersed the cloud around him and moonlight bathed the area in a brilliant glow, illuminating the night sky.

As Alex moved, the clouds around him dispersed, revealing a brilliant moonlit night sky. He looked like a comet passing through the night sky, with a bright trail of light following behind him.

That night many saw a wonderful comet in the skies of the U.S.A.

After a half hour, he arrived in Budapest. He quietly floats above the skies of Budapest. The night sky was filled with thick, dark, and gloomy clouds that cast a gloomy shadow over the city of Budapest.

There were some signs of rain in the air, and he could feel the occasional drop of rain fall on his face. He could also see the occasional flash of lightning in the night sky, followed by the sound of thunder.

"Ugh, I hate rainy days" muttered Alex as he erected an invisible barrier around him with his telekinesis.

"But I guess it is suitable for the vampires of Hungary," he thought as he looked at the gloomy rainy city below him. The raindrops glistened on the cobblestone roads and the old buildings.