Chapter 9

(This chapter is kinda cliché)

The room was empty except for some spider webs and a single piano that is just standing there collecting dust.

Errol saw the end of Izumi's chain connected to the piano. " So you're not bounded to this house but to a piano?"

"Yes," Izumi said simply while staring at the piano.

Errol didn't know what to say in this situation that looks like it is something important. He blamed his inexperience towards this situation on his past self for being too much loner.

" didn't you go to the other side then, just asking?" Errol hesitantly asks.

"Why? Do you wish me to leave now?" Izumi ask like she was angry.

Errol immediately fell into panic. "N-No, I am just curious!"

"Ptf, hahaha I'm just kidding, and I know you don't want me to leave or else little Errol won't have any friends anymore," Izumi said while smirking at him.

Errol felt like he got hit by an arrow. "I also have some friends...I think"

Izumi just stared at him saying it's not good to lie, which just made him feel worst. He didn't know what to do so he just kept quiet, while looking at her with an aggrieved expression.

She just smiled and walked to his back before hugging him. He didn't resist as although she was a soul, it felt comfortable in her arms, it would be more comfortable if she didn't have that chain on her chest.

They then fall into silence, feeling comfortable in each company. The silence was then broken by Izumi.

"Back when I was a kid, I really like music, especially piano...I don't know why it is, maybe just my preference...then I discovered that my mom was a popular pianist before she quit and never played again, I always ask her to teach me piano but she rejected it every time..."

Errol just kept quiet and listened to her as she continued. " But I never stopped asking to be taught by her even if she gave me a spank on my butt huhu, I keep asking her until she finally relented and bought a piano, and teach me, I was overjoyed when I heard her agree"

Izumi stopped for a second and took some breath and continue. " She then teach me to play, she tried to hide it but I can see the joy in her eyes whenever she taught me how to play and that's when I taught of asking her to play as although she teach me, she never actually played once, I keep asking her but she never did it even once..."

"So you're regret was not hearing her play?" Errol ask.

Izumi shook her head" No silly, it's the piano, you can say it holds most of my memories with her when I am still alive, and I can't find myself leaving it"

" you want me to try to find her and convince her to play?" Errol asks as he wants her to feel happy.

She shook her head which surprised him but her words made him understand why.

"No, because that's impossible anymore because...she's dead"

Her words shock him, he was about to turn around but she hug him tighter from behind.

"The day I also the day she died, she has always had a weak heart so she always did not try to do exhausting things, maybe it's one of the reasons she quit being a pianist. The moment she saw my condition after falling down the stairs her heart couldn't take it, and you know the result...she died leaving my father, her husband behind"

She took a deep breath while his shoulder felt wet from the teardrops that falls onto it.

"Then after mine and my mother funeral's, he left this house and move to another as he couldn't handle living in the house where his daughter and wife died, and I think you know the rest, me being alone here and this house getting left alone that it turns into this haunted-looking one, which is also true as I am here..."

Errol kept quiet the whole time as she kept hugging him, while silently crying. Errol who didn't know how to comfort someone just stayed beside her while holding her hand.

It was 4 pm when he was preparing to leave, after that sad episode the two kept quiet.

"Sorry about earlier" Izumi who was ok already apologies feeling embarrassed crying in front of a child when she was a grown-up.

Errol shook his head. "You don't need to, cause isn't it what friends are for?" He said it with a smile.

Izumi look stunned before she regained her gentle smile "Yes, but to think that the kid who has a hard time finding friends actually said that"

Errol felt like his chest got shot again, and just looked to the side while puffing his cheeks in displeased, Izumi just laughed at his reaction.

They both then said their goodbyes and Errol return home, he was greeted by his grandpa who was listening to a piece of music coincidentally it was a piece of piano music.

"Oh, Erl how was it? Did you have fun with your friend?"

Errol smiled and nodded, but his grandpa notice something wrong with this smile.

"Did something happen?" His grandpa stopped the music and come over close to him.

Errol hesitated before he suddenly got some idea. " Grandpa actually...can I request something?"

Grandpa Orlando didn't know what was wrong so he just nodded. Errol smiled and said.
