The Noble Party IV Mothers

TAP! Vasilissa landed back outside Arad's keep, patting the dust off her clothes. ^Of course, some would have survived and come for Revenge for Vlad.^ She looked at Arad's keep. ^Shall I hunt them down? No, the rest are weaklings that Arad and Gojo can handle on their own. Vlad is a slippery bastard. I should be looking for him instead.^

She walked back toward the keep. ^No, I should leave Vlad for them. I can't interfere too much.^

CLICK! She opened the door and walked back in, looking between the guests.

"Where did you go?" Tina approached her. "Master Arad and Lady Mira looked for you after the dance,"

"Sorry, mother's instincts. I left my son alone at home and felt as if I heard him crying, so I bolted out."

Tina remembered her daughter asleep upstairs, "I know how you feel. Hope he was all right."

"He was actually crying," Vasilissa replied with a wry smile, "Really sorry for leaving like that."