Chapter 24


Errol pondered for a moment before asking in anticipation. "So what rank do I belong?"

She gave him a smirk before saying. "I already told you, a newly graduated Shinigami or a no rank, your about 67 in values"


Errol who received her evaluation turned depressed and fall to his knees.

"All those training and I am only at the level of a no-rank Shinigami that is no different from cannon fodder..."

"What are you acting depressed there, I think I need to remind you that it took a decade or more for some or most of them to reach your level" She shook her head in amusement.

"By the way, let me tell you something Kisuke told me, the time when your girlfriend turn into a hollow she was already at the level of.... lieutenant," She said seriously.

Errol looks shocked that he didn't even notice that she didn't call Izumi as his friend but a girlfriend.

"Lieutenant!? How did she suddenly power up like that!?" He asks her.

"Don't know even for Kisuke this was a first encounter of him meeting something Iike your friend, but he theories that it was not her limit and might right now still getting stronger, there is even a chance she might reach the level of a captain in just a few years" She said seriously.

Errol didn't know what to say, the info that he received shocked him, he thought that if he trained hard enough he might be able to bring her back this year.

But the difference in power between them is like comparing a child to an adult. Which is not wrong he chuckled in a depressed manner.

He was diving into negative thoughts when suddenly he got smacked on his forehead by a paw. He woke up and saw Yoruichi landing and looking at him.

"You don't need to be so depressed," She said while smiling in her cat face. "You are still young and reaching the level of captain and beyond should not be hard for you what you need is time, which Izumi indirectly also gave you"

Errol just looked at her in confusion.

She then said. "Let me put it this way, aren't you scared at first that something might kill her or in any circumstances, now with her increasing strength that's the least of your worry, and can focus on training to surpass her"

Errol's eyes widened as she was right, he didn't have a time limit to reach the strength of a captain. But it also didn't mean he can relax, but it was enough.

The depressed atmosphere around him disappear and he was back on his feet.

"Let's do this, Yoruichi-san I will work hard!" He looks at her with determination.

"Hahaha, ok then..." Her cat body began to grow her fur started to recede revealing brown chocolate skin, a figure of a woman appears in the widened eyes of Errol.

A beautiful face grins at Errol and a mature woman's voice came out of her.

"Let's Continue with your Training," She said with a grin while crossing her hand on her chest, which indirectly made it more emphasizing.

Errol didn't reply as he was stunned silly and didn't even know what to say. Yoruichi comes closer waving her hand at his face, which wakes him up and immediately backs down with a very red face.

"What's wrong?" She ask like she was doing it on purpose.

But Errol didn't reply to her as he didn't really know what he should be saying right now. He was currently hating all those reincarnator being able to act confidently and shamelessly to most women.

"Why are you not speaking? Hmm, could it be because I am naked? " She said while checking her body, exposing her chest, groin her whole body in front of Errol.

Errol who couldn't even open his mouth to speak just nodded with a very deep red face. However, he didn't expect her to suddenly come closer and in a teasing grin on her lips.

"Hoh, normally a kid wouldn't even know anything about a woman but Errol-kun really knows a lot," She said while covering her mouth, she then put her hands on her chest. "Do you want to touch?"

Errol.exe has stopped.

She waited for a reaction which didn't come, she took a closer look and found him unconscious while standing.

"Did I go too far with my teasing?" She asks no one. She looks at him and decided to carry him to a more comfortable place to lay down.

A couple of minutes later Errol woke up and found himself laying down on some rocks with a comfortable feeling in his head.

"You finally awake?" Errol look up and found the face of Yoruichi that he saw in the anime, and she was so beautiful. He didn't know that he was staring at her for a while now.

"So how do I look?" she asks with her always grin.

Errol woke up and looked at her carefully and sigh in relief she was wearing clothes. Although he likes the view, the way she acts just makes his head felt overwhelmed.

He already built immunity towards naked women but that is only to the internet, somehow viewing it in real life somehow makes him not know what to do.

Errol remember she was talking to him and thought for an answer and just decided to be honest.

"Beautiful," He said but it was more like a whisper.

"What did you say I didn't hear it?" She asks with a smug look.

Errol glared at her but his face was red.

"I said you are beautiful!"

"Hahaha just looked at your face, your so cute Errol" She laugh and grab him in a hug while rubbing his hair with her hands.

"Let go of my head!" Errol shouted while struggling.

"No way, it's revenge time, I just remember your act of to me when I first visit your house" She said with a scary grin. She still remembers him messing with her a couple of times and his action when she first visit his house and the way he holds her just to check her gender.

"Are you ready for your punishment?" She ask but she didn't wait for his reply and started.


The shout of Errol echoes in the underground training space and even reaches the surface.

Urahara who was drinking tea while watching TV with Tessai heard his shout. They look at each other before ignoring the voice of Errol.

"It's so peaceful, haa..." Urahara commented before sipping on a tea.