The Noble Party III Empress of The Void

"HA!" The vampire woman spun around, swinging her claws at the woman's leg.

SWOSH! The claws passed across the thin air, causing a dust cloud to rise. "Where did she go?" She growled.

The dust cleared, and she found herself standing in a vast, empty world filled with craters.

"Who are you? Where are we?"

"I did have multiple names," The purple eyes woman replied with a smile, standing alone, facing the vampire.

"Call me whatever you like. I bet you I had that name once."

BAM! The vampire lunged at her, "Astera, guardian of Vlad," She swung her claw at her with a blinding speed, "Die nameless,"

"Nameless? Is that supposed to be a name?" She blocked the vampire's strike with her forearm, not even budging or bothering to move her other hand.

"Safi-Kenos-Vasilissa Orion" She smiled, "The Empress of the clear void of space, welcome to my hunting ground." CRACK! She punched Astera in the face, sending her rolling across the wastelands.