Chapter 1

(3rd POV)

'What happened? Why is it so hard to move?'

Our protagonist found himself engulfed in darkness, feeling as if he had transformed into an obese man who hadn't left his bed in years.

He realized his body was immobilized, so he attempted to move his eyes. But just like his body, even opening his eyes proved to be an arduous task.

After several unsuccessful attempts, he decided to conserve his energy. Instead, he began to recollect the events that led him to this predicament.

'Let's see, I returned home after my classes, feeling dejected because my classmates had forgotten about me and I was unable to submit my assignments to my teacher... what happened next?'

His memory started to piece together the puzzle. 'I remember now! That absurd prize was real! So, am I actually in the world of Bleach now!? This is bad... really, really bad...'

Negative thoughts began to cloud his mind when suddenly, he heard a sound. It was as if it originated from within him, yet he couldn't pinpoint its exact source.


A small screen materialized before him, and he instinctively knew he was viewing it through his mind.

'So, I have a system? Am I in some kind of void or something?'

He was brimming with questions as he examined the screen. He decided to address his queries later and focused on what the screen displayed.

'Congratulations! You have successfully reincarnated in Bleach.'

'So, I'm really here... I'll ponder over that later. For now, I need to understand the functions of this system.'

He mentally clicked next on the screen.

[The system is here to announce a few things.

1. You are now in the world of Bleach and can live your life here as you please.

2. You have received your second prize from the roulette. It will not be the same as the original as it will adhere to the rules of this world.

3. Lastly, don't worry about your past life. After your soul was reincarnated, a replacement was placed in your body. Similar to the Gikon or artificial soul of this world, it possesses a copy of your memories. It has slightly enhanced memory and stronger motivation to work hard. It is unaware of the replacement and will act like a normal human, carrying all your regrets and wishes, and striving hard to fulfill them.]

'Wait... a replacement was put in my body to act as me?... Is this some sort of joke?'

Our protagonist was overwhelmed with a mix of fear, anxiety, and other emotions due to the information that had been dumped on him.

After a few moments of silence, he began to rationalize.

'... I guess this is also fine... if what this system says is true, then it's a better version of me, right?... hahahaha, maybe it can accomplish some of my regrets like getting a beautiful girlfriend... though I won't be the one experiencing it... and maybe also... make my parents proud... although it's not me that they'll be proud of...'

He tried to think positively, but he couldn't help feeling a sense of melancholy.

'Who am I kidding? No one would be happy knowing someone else is living their life... At least I know that the replacement is a better version of me and can bring happiness to my family, which is better than being dead and forgotten... that would just be painful.'

He pondered over his situation and slowly began to accept his reality. Despite his reluctance, he was aware that he had no power or choice but to accept his fate.

'No use in thinking about it... as much as I want to return, I don't have the ability to go back. Apart from my family, I don't really have much to feel attached to back there.'

He decided to stop dwelling on the negative and focus on the positive. He looked at the screen, feeling slightly better about having some form of cheat. However, the next message he read drained him of all his positivity.

[The system has now completed all the processes of your "Isekai" and delivered all the messages. The system will now detach from the host.]







'Wait, what!? Aren't you supposed to be my cheat or something!?'


'Wait! Don't go!!'


[The system has now completely detached. Goodbye, host, and have a nice life.]

The screen then disappeared from his vision, leaving him alone in the darkness once more.