Chapter-238: Fighting Living Tribunal.

Then Alex's body began to transform into a huge white dragon. The huge white dragon had a long, slender neck and a long, sinuous tail, with wings that were spread wide and its whole body covered in shimmering white scales.

Its scales glittered like a thousand tiny diamonds. Its head was crowned with a pair of golden horns, and its eyes shone like two suns filled with power. Its claws and teeth were sharp and deadly which looked like they could tear space apart.

"Now it's time for beating "Alex opened his mouth and a large red beam was expelled from his mouth.

Which carried the destruction energy in it, as it started to destroy the space around them and form cracks around dimension walls leading to another parallel Universe. The whole Universe started shaking because of the power. Alex controlled his power otherwise the other parallel universes might also have been affected.

The Living Tribunal just avoided it.

"Hmph, space movements, huh?" muttered Alex as he looked at the Living Tribunal space movement, then he locked the entire space around them.

"Now you won't."

"Space lock"

"Now your space is locked, you aren't going to use any space movements."

"Reality warping," said the Living Tribunal

As the reality around you began to distort and even the collapsed timeline began to distort, even destroying the universe.

But Alex was fine just looking at the Living Tribunal.

'Well Immune to Reality Warping'

Alex immediately appeared in front of the Living Tribunal and held his body with his giant claw. Living Tribunal was struggling and all his body shone and he disappeared along with Alex.

The next moment they appeared in a space surrounded by many universes. It is vast and was nothing like the previous universe. The Living Tribunal disappeared from Alex's hands.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Expel you from this universe."

Then a glint portal appeared behind Alex which began to suck him. Alex just sneered and the portal behind him shrank and disappeared. Compared to the living Tribunal, Alex's mastery of laws is greater, so he could easily erase the portal.

"Now, I don't want to mess with you anymore."


As many chains filled with destruction energy began to appear which has the power to destroy a universe, the Living Tribunal wanted to escape but was immobile as he was surrounded by red light.

But the red light began to disappear the Living Tribunal was also powerful in Reality Warping.

"I know it can't stop you but it only needs to delay you. My destruction chains will stop you"

His destruction energy originated from Origin so it has the power to destroy cosmic energy and Reality, so the Living Tribunal can't escape from the destruction chains. He didn't want to kill the Living Tribunal as it would attract more problems.

So he needs to imprison him for some time.

The destruction chains began to surround the Living Tribunal as he tried to stop them with his powers, but those powers disappeared as they neared the chains. So the chains imprisoned the Living Tribunal and locked away his powers.

"Just stay here, this chains will disappear after a year," said Alex as he turned back to his human form.

Then he turned to look at the Multiverse where different parallel universes coexist. Then his eyes turned and emitted a brilliant white light and he sensed all the parallel earths.

"Wow, so many parallel Marvel universes!"

"MCU, zombie universe, TVA, Gender bender world, Animal world, Villain Avengers, Collapesed timeliness, World ruled by Hydra "

Alex looked at all the parallel universes, with his Nigh-Omniscience.

"Which world should I go to? "

"Let's do random," he thought as he opened a portal.

"Marvel here I come" muttered Alex as he entered the portal.