Chapter-241: Tony Stark

Alex was flying above the chaos looking at the fight between Hulk and Abomination.

"Well, Hulk is weak as compared to Abomination in this situation"

He can guess the reason is that the Antidote that Bruce took is suppressing his strength. Hulk is also not in his prime, as he can get more strength as he becomes more angry, but he is not sure whether that applies to the MCU Hulk.

"Hulk, you are weak" shouted Abomination with a sneer as he looked at Hulk who was under his feet struggling. Hulk was trying to get up but Abomination firmly suppressed Hulk under his feet.

"I should go and help, Hulk "

Alex was ready to take action. But then he saw an object flying and coming towards him. He looked up and saw the armour in iconic red and golden colour with an arc reactor at the chest.

"It seems, Iron Man came "

Alex can already guess why Iron Man came, as this is different from the movie since this is real life. Ironman who is a hero figure can't stay still as two monsters fighting in New York.

"Jarvis, who is that man flying? Is he using some futuristic anti-gravity technology?" asked Tony as he also saw Alex who was floating in the sky without any equipment.

"No, sir my scans didn't detect any electronic devices on him."

"So that means, he is flying with something else "

"Yes, sir "

Then he arrived in front of Alex and looked at Alex who was still maintaining a smile and looking at him without a surprise.

"I don't know what technical you are using but that is great. Can you sell it to me? Money is not a problem " said Tony as soon as he arrived in front of Alex.

Alex who heard this just shook his head. Tony still has the same personality. The thing he likes about Tony is he is charismatic and eccentric. He is also very proud, but also very altruistic and heroic. And he also learns from his mistakes. One of the rarest qualities that makes him a great hero.

"Tony, there are some things in this universe that you can't buy with money."

Alex said patiently.

"Name your price man, I won't believe it, I can't afford it," said Tony with a little arrogance. Naturally, he has the ability to back it up. He is a genius scientist and the richest man in the world. He doesn't believe that there is anything in this world he can't buy.

"This isn't technology Tony, this is magic "

"Magic? What kind of scam are you pulling? Magic is nothing but petty tricks and it doesn't exist " he is a scientist and he only believes in technology.

"Believe it or not I don't care " said Alex as he looked down and saw Hulk's situation wasn't good and decided to talk to Tony next time.

"Hey, you....." Tony wanted to argue but saw Alex flying towards the monsters and was confused.

"Is this guy trying to die?"

Alex landed on the ground in front of Abomination looking calmly at him. Abomination who saw just sneered and ignored Alex and said in arrogance

"Punybug, get out of here otherwise you will die."

He is in a good mood because he defeated the Hulk and now he is suffering under his feet.

"Bug me?"

If he is considered a bug, then what are you? thought Alex.

"Yeah, scram "

"You just leave now I can spare your life " said Alex boredly. As for dealing with Abomination, he could deal with it in a second.

"Spare me? You ant "

Abomination went raging and punched towards Alex. He had a smug smile on his face as an ant like a human can't survive his pinch.

Tony who saw this was shocked " This guy is trying to die. Jarvis put the energy into the thrusters"

Many people who also saw the situation in the live broadcast began to discuss it. How can news channels miss this type of opportunity? They have been broadcasting the situation from the moment the fight began.

"Wait is this guy trying to die? "

"Is this guy crazy? "

"Yeah, didn't he see how that green monster was beaten?"

"Pity, such a handsome man will die."

All who were seeing the live began to mourn for Alex

"What is this guy trying to do? " thought Fury with a deep thought as he looked at the situation.

But the expected scene didn't happen of Alex turning into meat paste. But they saw something unexpected which made them drop their jaws in shock.