Chapter 10

It's been two weeks since that conversation with Izumi being a bounded spirit and they have returned back to how they used to be.

Not actually how they used to be, cause after that small episode Izumi was more closer to Errol and he also noticed it. He didn't mind as he also like the company of Izumi.

After Izumi told him her stories, he also told her something about himself which is his power. He didn't totally tell her how his power worked or what he could do, he just show her some things he could do like telekinesis and flying.

She was amazed but what he could do, that shake him to do some more like a kid.

One day he suddenly got an idea that might actually push his new order to the limit of its capability for his current self.

"Hey Izumi, I suddenly got an idea, give me your hand," Errol said excitedly.

Izumi was confused but she still gave her hand to him, which he excitedly holds he took some breath and said.

[Izumi Abiko should be able to touch the physical world]

The moment he said those words he felt like his spiritual energy was suddenly being drained at a fast pace. If his spiritual energy was at 100 before then now it is only at 20 percent.

Meanwhile, Izumi suddenly felt a strange sensation happening to her, after a few seconds that sensation disappear while leaving something behind.

She was confused before Errol suddenly took a towel from his pocket and throw it at her face. She didn't react much and was just about to ask why he throws it at her until it hit her, she was stunned as she felt something.

She finally react when Errol removed the towel from her face, showing his grinning face at her. She immediately stand up feeling things around until she turned and runs towards him before hugging him to her chest.

"I don't know what you did, but thank you, Errol!!" Izumi hug him so tight that Errol is losing his breath, he struggled a bit until he stopped moving.

She only let go of him when she noticed that was no reaction that she felt from him because he passed out from exhaustion and suffocation. She apologized a lot after that before feeling excited again.

Izumi then began to try a lot of things like eating food, playing video games with Errol, and many more, as what they played before were those things that don't require touch or Errol is the one moving things. It was not after 3 hours has passed before the effects of the order disappear to her disappointment.

Errol learned another thing about his New Order is that if he used it on others, it will eventually disappear after the spiritual energy he put into that order ran out. Different from when he used it to himself after the order was made, he could use that order as much as he wants except for some that require a continuous output, like an ability about being able to manipulate earth.

Errol just used another order on Izumi before she felt alive again although she was not. The only sad thing is that they could not go out due to her being bounded piano here.

Errol once told her if she wants him to move the piano to his house so that they are always together but she only shook her head. Izumi said that she might not be bounded to this house but it still holds an important part of her heart.

The two were currently lying down when suddenly Errol sits up straight "Wait Izumi I suddenly had another idea!"

"What is it?" Izumi matched his excitement.

Errol then said, "You once told me that you don't want to move out of this house but..."

"But?" Izumi said

"But it didn't mean you can't go out," He said in a hype.

"?" Izumi looks at him confused as his words don't make sense.

"It means if I use my ability on your piano to make it movable then we can go out!" He finally said it.

Izumi's eyes immediately brighten as she immediately understands what he means, they immediately go to the room where the piano is before Errol touched it.

[The piano will turn small and light]

The moment the order was made the piano then began turning small until the size of a ring. Errol pick it up and felt it was light and give it to Izumi, she holds it and immediately felt it was light also and put it inside one of her pockets.

The chains that were connected to her chest and her body didn't change size but the one connected to the piano did at least now she can walk out of her house without problems.

They look at each other before immediately running towards the gate which is unfortunately still locked like the time Errol entered the place.

"Too bad...Now how can we-wait what are- yaAA!!" Izumi was just lamenting for the fact that the gate was locked when Errol suddenly carried her in a princess manner and jump towards the other side of the gate.

He landed in a very graceful manner.

"This much is easier"

He said before receiving a smack on his head on top of his head.

"Say it first, so I can prepare myself, idiot!"

"...sorry" Errol apologize.

Izumi look angry for a few seconds before she looks around her, she was outside of her house.

Errol look up only to be suddenly hugged again and felt being carried. " Errol we're outside! were outside! Yehey!Hahaha"

She spun him around laughing happily, as this might be one of the best moments of her life as a soul. Errol was also infected by her joy and laugh.

They were lucky that there was no one around or they will see a boy laughing, floating, and spinning around alone.