

In the bustling city where life never slows down, a young man in his twenties was making his way through the crowd. His weary eyes were cast down, shadowed by the weight of exhaustion. He carried a bag slung over his back, moving with a purpose yet seeming lost in his own world.

As he navigated the busy streets, he kept to himself, avoiding any unnecessary contact with passersby. His cautious demeanor was a testament to the city's reputation for petty crimes and opportunistic thieves.

Eventually, he reached his destination - a colossal educational institution. To him, it was an impressive structure, yet he was aware of its shortcomings. The school was visibly overpopulated, with insufficient rooms to accommodate the swarm of students it housed.

This was his college, his daily battleground. He slipped into his routine, heading towards his classes, blending into the sea of students.

Before he knew it, the clock struck noon. His last class was drawing to a close when the professor's stern voice echoed through the room, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Ensure you submit all your requirements. Failure to do so will result in immediate failure in my class," the professor warned.

As the room buzzed with students scrambling to submit their work, he sat frozen in his seat, the weight of the professor's words sinking in. He watched as his classmates, one by one, handed in their assignments.

Soon, the room emptied out, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next, he turned to his classmate, a girl sitting next to him.

"Hey...I thought we still had another week to submit our assignments?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The girl looked at him, surprise etched on her face. "Wait, you didn't submit yours?"

"Yes..." he admitted, his voice heavy with disappointment.

She looked at him sympathetically, then clarified, "The professor asked my friend to announce the deadline change to the class."

He was taken aback. "But I never heard anyone mention it."

"But he posted it in our group chat. Everyone was rushing to finish," she explained.

His confusion deepened. "What group chat?"

The girl looked at him in shock. "You haven't been added? We've had it since the start of the school year."

He was at a loss for words. The rest of the day was a blur, and before he knew it, he was standing at his front door.

He greeted his parents and retreated to his room. He checked his phone, hoping to find an invite to the group chat, but there was none.

"Looks like I was forgotten again," he laughed, his voice echoing in the empty room, his laughter more bitter than humorous.

He tried to console himself, hoping his professor might show some leniency. But he knew better. She was known for her strict adherence to deadlines.

"In the first place, it's not even my fault. It's the fault of my classmates for not informing me and my teacher for not announcing it properly," he reasoned with himself.

He fell silent, staring at his hands. He couldn't help but feel a sense of regret for his introverted nature. He realized his lack of social skills had led to his current predicament.

He decided to face the situation head-on. "I'll just try my luck tomorrow. There's no need to dwell on this. Who knows, maybe she'll be in a good mood and give me a chance to submit my assignment."

He tried to distract himself by playing a few rounds of a 5v5 arena game on his phone. As he was about to call it a night, he noticed a notification. His heart leapt with hope, only to be met with disappointment. It was just an announcement of a game win.

"Why am I still hoping? It's not like they've ever tried to include me in anything not related to school..." he mused, his hope fading into the night.

He let out a sigh and clicked on the notification, hoping that it was at least something worth his time since it stated that he had won a prize.

"Congratulations! 👏 You have won a prize. Please claim your prize."

He stared at the screen for a moment, his expression turning serious.

"Who in the world has the time to create something like this?" he mused.

He let out another sigh. "People who watch a lot of anime might look at this with anticipation, but not me because..."

He paused as if about to reveal a profound truth, only to continue, "...I've encountered something similar before and it turned out to be a prank."

He sighed again, looking at his phone before declaring, "You might fool others, but unfortunately, you've met your match. Your prank has failed."

He attempted to close the notification, but was met with the same message each time he tried. Exasperated, he decided to turn off his phone.

"Please claim your prize."

He stared at his phone, irritation seeping into his features. "Did some bored hacker decide to prank me by hacking my phone?"

Despite his efforts to close the notification, it persisted. He couldn't even remove the battery since it was built-in and covered by a metal casing.

"Fine, I'll claim it! Damn it!"

He gave in and clicked on the notification. To his surprise, a roulette wheel appeared on the screen.

"It says 'claim' and yet all I get is a roulette wheel?"

Deciding not to overthink it, he clicked the "SPIN" button. After a few suspenseful seconds, the result was...

A spinning roulette wheel.

He waited a couple of minutes, but the wheel kept spinning. "Enough already! Just stop!"

His bedroom door burst open, revealing an irate mother. "Stop shouting! People are trying to sleep!"

His mother, having heard his outburst, scolded him for a few minutes before leaving his room.

He looked remorseful, and when he glanced at his phone, he had to suppress his anger.

Remembering his mother's wrath, he opted for silence this time. He waited patiently for the roulette to stop.


Finally, the roulette came to a halt. He looked as if he had just emerged from a grueling battle. He checked his prize.

"Congratulations! You have won an isekai chance towards the world of Bleach!"

"… Is this some kind of joke? Is my life a fanfiction!?"

He clicked the next button, and his face contorted as if he had just swallowed a bitter pill. Another roulette wheel appeared on the screen.

"Enough! Just get it over with!"

He clicked the "SPIN" button and waited. To his surprise, it didn't even take ten seconds for the wheel to stop.

He checked his prize.

"Congratulations! You have won the power called New Order!"

He paid no mind to the announcement and clicked on the 'finish' button before blacking out. His body slumped to the floor as if a switch had been flipped, shutting him down.

His body twitched a few times before it started to move again. However, the aura surrounding him was noticeably different.

Author's Note:

Happy New Year! This is my second fanfic. My first one was decent, at least in my opinion, but I stopped writing it after school started and now I don't know how to continue it. For some reason, I wanted to write a Bleach fanfic. I might post irregularly due to school commitments.

If any of you have ideas on how to utilize his quirk or power and don't mind sharing, I'd appreciate it. I've adjusted this power to fit the world rules of Bleach, so it won't be the same as the original.