Chapter 18


"You look like you need a company kid" Errol suddenly heard a man's voice.

He immediately turns wary and looks around his room finding nothing. He is preparing to use an order when suddenly he heard the voice again at his feet.

"Not Bad, for a kid, you are quite vigilant to an unknown" Errol found a black cat staring at him with interest.


Errol immediately jumped back for a few meters to get away from the unknown talking cat.

"A talking cat?" He said but instead of a question to the intruder, it was more like he said it to himself being confused about what he is seeing.

"Hoh! you got a nice physical ability for a human child, and is there a problem with a cat talking?" The black cat answers him in a man's voice.

'Is there any cat character in bleach?...the only character I could connect with a black cat was Yoruichi and she was a woman while this one here is a guy?' Errol thought, not knowing that this cat one here is a bonafide woman.

Although he couldn't be blamed, due to him being busy with school he skipped a lot of episodes being aired on TV, the first time he saw Yoruichi was in some YouTube shorts where she turn into a human with some music.

Errol was getting ready for a fight, as he stare warily at the black cat.

"You don't need to be so wary, I'm not here to fight you or anything, I'm just here checking the interesting kid my friend talks about," The cat said while licking its paws.

"Friend?" Errol ask in curiosity, although his vigilance didn't drop. He didn't know much about this cat but one incident of losing his friends is enough to make him learn to not be careless when dealing with supernatural things.

"Ye, a friend, you know the guy with a hat that looks so suspicious like a scammer," The cat said while describing his hat, and trying to make him guess.

"Say his name" But Errol didn't follow the cat's humour.

"Your no fun kid, it's Urahara, you know the guy you met when your friend is turning into a hollow," The cat said casually, but she didn't expect a sudden burst of pressure from Errol.

"Don't talk about it as if it was just a simple thing!" Errol glares at the cat while the things inside the room began to shake.

The cat stared at him, she didn't feel intimidated by his display, although it was quite surprising to see a human child with this much power, it didn't yet reach the level of an average Shinigami.

"Sorry about that" Although she didn't feel intimidated she still felt bad, so she apologized.

The spiritual pressure around Errol began to recede slowly as he took a deep breath. "No... it's ok, I should also not have been angry from a few comments"

The cat was surprised at how easily the kid accepted her apologies. "Your quite mature for a kid hahaha"

Errol just stared at the cat not having the mood to laugh. The cat laughed started to lower and lower before she cough feeling awkward.

The room turned silent as Errol was really not in the mood to talk with someone. While the cat felt that this kid is hard to talk to.

"So what were you thinking earlier, with that kind of depressing face?" The cat said while finding a comfortable position to lay down.

"Why do you ask, when you already know the answer" Errol said while sitting on his bed, not bothering with the cat any more.

"Just humor me" The cat said.

Errol stayed silent, even after a minute, the cat was also getting bored, and was about to fall asleep when she heard Errol's voice.

"I was just missing my friend....and thinking of what if I failed to return friend I mean, back to herself in the future...I am scared just thinking of that....if I am late again and found her dead by some circumstances or she was way too deep already from being hollow and was beyond my abilities to return to normal..." Errol was telling while clenching his fist. The room turn silent again after he said those words.

The cat was staring at him for a moment before saying. "Your quite an idiot for someone I thought to be smart"

"Huh!?"Errol looks at her in confusion, before turning into a glare feeling angry, like she was making fun of him.

"I mean if you feel scared and frustrated by the failure of the future that hasn't happened yet, then why are you not doing anything?" The cat asks simply but her question managed to stun Errol.

"If you feel so scared that it was beyond your abilities then train, if you feel like you can't meet her before she was dead of some accident then train even harder and immediately search for her, don't stay around your room moping around doing nothing but think of a future that isn't even sure would happen, but to take action for those things to not really made those happen" The cat sternly said, making Errol unable say anything.

"People do not live in fear, they live in you must put first faith in yourself that you can turn her back, and faith to your friend that she will live any circumstances waiting for you to turn her back" The cat said gently while making a face that looks like a smile.

Errol turned silent, he was unable to find words to counter it as he knows that what she said was all true. In the end, he could only laugh bitterly.

'I am really pathetic... from the past life to this new one, I always just rely on others to make me move, living in fear of failure even until now...' He thought, he took a deep breath and exhale.

"...thanks," He said while jumping down from his and bowing in gratefulness to her as her made him wake up a bit.

"Oh, didn't think you would actually thank me, but you are welcome" The cat wave its hands.

"By the way" Errol collected himself before saying.

"Hmm?" The cat looks at him

"Who are you?" Errol ask.

"You ask now!?"The cat couldn't help but shout in complain.

"Well, I forgot to ask" he said while rubbing his head. He was also not sure if this is the person he was thinking of, as the cat has a voice of a man.

The cat couldn't help but took a deep breath.

"Ok kid, I'll say my name only once, I am Yoruichi Shihōin, Nice to meet you, now your turn, you also haven't said your name."

"I am Errol Belladona, nice to meet you" Errol introduce his name as well but in his mind, he was surprised for a moment at her name as that was the name of that black woman, but why is her voice that of a man.