Chapter-237: Marvel

After a month,

Selene was also added to Alex's harem.

Alex was squeezed daily by his lovers without a gap as they wanted kids. Alex could also understand them although they looked young they were at an age where they wanted to have Kids. Alex also felt that now he has a higher chance of having a child as his understanding of Life is 50%, which means he has mastered half the law of life in the Omniverse.

So he might expect one of them to be going to be pregnant soon. But he doesn't know who that is going to be.

He is also excited about having a child, and he spends most of his time in the bedroom with his lovers. This continued for weeks, and after that, Alex decided to go to that last world to collect the fragment.

Now with his strength, he can easily get the fragment. As for saying this to his lovers, he felt he didn't need to say it as he would be gone for a short time.

But today in the morning, Luna's words made him think for a moment.

"Alex, you will definitely be surprised when you enter the new world"

He still didn't understand, what was the meaning of her words, is she saying he would be surprised, Did she know the world he was going to, Alex asked that but Luna didn't tell. He also stooped thinking as he would see it soon.

"Let's go to that and get it over with, with my strength I will collect that fragment in a day," thought Alex as he opened a portal leading to the world with the last fragment.

But what he didn't expect was getting this fragment was going to be hard.

"System, let's go and get that fragment and see your original body."


Then Alex entered the portal. As he exited the portal what he saw was a void space with nothing but pitch blackness and not even a speck of light. It's like someone has devoured the energy of the entire universe.

"Is this the surprise Luna was talking about? "

"Don't tell me I'm outside of the omniverse? " thought with some fear, as according to the system explanation there are many beings here who can kill Alex.

[Nope, you are still in the Omniverse]

Then Alex expanded his senses and found that this universe is destroyed because it's lost its rules supporting it. As Alex was increasing his ability to the Multiverse level suddenly he felt space fluctuations in space and turned around to see a huge golden being with three faces, and a blue circle of light shining on its chest.

"Living Tribunal ?" he thought as he saw the appearance.

"Don't tell me I'm in Marvel, is this the surprise Luna was talking about?"

"Outsider, why did you arrive in this reality?" asked the Living Tribunal with an emotionless voice.

"I'm just here for visiting purposes, I'm on my way now so goodbye," said Alex, as he felt nothing good come out of fighting this guy.

"No, exit this Multiverse now. I can't let you stay here, your power destroys the balance of Multiverse "

"Like I said I won't do anything."

"No, your presence disrupts balance. Either go back or prepare for Erasure "

'This damn guy does he think I'm weak just because I'm tiny '

'Let me beat the shit out of this guy, I can't leave these as there are many beautiful women in this world, I will not miss them.'

[Aren't fragments important?]

'The fragment doesn't go anywhere, but the women will suffer. So I'm going to save them.'

[I sometimes wonder how you can say those words shamelessly]

'To get a harem, you have to sacrifice something '

[What are those?]

'Shame and face '

'Otherwise, you can't pursue women'.

[ ]

This time the system was really speechless and decided not to talk.

"Ready for Erasure " Saud Tribunal as he lifted his hand.

A mysterious energy surrounded Alex but didn't show any effect.

"I'm immune to it you dumbass now it's my turn "