Chapter 2

The screen vanished from his sight, leaving him alone in the darkness. He remained silent for a moment before heaving a sigh.

'I've lost count of how many times I've sighed, but it seems I'm on my own now. At least I still have the power I won, what was it called again? New Order? That name sounds familiar... where did I hear it?'

He attempted to recall where he had heard the name when he suddenly felt lighter. He tried to open his eyes and what he saw was...

'Blurry... I can only vaguely see things...and here I thought babies could see clearly from the start...liars.'

Our protagonist found himself in a crib filled with toys, alone. He tried to survey his surroundings but found it extremely difficult to move.

'I guess starting as a baby is okay, considering some people are reincarnated in far worse places like waste dumps, as outcasts, or even not having this chance at all. So, I am grateful enough. At least I have a lot of time to laze around without worrying about anything.'

He then tried to move again and as expected...he couldn't. He decided to think about the power he received as he had nothing else to do at the moment and no one was around, although someone might come if he cried.

'Now let's try to recall again, New Order...New Order... Where did I hear it?...hmm...'

He began to think while looking at his side when suddenly he spotted a superhero cape toy.

'That's it! It's the quirk of that disappointing number 1 American hero from My Hero Academia!'

He finally remembered after seeing the toy and couldn't help but feel excited about the possibility of being a semi-reality warper.

'I didn't watch MHA but thank god for those attention seekers posting small clips from an anime on the internet. That's how I learned about it or else I would be like a baby with a gun.'

He then tried to remember the information he knew about New Order.

'Now let's see, from what I remember, New Order allowed the user to set a rule onto their surroundings by touching the target and calling out their name, allowing them to manipulate and bestow new properties onto themselves and the world around them. This could range from simple descriptions to more conditional ones based on cause-and-effect. It can almost do anything.'

The more our protagonist recalled what he remembered, the more excited he became until he remembered the weakness of this quirk.

'In order for New Order to activate, the user was required to both touch the target and say its name. However, when targeting a living being with a sense of self, the user's understanding of the target's identity had to align with their own. This is shown when Tomura Shigaraki's heart didn't stop when he moved, due to even him questioning his true identity, as either Tomura, All For One, or "Tenko". Although restricted it's still one of the best powers you can ever have.'

He was about to try to use his power when suddenly he began to hear footsteps. He suddenly felt like he was being lifted by a large hand.

He tried to move around but it was very hard. He gave up trying and just tried to see the person who was carrying him.

What he saw was quite blurry but he still saw that it was an old man in his 50s or 60s carrying him.

"Oh, look at you, you're awake! Haha, look at you, you're so cute. You will surely be handsome when you grow up and become a babe magnet, just like me, hahaha."

The old man looked at his grandchild with fondness in his eyes before his expression turned sad as if he had just recalled something.

"Too bad, my daughter and son-in-law can't see you. At the very least, I will raise you to the best of my abilities."

The baby, who had been just listening, looked surprised to learn he wouldn't be able to meet his parents here which made him feel both sad and relieved.

Although he had partially accepted his situation, it had not been very long and his attachment to his parents was still very strong. He was only able to calm down knowing at least they would have a better son who would surely take care of them, although it left a bad taste in his mouth.

"Now that I think about it, you don't have a name yet, hmm.. yes, Errol. That will be your name from now on. Errol means noble and warrior. It's a nice name, isn't it?"

The old man smiled lightly before saying the baby's new name. The baby smiled, which made the old man's smile grow even bigger.

"Oh, you also like your name, hahaha. As expected from my grandchild, great minds think alike, hahaha."

Meanwhile, in the baby's mind.

'Errol, huh? It sounds like Error, but it's not too bad. I'd rather have it than names like Dick or something.'

Time moved forward and night fell. Errol was left alone in his crib, pretending to be asleep until he opened his eyes when he felt there were no more people around.

'Hu... it's time to test New Order...but what order should I try...hmmm, ah! I've got it! Let's try something simple first.'



Errol was silent for a moment before he tried again.


There was a momentary silence until the room was filled with the sound of a baby crying.


'Damn it! My vocal cords are not yet fully developed so I can't speak yet, so it's also impossible for me to use my powers right now!'

At that moment, a baby was showing various expressions on his face, which should not even be possible for a baby.