Chapter 25

Errol was lying down with sweat and tears in his eyes, his clothes were also in a mess like someone had just sexually harassed him. He was looking at the one who caused all this, with resentment.

"You devil..." He whispered full of resentment toward the person like she have tortured him which is not wrong.

Meanwhile, the person who caused all this was stretching, feeling refreshed to vent on the kid, Yoruichi then said. "What it's not like I hurt you, I even felt like you also enjoy it yourself"

"You have...tickled me for over 30 minutes!" Errol shouted. " My mouth, my chest, and many other parts of my body hurts due to that!"

"That long? Well, no wonder you are full of resentment, Sorry" She said but her apologies sounded so insincere. "But anyway, I'll let you rest for about 5 minutes and we'll start your combat training"

Errol can only look at her in anger before lying down to rest.

Five minutes later they are now facing each other, Yoruichi wearing the clothes she wore during the anime. While he was wearing a black tracksuit.

"Listen, although we exceeded the time that I plan you to focus on physical training, you did gain a lot from these which is something even I didn't expect. Anyway now we will be focusing on your combat skills" She said while crossing her arms.

Errol just listened, but he couldn't help but ask. "So how do we proceed on this?"

"Of course, it's combat training, so what better way to train it, than fighting and sparing"She grins.

"Then who am I fighting?" He asked although he already knows the answer.

"Of course, it's me do you see anyone else here," She said while looking at him like he was an idiot, and the suppressed anger began to rise again.

"Oh by the way, since it is combat you can use everything you have in your arsenal," She said seriously.

Errol looks at her who didn't even put any stance, believing that he can't hurt her, and he admits she was not wrong. He took a deep breath before pointing his hands at her and launching a small lightning bolt at her.

She looks at the lightning without any change of expression before swatting it away with her hands. Then she looks at Errol like saying 'is that it'.

Which of course is not, earth spikes began to sprout on the ground below her launching at every part of her body. She just jump away after feeling something wrong on the ground.

While she was mid-air Errol put forward his hands before he turned akin to a flamethrower. Yoruichi smiled at his action before dodging it mid-air by stepping into the air.

She landed gracefully to the ground before numerous earth spikes attacks her again, which she nimble dodged. Errol keeps on attacking her from earth, lightning, wind, fire, and even ice.

Normally it should be impossible for him to do all this with a single Order, but since coming to the shop of Urahara he was always cautious and put an Order in advance that was always in effect and that Order was.

[I can use and Order with my Mind: Mind Order]

(AN:I thought about it, I think I'll add names to his Order/Abilities, just like Shinigami's, Arrancar, and Fullbringers, so I won't forget)

He always finds it inconvenient to talk when using his powers, and when he thought more about it, his power inner working will be easily analyzed by smart people when they saw him use it a couple of times and they might be able to counter him when he fights them again.

That's when this order comes into play, with this order he could just think of an order and it will immediately change to it instantly. The chances of people knowing his ability will less by a large margin, and with this Order he could change order from a fire ability to Ice or super strength to superspeed in an instant.

There is a lot of advantage, but there is also a downside to this which is he could only use one Order to take effect as the one is already in use, which made it not really a downside.

Errol who watched her just dodging everything he used, put his hands down and turn the grown around him into sand.

He manipulate it and made an attack something like a sandstorm, Yoruichi runs around escaping the attack still using just her physical techniques. Just when she thought she escaped another sandstorm was in front of her making her stop.

She looks at Errol who was pointing his hands at the two sandstorms from her back and front. He then claps his hands making the two attack increase its speed and attack her before her figure disappears from the two attacks.

"Did I get her?" Errol said to no one as he breathed loudly from the consumption of spiritual power.

However he heard Yoruichi's voice at the back "Quite close actually, I didn't plan to use any technique's beyond the physical one, but to my surprised, you manage to make me use spiritual power, although that attack won't damage me much it will be a problem if some sand got in my eyes"

Errol turned around and saw her standing at a top of a large rock looking down at him. She was about to open her mouth only to see flames rushing to her place.

"This kid really doesn't know how to talk during a fight..."

They continued for a while Errol threw different types of elemental attacks while Yoruichi is just dodging them all with ease. He never used other abilities beyond elements as he still has reservations about sharing his abilities.

He thought of changing strategy and fighting her in close combat, but he scratch that idea immediately as she was stronger than him in all aspects, she has more experience, more skills, and has also longer reach due to her age.

"Not bad, you are lacking in experience but you don't hold back to your attacks, a normal human would die on your attacks by now normally if they are in my position, and also normally a kid would hesitate in attacking, but you don't really hold back huh," She said while still having her usual smile, on the other hand, Errol was huffing from the drain of his attacks.

It took him at least about 80% of his spiritual capacity to all those attacks, hoping to at least scratch her by surprise but looks like the difference between them is just too much to be compensated by firing her numerous amount of elemental attacks.

"By the Errol, why are you not fighting me in close combat?" Yoruichi asks in her usual carefree smile.

Errol breathes loudly. "Do you even need to ask?"

Yoruichi nodded in approval. "Good looks like are not the type to just jump in a fight without thinking, anyway I will stop dodging now and start attacking"

The moment she said that she immediately dash at him in a fast speed, although it didn't even reach half of her true speed it already made it hard for Errol to follow her figure with his eyes.

She appears in front of him before giving him a simple jab which he blocks with his small arms.

[Increase my durability]

He got pushed back by the force of her fist but she didn't stop and continued to attack him with simple punches that he always tried to block.

He already changed an Order to increase his durability so his arms didn't hurt that bad but he also couldn't attack her due to her speed and his lack of techniques to fighting. Yoruichi's punches stop before she turns around and give a kick in Errol's belly and was shot away before hitting a hill.

He has hurt but not too badly thanks to his Order, but it still made him dizzy as he stands up and looked at Yoruichi who was just standing and waiting for him.

"What's wrong, is the only thing you could do was to block?" She tried to taunt him which she failed as he was self-aware of the difference in strength. "Hmm good, looks like you are not also the type to get angry from a taunt simply, but anyway let's continue"

She begins to dash at him again using pure physical skills without using any spiritual power.

'So I still can't escape fighting her in close combat hah' Errol thought before taking a deep breath and with a thought changing his Order.

[Give my eyes the ability to copy techniques of what I see and assimilate it to my body: Copy]

The moment the Order was made Errol's Eyes that was blue due to genetics glowed and the way he saw the world was now different. If from the past he only saw the world as a whole image, then now he can see it in blocks and pieces, and see why and how it works. Although he feels like he could see more if he increase the amount of spiritual power to the Order, it is enough and he was down to just 10% of spiritual power.

He saw Yoruichi was surprised by the sudden glow of his eyes before she just continue to run at him. His eyes saw her movements the way her muscles, bones, and many other things in the way they work as she runs at him.

He suddenly also dash at her with his small body trying to copy her movements, it was slow but he noticed an improvement towards his speed movements and only discovered now how wasteful of energy of how he usually moves.

They reach each other and Yoruichi began to give him simple jabs again, but this time Errol saw through her movements and was able to predict where she would punch so he dodge some of them and blocks those he couldn't.

But as time pass he was able to dodge more and more of her punches, and Yoruichi look at all of this with a big smile and shock on her face to his improvement. She can instantly hit him and finished the fight if she wants to but that was beside the point of this training.

Errol suddenly stop dodging and attack by giving his own punch to Yoruichi and she saw a resemblance of herself in the way he punch. She caught his fist and feel the strength of his punch, she can't help but give him a smirk.

"Not bad"