Chapter 23

"Combat Training?" Errol asks while stopping on doing a push-up with a stone that weighs 500 kilos on his back.

"Yes, honestly I only plan to give you at least a month of physical training, to make you get used to pain and maybe develop your character a bit but for some reason I let it extended for two months," She said and waited for some reaction only for him to listen to her calmly.

"Your not angry?" She smiled lightly in her cat face.

Errol shook his head and smile a little. "No..., I'm not...maybe a little bit"

"And why is that?" Yoruichi asks just wanting to hear his answer.

Errol thought for a moment. "I don't know if I grow stronger during these months, but I felt like I have grown stronger in different aspects"

Yoruichi looks at him and grins. "Indeed you have grown strong in character, you have learned how to be disciplined, did you know that you are truly an adult when you learn to do things that you know you don't want to, but you still do so..."

She stopped for a moment before continuing.

"...but it didn't mean you didn't get stronger, as of right I can tell that you were at least three times stronger than when I first met you"

"Three times!?" Errol who was still calm can't help but shout with a bit of shock on his face.

It took him at least six years to get at least stronger comparable to at least 3 adult men in physical ability and three times in spiritual power with his New Order although it slow down for some unknown reason he hasn't yet discovered. But it only took it 2 months multiply it by 3 which is quite surprising to him.

Yoruichi nodded her head. "Yes, even I was surprised you didn't do anything special, but you ended up getting this strong, right now your spiritual power is about comparable to those Shinigami who just graduated from the academy"

"That's it?" Errol's shock receded and couldn't help but feel disappointed. He doesn't know much about the show, but he still knows that Ichigo has gone from being a weak Shinigami to a captain-level strength in just a couple of months.

What he didn't know was that before Ichigo even turn into a Shinigami he already has the potential to become a Captain and beyond with his lineage. Rukia just acted as a catalyst for his power to unlock, and slowly steadily gain the power that was his originally.

"Why are you sounding disappointed? Many trains so hard in different areas and have trained for several years to reach that level of spiritual power" She can't help but roll her eyes at him, and couldn't help but think he was really just a kid.

"In the first place do you even know what are Shinigami are?" She asks acting seriously.

Errol nodded. "Yes I know"

Yoruichi nodded and said. "Ok, Shinigami are-Wait you know!?"

"Nope, just messing with you" He blew his tongue at her and some tic marks appear on her forehead.

Yoruichi took some breaths to calm down and coughed. "Cough, anyway Shinigami are guardians of the souls who are going through the circle of transmigration. In ancient times, they were known as Balancers, they purify Hollows who do evil in the World of the Living and ensure the safe crossing of souls - the souls who have lost their way after death"

She took some breaths again and continue.

"Then there is the Soul Society, this is also where Shinigami live and where most Souls dwell until they are reincarnated into the Human World. Anyway I won't go any further about this topic but, let's talk about the ranks of Shinigami"

She found a comfortable position before laying down. "There is something called Gotei 13, it is a 13 Division with their corresponding specialty and responsibility, and in this Division, there are corresponding rank that is commonly based on their power, but you can still find people that have more power different from their rank"

Errol listen carefully as although he already knows some of the things she said, he was still confused about many things.

"First there is the normal Shinigami with no ranks or the footsoldiers who are the weakest of the bunch but still stronger than humans, then the seated officers they are ranked from 3rd to 20th based on their abilities, higher after that is a lieutenant or the Vice Captain they hold the number of 2 and was the second strongest person in the division, and finally the Captain they hold 1st ranks and the strongest in their division, there is still a higher rank which is the Captain Commander who was also the strongest" She stopped for a moment and let her words sink on him.

Errol listen carefully as in the past he was confused about the ranks and which is stronger as they all look strong.

"So now what, why are you even explaining this?" Errol asks curiously.

"So I can explain to you easily on how much hard work you need to do, if I put values on to the rank based on their spiritual power then a human is 1-19, a no rank Shinigami is 20-99, Seated officers are around 100-499, lieutenant are around 500-999, and captains are 1000 and above, this level doesn't determine their combat process as they could still increase their strength with techniques" She said.

'Is she talking about the bankai?' Errol pondered for a moment before asking in anticipation. "So what rank do I belonged?"

She gave him a smirk before saying. "I already told you, a newly graduated Shinigami or a no rank, your about 67 in values"

(Author Words: Just putting this here to clarify something, cause I feel many might say something, Errol here is just pure Human with a one power which is the New Order, nothing more, nothing less, he is just a normal human. He is not like Ichigo who got almost all the bloodline of bleach or special like Chad and Orihime in some way, he is just your average man you can find everywhere so don't be surprised if he does some mistake or grow slow in some areas as he is just a human.

True he can get stronger with the use of New Order and he will, but that is in the future right now he is just an inexperienced newbie who has strong power and still in the process of truly adapting to the reality of this world)