Chapter-242: Shock

Alex blocked abomination's punch with a finger like he was stopping an ant. He looked bored at Abomination as if asking is this all you can do?

"Is this it? " asked Alex while yawning

"You ant,how can you have this much power?" shouted Abomination in shock and disbelief. He won't believe that this puny human body can stop his punch again. Otherwise, why would he turn into this disgusting monster for power?

"I don't believe that you can stop my punch again."

Abomination retracted his hand and put more power into his hand, and this time he was sure he would kill this guy.

"So slow"

Alex suddenly appeared in front of Abomination and punched Abomination Chin with little power.


Abomination was too late to react and Alex's punch sent him flying towards the sky. There was a massive shockwave caused by Alex's punch, which shook the surroundings. All the buildings' glasses were also shattered.

Abomination was shot into the sky like a rocket with unimaginable speed.

"Did I use too much power ? " thought Alex as he looked towards the sky. He felt that with Abomination's going speed he might leave Earth's atmosphere in a minute. Even though he controlled it to a minimum it was still too much. Well, it seems he still needs time to control his physical power.

"Jarvis, I'm hallucinating?" asked Tony with a dumb face.

"No, sir this is real."

Then Tony looked up and saw Abomination nowhere seen in the sky.

"Jarvis, can you track the location of that monster? "

"Sir, the monster is out of Earth's atmosphere which was caught by your satellite 5 seconds ago "

Tony immediately looked at Alex who was on the ground looking dumbly upwards. He felt the situation was still not real.

What the fuck did he see?

A handsome man of course not handsome as him, sent a monster to outer space with just a single punch.

Is this still human?

Compared to those monsters, he felt this man might be more dangerous. Even though the monsters are extremely strong Tony feels they have limits.

But now seeing him, he felt this manpower was beyond human comprehension. Otherwise even with all the latest technology it still takes 30 minutes for a rocket to go to space.

To send it in one minute, it can't be measured anymore.

"Jarvis, do you think there is a chance for my suit to face him?"

"Sir, 100 % you will die "

"Hey, don't I have at least a chance?"

"Sir, If you want I can say you have 0.0000000000000000001% of survival Sir "

" "

Tony felt Jarvis was making fun of him. Next time when he updates the code of Jarvis he will make sure he doesn't make fun of his boss. But he also felt Jarvis's words were true.

"Jarvis, I want all the info about that guy."

At the same time, Nick Fury's side.

Fury's whole face was dumbfounded and looked like he ate shit.

Mommyfuck what did he see?

Is it something that can be done by humans?

Even he who saw many weird things felt that Alex was on a whole other level.

Previously he thought Alex had some kind of flying or Teleportation skill. But seeing him sending Abomination into the sky. His mind is filled with shock and numbness.

"Immediately Earse all the videos about this, I want all the news broadcasts stopped immediately " shouted Fury. He couldn't let this spread anymore. This thing is beyond common even more weird than those monsters. He can't let many people know about this.

"Sir, the news has already spread throughout New York," said one operator

"Then erase all the pictures of this man, it can't leak and if you can't do that you can all say goodbye to your salaries this month."

Since the news of the monster can't be stopped, he will stop the news of this monster who is in human skin. The reason is of course not to annoy the person. From all the scenes he can conclude one thing.

A very powerful person appeared in New York. According to his power, it seems above Hulk and bullets may not affect him. He can survive in space and his known abilities of him seem to be super strength, and flight as for other abilities he needs to observe him more.

First, he needs to know the intentions of the other party. He also needs to confirm whether he is from other planets. If he came from another planet what are his motives for coming to Earth?

Do they come with a friendly nature or for invasion? If he is an enemy how to deal with him? He needs to prepare for all this.

"Inform Coulson to go and make contact with him."

Then Fury looked at Alex's image on the screen, put his hand in his pocket and touched an old pager, whether to press it or not. Finally, he decided to observe more and then make a decision.

He can only hope this does not cause trouble.