Chapter 8

It's been a month since Errol met his spirit friend, and it could also be considered one of the most colorful month in his life.

After he met Izumi he occasionally visit her from time to time, it could be every two or just about every day. He didn't know why but he ended up being attached to this spirit friend of his.

Every time he visits they always chat, play, and do something. He mostly told her some of the things he did in his life which Izumi found boring.

After all, it's all about being in the house being lazy, playing around, and just sleeping. Errol got depressed from her comments which only made her feel amused instead of pity.

Izumi then told him of some of her stories like how she liked to ride a rollercoaster when she was in a park or how she likes the feeling of skydiving when her father invited her, the feeling of strong wind crushing on her and the feeling of floating in wind after the parachute open just makes her excited.

Her stories can be said to be very hardcore, but Errol only felt jealous as the way she talks about it made it feels like she was very happy from just remembering those memories. He did have some, but he could only count those types of memories on one hand, and it already includes his past life.

They occasionally play some games, which was mostly brought up by Izumi, as she thinks he is a child then which means he likes to play games. While Errol thought she was feeling lonely here not being able to talk to someone so she wants to play.

They misunderstood each other motives but it did make them closer. The gradual passing of time feels too past every time they were together.

Errol always thought that he is ok being alone, but only now did he know how much he yearn for some companion or friend to talk to, laugh with, and argue not because of some hate or anger, but just some small fight to liven up the atmosphere.

His grandpa was also happy that Errol got a friend and from the way, he looks now before he met Izumi he always has this air around him being depressed for no reason.

Grandpa Orlando did try to ask Akane who was Errol's friend only to hear that he always disappeared after reaching the park. Although he was curious about where he is going, as long as it didn't have any negative effect on him he is satisfied to see his grandson enjoy himself.

[Izumi's house]

Currently, Errol was in front of a chest board staring intently before he moved a piece. He grins at the result and laughs.

"Hahahaha I win again you suck at this Izumi-me!" Errol said with a big smile on his face towards his opponent which is Izumi.

Izumi pouted while looking at him "Mou, Erl-chan why are you saying I am bad when you were the one who is so adamant not to play cause you always complain you always lost to everyone"

Errol looks sideways, while Izumi continues to glare at him. "...sorry"

That stop her glare while nodding proud of herself, Errol stared at her not knowing what she was proud of.

He then looks at her skin, for some reason it was different from the time he met her, if before she has a normal level pale but now she was ghostly pale. There is also the thing about the chain on her chest, it's like getting loose and wanting to fall off.

He didn't know much about bounded spirit, he tried to search on the internet to see what is happening to her, only to see many fake documentaries and articles.

He knows that the chain in her chest is some kind of countdown before turning into a hollow as he watched the episode where it was explained. But he missed the episode when the earth-bound spirit was explained.

Errol tried to ask her once why she was still here and if she still has regrets only to see her change the topic. He didn't ask her again as it feels like a sensitive topic, but not knowing what is happening to her know he could only ask.

"Hey... Izumi-nechan, where is your chain connected?" Errol asks carefully while having a lap pillow from her.

She hesitated for a moment before she made him stand up much to his displeasure as it was too comfortable.

She then said "Follow me"

She walks inside the haunted-looking house and Errol followed closely while carefully looking around not to get in touch with spiders.

They passed a few doors and walk up the stairs, they walked closely until in front of a door where the chain that was connected to her had connected something inside of the door.

She hesitated again before passing through the door like a ghost which she was, Errol opened it and was surprised to see what was inside.