Chapter 28

In the following days, Errol stops visiting Urahara's Shop and follows Yoruichi's words to try to enjoy life.

He tried a lot of things the first is sports, he wanted to see if he could enjoy ball games like the others, but the result was that he felt so bored that he quit after just a day.

He was playing basketball with some older kids he ask if could play with them and they kindly agreed which they immediately regretted as Errol overpowered them with no skills but pure superior physical abilities that surpassed human limits.

Next, he tried to learn painting or drawing, and immediately stop after he discovered that his lack of creativity still followed him here in this life after creating something that even his grandpa couldn't find any excuse to praise.

He then tried singing only to hear see his grandpa forcing a smile while saying, try to find another thing to do.

He tried a lot of things, but in the end, he only likes two things first is video games which were the joy of his life from the past, and second playing musical instruments. Same reason as the first one, but now it change after meeting Izumi.

In the past he likes music a lot, he always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, but has no money to buy the said instruments and even having a guitar didn't make him know how to play as he was too busy with his college life and no one is there to teach him.

He already has given up on this regret before it awakens again after meeting Izumi and hearing her story. With his new environment, he didn't need to worry anymore and buy those instruments and ask his grandpa to find someone to teach him.

With this, he enjoyed learning instruments in the following days but the two instruments he like the most is the piano with Izumi as the inspiration and the Guitar for his regret of not being able to play even one music when he got one from the past life.

He was enjoying his life for a bit now, but he couldn't help but find himself wanting to fight something or someone as he got used to having a spar with Yoruichi every day these years.

He looks at the time and decided to take a walk, Errol left his room moving down from the second floor encountering his grandpa who was reading a newspaper on the couch while having some coffee.

Grandpa Orlando noticed Errol and smiled as he likes that Errol was now trying to enjoy life, as for the past years it felt like he was on a mission and training hard to succeed it.

"Oh Erl, wanna join grandpa, there are some snacks here" He invited him while showing his snacks.

"Maybe later Grandpa, I plan to take a walk, and if anything is interesting to do" Errol decline while smiling at his grandpa.

"I see, then be careful and return early ok? I heard from the news that there will be heavy rain later" Grandpa didn't stop him, but just gave him some warnings.

"Yes," Errol said before leaving.

When he was out of his house already he didn't know what to do and just decided to see what he would stumble across his walk.

He walked around the town, see a lot of scenery, and bought some local food along the way, but he still felt bored.

He looks around until he found a Black cat on top of a wall having a comfortable position to lie down. He felt that the cat was familiar so he approached and couldn't help but smile.

"What are you doing there, Yoruichi-nee?" Errol ask.

Yoruichi opens her eyes and saw Errol, she stands up before jumping down, and Errol caught her.

"Well I didn't expect to see you here, but anyway let's just say I found that place comfortable to sleep in, how about you?" She said before she found a comfortable position in his arms.

"Well I tried to follow your advice and just got bored inside the house so I just went for a walk"

With a companion in his arms, Errol found someone to talk to so now, he found it enjoyable to walk around the town. They just made a talk about small things and Errol couldn't help but like this feeling, of just having someone to talk to without any purpose.

Yoruichi couldn't help but sighs at him who was having a drama again when she used her nails on her paw and stab his hands.

"Ouch!"He looks at his hands and glares at her.

He used his other hand and pinched her tail.

"meowouch!" She exclaimed and glared at him.

They bicker on the road and people can't help but look at Errol weirdly fighting a cat. After a while, they stopped fighting and continue their walk, but a few minutes later, they noticed that the sky is about to rain.

"Guess I'll going home, how about you Yoruichi-nee, wanna come to eat at my house?" Errol ask while his face was full of a cat scratch.

"Well if you insist, I'll be in your care then," Yoruichi said while her fur was in a mess.

They began to walk home to Errol's home until the sky started to rain, Errol used an order with a thought to make it not reach them so they won't soak. His Order to us use New Order with a thought has already been active 24 hours a day since it didn't consume anything much.

They passed a surging river on the side but didn't pay much attention when suddenly while Errol and Yoruichi were walking they noticed a figure on the side of the river they noticed that it was some kind of spiritual entity, but they also noticed something else.

Errol squinted his eyes. "Yoruichi-nee.."

"Yes...that's a hollow" Yoruichi who was in his arms commented.

While they are observing the spiritual entity that was made by the hollow, a pair of mother and son suddenly arrived near the area of the hollow.

When suddenly the child looks at the fake figure of a person that was preparing to jump on the river, the child immediately runs towards the fake human figure to stop it while his mother tried to stop him from going near it.

Suddenly the river rage and a giant figure appear, which is a hollow that resembles a giant hamster with red bird-like hands and feet and a red tentacle-like limb that hangs from his forehead, similar to the lure of an anglerfish, the lure on its forehead was connected to the fake human figure that the child tried to save. 

Errol didn't do anything as he noticed something about the mother of the kid. Spiritual power began gathering at her hands before forming a glowing blue bow.

"Get away from my son!" She shot an arrow toward the hollow which it dodges by jumping away. But its movement made some strong wind die to its size blowing the kid away and knocking him out.

Meanwhile on the other side where Errol and Yoruichi where are standing.

"I didn't expect to encounter a Quincy of all things today" Yoruichi commented in a surprised tone. "By the way Errol, a Quincy are spiritually aware Humans that are able to absorb and manipulate spiritual power into spiritual weapons."

Errol just listened to her as his knowledge is quite incomplete about the anime while maintaining his eyes on the Quincy, as he felt something is wrong with her.

"Hey, Yoruichi-nee" Errol called out to her.

"Hmm?" Yoruichi looks at him.

"Is it normal for a Quincy to have their power lower than it originally was?" Errol asks in a grave tone while still focusing his sight on the mother.

Yoruichi who heard his words looks surprised and try to feel the Spiritual power of the woman and it was losing at an alarming rate.

"What's happening?" The woman felt her power is losing and hollow also too noticed it, it jumped at her attacking her with its claws.

She jumps away before getting closer to her son to protect him, she feels her power slowly disappearing until the bow in her hand dissipated.

The hollow looks at her before grinning "I don't know what happens but it looks like, I can eat you now woman"

The hollow began to get closer and closer and charged at her, the woman took a step back before covering her son in her arms to protect him.

"Hehehehehe" The hollow laugh maliciously, as he raised his arm preparing to kill her before suddenly.

"Hado # 4: Pale Lightning (Byakurai)"

A small beam of lightning came in a flash piercing the head of the hollow destroying its mask in the process. Its body began to fall down before disappearing.

The woman looks in the direction where the lightning came from, and saw a silhouette.

"A child?"