Chapter 19


The cat couldn't help but took a deep breath.

"Ok kid, I'll say my name only once, I am Yoruichi Shihōin, Nice to meet you, now your turn, you also haven't said your name."

"I am Errol Belladona, nice to meet you" Errol introduce his name as well but in his mind, he was surprised for a moment at her name as that was the name of that black woman, but why is her voice that of a man.


"Umm, Yoruichi-san," Errol said with a bit of awkwardness.

"What is it?" Yoruichi asks curiously.

"Can I hold you up for a moment?" Errol hesitated for a moment before putting up a request.

Yoruichi was surprised for a moment before agreeing. " Well I don't mind, come on bask in my cuteness hahaha"

Errol didn't hesitate anymore and picked her up and put her on his lap.

Meanwhile, Yoruichi was thinking. ' Here I thought this kid is cold and hard to deal with, but it looks like my cuteness works as a char-'

Errol turn her over and spread her lower legs to see if there was the thing every man has, to confirm if this cat was really a guy. Only for his eyes to widen at what he saw.

'There's none! She is that woma-' Errol was having his thoughts before his face was kicked by the feet he was holding right at his forehead. His head moves back by the force lowering his grip on his hand.

Yoruichi escapes his grasp and hiss at him. "What were you doing!?"

Errol looks at her with some paw markings on his face. "Sorry I was just curious if you're really a guy, when I can't see anything below you, I thought it was just hidden by your fur so I decided to check it closely..."

"You can have just asked you, idiot!" Yoruichi shouted while glaring at him, while in her mind. 'Honestly, I didn't really mind being seen naked by others as I was technically always naked. But the way the kid holds me and checked my lower body is quite embarrassing for an adult like me'

Errol knows he was in the wrong and was also embarrassed apologize. "Sorry..."

Honestly, Errol felt really embarrassed, he thought that Yoruichi was a guy and just doing one last check. Learning that she was that beautiful woman even increased his embarrassment even more.

"So why is your voice like that?" He tried to hide his embarrassment by asking.

"It is just my voice when I am in this form" The glare he was receiving began to recede as Yoruichi sighed. "So what are you going to do now?"

Errol turn towards her feeling relieved she didn't hold it against him, well in her mind he was just a kid which is true for his body that was of an 8-year-old.

He thought for a moment about her question and answer with deep conviction.

"I am gonna work hard, find Izumi, and train myself to able to turn her back!"

"And how are you going to do that?" Yoruichi asked.

"That's! Umm...I will..." Errol thought for a moment and really don't know where to start, the only way he knows he could get stronger is with his two orders of absorbing the spiritual energy in the atmosphere and using it to improve himself.

But over these six years, he discovered that the improvement is getting slower, it's not that the order effect was weakened but more like he is reaching some kind of limit.

Yoruichi look at the kid in front of her who was thinking hard and couldn't help but chuckled.

"How about I train you?" She said

Errol woke up in his thoughts and look at her surprised. "Why?"

"Just think of it as I am bored, well I don't know what your ability so you are going to train it yourself, what I will train you is to fight as it will make you grow stronger as well, so what's your answer?" Yoruichi stares seriously at Errol.

Errol didn't know what to say, but he remembered that she was once the captain of the second division, she was strong even without using a zanpaktou so his answer was quite clear.

"I refused!" Errol said while crossing his arms.

"Huh!?" Yoruichi looks stunned, this isn't in the script. Her stunned reaction just made Errol suddenly want to laugh.

"Just kidding" Errol show his tongue, he felt already better after talking to her. Back then he was quite confused about what to do and the fear of the future where he might fail.

But now her words somehow gave him a direction, a goal, a way, and faith to strive hard not to only bring back Izumi, but also to improve himself.

Yoruichi looks at the kid in front of her who just fooled her, she was thinking of revenge but looking at his face which has improved compared to when she first saw him earlier, he just let it go...for now.





Meanwhile, on the Hueco Mundo the world where hollows reside, a battle was taking place. A lot of low-level hollows are attacking a humanoid-looking hollow.

But its appearance is not the only thing that makes it unique, its mask and hole on its chest which are both only half make it quite different from the rest.

This was Izumi and she was just fighting multiple hollows and had just pierced the mask of the last one with her hands.

She then prepared to walk away when suddenly she was stopped by a voice.

"Now this is quite interesting, a hollow that looks like a Vasto Lorde but the strength was not up there yet, a half hole on the chest and mask, looks like we encounter something really quite interesting isn't it, Gin" A man with glasses wearing a black haori and white coat said to his companion, who wears the same clothes as him.

"Yes, Aizen-san"

Looks like the return of Izumi will be even harder than what Errol expected.