Chapter 26


Errol suddenly stops dodging and attack by giving his own punch to Yoruichi and she saw a resemblance of herself in the way he punch. She caught his fist and feel the strength of his punch, she can't help but give him a smirk.

"Not bad"


The fight continues with Yoruichi gradually increasing the complexity of her techniques and Errol who was decoding and assimilating the things he learn from her.

After another half an hour, they finally stopped not because someone has won that's because the winner is already clear from the beginning.

"I guess this is your limit, hah" Yoruichi commented while looking down on Errol who was lying on the ground, full of sweat and dirt.

"I must say I am impressed, for your age, with no prior training and lack of experience in fighting, you have improved tremendously on this single fight," She said with an almost jealous tone in her voice. Although she can't be blamed genius or not, it still took her months of constant practice to reach the level Errol reach in a single fight.

"But I'm still weak..huff..." Errol said in frustration while breathing loudly.

"You don't need to hurry, you will reach that level eventually, and honestly if you reach the level of a captain in a single day I might have beat you up in frustration for making me feel like I wasted my life for a lot of my years training" She consoles him, before grinning evilly at him.

After Errol recovered, he go home early leaving Yoruichi alone below the underground training space, she was sitting alone before a companion arrived while bringing some sake.

"Yo Yoruichi wanna drink?" Urahara asks.

"No need to ask me twice" Yoruichi smirked.

They both sat in front of a small table having their own cups before they filled them and drink.

"Haa... It's been a while since I drink" Yoruichi said before pouring another one.

"Isn't it your fault for always staying in your cat form?" Urahara said.

"But it's comfortable, especially because I wouldn't need to worry people complaining about to need to wear clothes, it always feels uncomfortable to wear one" She replied to him, while grumbling.

They continued to make small talk while drinking before Urahara ask. "So how was it?"

Yoruichi glanced at him before finishing her drink and said. "He's improving fast"

"How fast?" Urahara asks Curiously.

"Hmm in spiritual power, his speed of development there can be said fast but not unimaginable, it's his speed of grabbing techniques from just seeing is what is unbelievable, he went from a newbie to someone who could beat some elite who trained for years," She said with some jealousy.

"Heh, coming from you means to say that he was really talented" Urahara whistled in Impress.

"You have no idea, just his ability has already beaten most of the Zanpaktou in Seireitei, with its versatility, when he fought me he just used elemental abilities but I think he was holding back from using its full potential, honestly two months is enough for some people to become best friends, yet this kid still was cautious from telling us his power that it's infuriating, though I think his decision was correct," She said the last words while looking at Urahara like saying she knows that he has some kind of scheme.

"Don't look at me like that, I have no plans in using that kid, I'm just trying to build some bridge so that in the future we know we have a powerful ally, not an enemy" Urahara said while smiling and drinking.

"Hmm, I'll take your word for that, I don't want a kid to get tangled in our fight," She said before drinking and standing up while stretching she grins at him.

"I'm gonna take a bath, it's been a while since I bathed in this form, wanna join?"

"I'll pass, I have just finished taking one, too bad," He said in a regretful tone.

"Bad luck for you then," She said before swaying her butt leaving Urahara just sitting there alone looking at his cup.

"Guess I'll just drink to wash away this regret " He said to himself.





(Time Skip 1 and half years)

In an area where a large room with a ceiling and walls painted to resemble a cloudy sky over a floor of desolate, brown, craggy land dotted with dead trees. Two figures are fighting at an extreme speed, vanishing from one position to another.

One of the people was a woman, she has dark skin, golden irises, and black hair, her hair is waist-length and kept in a ponytail with chin-length bangs framing the sides of her face, this was Yoruichi.


On the other side, there was a kid around 10 years old, he has a black hair and blue eyes, wearing a completely black tracksuit, this was Errol.


The two combatants were constantly engaging in close combat, fist from fist to kick from a kick, their fight was so fast that if there was a normal human around he wouldn't be able to see them but just feel a strong wind.

Their fist met each other and fall into a stalemate, they look at each other before trying to overpower the other. But suddenly Yoruichi remove the strength of her hands which made Errol surprised and suddenly falls towards her.

She took this chance and give him a kick toward his chest. He managed to put his arms to guard and was sent flying backward.

However, Errol also took this chance to attack her from afar, putting his palm forward he shouted.

"Hado #33: Sokatsui!"

Blue flames shot out from his palm like a flame thrower engulfing a large area towards the direction of Yoruichi.

"Shit" Yoruichi cursed as the distance between her and Errol was quite close, she barely managed to dodge by moving out of its range with her flash step.

She looks at her previous place which was now destroyed including a large area of the training space.

"Damn you really are not holding back on me" She commented before docking, dodging a kick from Errol.

"Of course, after all, you are my beloved One-san right, this is usually how a little brother shows his love towards his sister" Errol smiled innocently. During this year he didn't know when he started calling her like this until he felt he was already comfortable calling her like this.

"Although I think it's true, it was more on a lower scale" Yoruichi can't help but give him a stare.

They look at each other for a moment before launching at each other and continuing their fight.

During these past year , Errol never slacks in his training and now he can fight Yoruichi at an equal level although he was still being suppressed by her, as she was still stronger than him in parameters and has more experience but not too much anymore.

Currently, his spiritual power is already at the level of a captain although it barely reached it according to Yoruichi.

His constant sparring with her has never stopped, she never taught him anything but she shows him a lot of techniques she has mastered over the years during their sparring and he learns it easily with his Order.

After a year when Yoruichi thought she couldn't teach Errol anymore as he mastered most of her fighting techniques, she didn't expect him to use a kido she used on him when they spar.

She asks him how he did it as mostly a Shinigami can use a Kido and other beings can't.

(AN: This is on wiki, so I didn't make it up, and don't make use of ganju as an example as he was a descendant of a noble family of Shinigami)

Errol just said that he cheated using his power, by making an Order to give him the ability to use Kido like Shinigami's permanently, which alters himself in a way similar to Shinigami. It did take a lot out of him, in that modification and now he can be said similar to a Shinigami in a human body.

But Errol has no plan to turn into a Shinigami and get a Zanpaktou, let's just say he's too paranoid to get a weapon that has sentience, which might also have the same ability as him including the New Order. He didn't watch bleach in complete but he still saw, the time when one Zanpaktou spirit made other Zanpaktou spirit betray their Owners.

That's enough reason for him to not want a sentient weapon and prefer to fight using only his body, which might have been also influenced by Yoruichi who doesn't really use Zanpaktou when she fights.

Yoruichi felt like she underestimated Errol's ability, as he never showed anything special except for elemental conjuration and manipulation, and maybe some healing abilities.

She thought for a moment and ask him if he wants to learn Kido, but in exchange, she must tell him about his ability as she was really curious.

Errol hesitated, before agreeing not before making her promise to never to tell anyone, and swearing that he will hate her if she broke this promise which she agreed to and swear under her honor, which he is doubtful which made her a bit furious and scolds him to never question people's honor unless he knows that person already has no honor.

The reason he agreed was that although New Order is powerful, there is a restriction to only two orders, and made it hard to both think and talk at the same time to make an order in a correct situation.

Although the Order he used where he can just use it with a thought, remove the weakness of him changing ability during a fight and hiding his true ability. There will be a time when he would need the two slots of order, like the time when Izumi was injured, he was using one order to heal her and another on him to fight the hollow.

That is why he wants to learn Kido as it will be his backup skill when there will be a time when he couldn't use his New Order or both are in use due to some situation.

Yoruichi asks Tessai to teach him as he was the most knowledgeable person except for Urahara when it comes to Kido who can teach Errol.

Tessai didn't mind, as he owes her before, not before making Errol promise some things before teaching him.

Errol only asks him to teach him Hado or the way of destruction and Bakudou or the way of binding as this was the only thing he thinks he needs.

Then he spent another half a year learning Kido under Tessai while still fighting with Yoruichi for him to develop his experience in fights.

In these years Errol never also stopped searching for Izumi, from the human world to Hueco Mundo and Soul society. In the human world, he just used an order to give him some search skill and boost to his guts or instinct, his search was fruitless as his abilities just gave him the answer that she was not in the human world.

On the other two, he was helped by Urahara for a favor, he didn't go to those places as he was prevented by Yoruichi saying it was dangerous. He might be strong now but he can still be overwhelmed by a large amount of Hollows or he might encounter a Vasto Lorde which is the pinnacle evolution of hollows.

But Urahara's search was fruitless, not even a single piece of news was found and Errol suddenly got scared and fear that she might have died of something, but luckily the response from his boosted guts told him she was alive. He just couldn't find her with his abilities, like she was in some other place or something was blocking his search abilities.

But the question where is she?





(AN: I might be posting Irregularly, as school is coming but I'll try to post every two days)