Chapter 29


"Hado # 4: Pale Lightning (Byakurai)"

A small beam of lightning came in a flash piercing the head of the hollow destroying its mask in the process. Its body began to fall down before disappearing.

The woman looks in the direction where the lightning came from, and saw a silhouette.

"A child?"


"Miss, are you ok?" Errol asks out just to be sure she is not injured.

The woman was stunned that the one who saved her was a child of the same age as her eldest son, but she woke when she was asked by Errol.

She gave him a gentle smile.

"Thank You, for saving me and my son" She bowed in gratefulness as although she didn't know what the cause of the loss of her power was, she was grateful to still be alive with her son

She checked her son and feel relieved that he was just unconscious, she then look at her savior carefully.

"By the way can I know your name, I am Kurosaki Masaki and this is my son Kurosaki Ichigo" The woman or Masaki introduce herself and her son, which by the way stunned Errol.

'What? That kid is the Protagonist of this world? Then this woman is his mother, but why didn't I see her in the show? Wait she was a Quincy!?'Errol was full of questions in his head but still managed to introduce himself.

"I am Errol Belladona, and this is Yoruichi-nee" He introduced himself and also Yoruichi who was just below his feet.

Masaki can't but look at him funny calling a cat nee(Older sister) until it spoke.

"I didn't expect to meet a Quincy out of all things today and yes just like Errol said I am Yoruichi" Yoruichi said while looking amused at Masaki's reaction to her.

Masaki blinks a couple of times. "A talking cat?"

"Is there something wrong with it?" Yoruichi asks.

Masaki shook her head. "No, I'm just surprised"

They made a few talks until Masaki said

"I am grateful to you guys for saving us, but I think it's time to go home, the rain is still coming and my son might get sick," She said with a gentle smile while picking up Ichigo who was still unconscious.

She looks at Errol and gave him a motherly smile. "Do you want to come to Belladona-kun and Yoruichi-san? I want to at least repay you even a little bit for saving us"

"No, my grandpa might be worried by now, as the rain is strong " Errol shook his head.

She smiled and prepared to go home when suddenly she falls down, she managed to turn around and take most of the impact not letting her son get hurt.

"Ugh!" She grunted.

Errol was surprised by this sudden situation including Yoruichi, he immediately came over and move Ichigo aside, and saw a familiar hole in Masaki's chest.

"What??" Errol was confused. 'why is she turning into a hollow, first she was a Quincy then she lost her power and turned into a human, now this time she is turning into a hollow, are you the protagonist and not Ichigo!?'

Even Yoruichi can't help but be baffled by the situation.

They didn't know that Masaki was once a Quincy who was bitten by an artificial hollow made by Aizen that can turn Shinigami into hollows after they were bitten, but unfortunately, Quincy and hollows are like Fire and Water, they can't combine and always destroy the other with their spiritual energy.

She is a Quincy and so the hollowfication instead of turning her into a hollow was instead being killed by it like she was poisoned. It was only thanks to her husband, Isshin, and Urahara who was on the scene that she survived.

Thanks to Isshin sacrificing his Shinigami powers to deal/seal the hollow inside her, she was saved and was still able to use her power, but it also made Isshin a normal human after the process ends. Although it also blessed him with a wife, and few children having a life that many envied.

However unfortunately this day June 17th, 1994, Yhwach initiates Auswählen, which robs "impure" Quincy of their powers. Masaki was corrupted by the hollow so, although she was born as a pure Quincy she was considered impure.

Her power is lost, and she is supposed to die today at the hands of Grand Fisher the hollow, that was until Errol intervened, and saves her.

She did survive both the Auswählen and hollow attack, but now the hollow inside her are now not trying to kill her but fused with her as she was no longer a Quincy. she can now turn her into a hollow.

The power of Isshin only acted as a balancer, a seal to prevent her from dying from the clash of the two types of spiritual power. But now one side has disappeared and the other side is now trying to take over the rest of the space.

Back to the present situation.

"ArrhhhhhHHH!" Masaki began to struggle and wail in pain, as a liquid-like substance began to come out of her mouth and cover her face.

Her body is also as if breaking apart, by the spiritual power of the hollow as she could not turn into a hollow if she still has a mortal body.

Errol and Yoruichi didn't know what is going on but it didn't mean they didn't take action, or should we say Errol took action.

Errol immediately canceled all his Order's that are in effect before, taking a deep breath and looking at Masaki. 'I failed before, but this time although your not Izumi, I'll save you!'

[Stop the hollowfication of Kurosaki Masaki]

20% of his spiritual energy has been used to make the Order, and the effects immediately appeared as the moving liquid that is on Masaki stopped moving. Errol smiled and began to make another Order.

[Erase the Hollowfication in Kurosaki Masaki and restore her back to Human]

This time Errol felt about 30% of his reserve had been used before slowly the white liquid substance on Masaki began to disappear in light particles.

The hole on her chest also began to slowly close down, her hollowfication situation began to recede and her condition are not different from human. Masaki lost consciousness after the hollowfication stopped.

Errol smiled at this, although he used more than 50% of his reserve to bring her back to normal, it still bring him even bigger hope that he can return Izumi back to normal in the future.

Errol sigh in relief and began to change to another Order.

[Increase my overall durability : Harden]

[Connect my Eyes to the Dimensions of Information : Elemental Sight]

Errol decided to use this to see if he really erase the power of hollows inside her. The moment his eyes landed on the unconscious Masaki, information about her began to flow in his head.

It was so much that if he did not use an Order to increase his resistance his brain might have fried up due to too much information coming to his head in an instant. He began to learn about her from the structure of her body to the atomic level, to her spirit, and the changes that happens to her soul.

He didn't know what happened but there is something that changes with her soul like something was missing and some parts of the hollow ended up replacing it, he also noticed something within her heart. It's some kind of silver that if it's not removed, then she will still die after this.

Errol glance at Masaki with a helpless expression.

'Why does it feel like the world wants this women death?'

Errol then canceled the Order's and hold his head due to a headache from the elemental sight. He check his remaining spiritual energy which was barely 48%, after using elemental sight for 20 seconds.

Although it's a lot already to what he is going to do next. He placed his hand on her hand before using an Order.

[Carefully removed the silver in Masaki Kurosaki's body with no danger in her life]

The Order took effect immediately, Masaki's face showed some discomfort before suddenly she woke up and cough the silver out of her mouth.

"*cough*cough*....*huf*.... what happened?" Masaki asks while cleaning the silver in her mouth.

Errol explain to her what happened and waited for her to recover. After a few minutes later, Masaki recovered from the sudden hollowfication.

"Looks like I owe you again, Belladona-kun" Masaki said bitterly

'You have no idea woman, you almost died from a hollow, almost turn into a hollow and maybe kill your own child later, and I even have to remove the silver in your chest or else you will also die' Errol thought of how unlucky she is.

"Masaki!! Ichigo!!" Suddenly someone shouted from a distance running towards them. Masaki looks at the newly arrived person and smiles gently.

Shiba Isshin or now called Kurosaki Isshin is running toward their location with a worried face. He then jumped like a kid toward Masaki and hug her like a child.

"Ahh! Masaki it's good that you are all right! I have had this very bad feeling since earlier and immediately run after feeling that something might happen!" Isshin acted like a kid and Masaki just smiled before patting his head.

Isshin then noticed Errol on the side. "Huh, who are you, kid?"

Masaki slapped his head. "Don't be rude, Belladona-kun is the one who saved me and Ichigo from a hollow after something happens with my powers"

Isshin was surprised and his demeanor suddenly changed from a playful to a serious demeanor. "I see...if that's the case then I really need to thank you for saving them, I owe you Belladona-kun" He bowed his head in a very serious manner.

Errol didn't know what to say as he never had someone be this grateful to him and just said. "No, it's nothing... it's just a coincidence that I passed here"

Isshin smiled at the awkwardness of the kid in front of him before noticing some silver on the ground and in the mouth of Masaki. "What's that silver clot thing?"

Errok glanced at it before shooks his head. "I don't know, I just saw it in her heart, and thought that she will die if I don't remove it"

Isshin picked it up and investigate but he couldn't see anything special in it. He thought of investigating it further later.

Suddenly they heard a sneeze sound from the side. Masaki and Isshin look at Ichigo who was shivering from the cold of the rain. They look at each other before they pick him up, Isshin carried Ichigo in his arms while helping Masaki stand and walk.

"I'm sorry, Belladona-kun but it looks like we need to go home," Isshin said. "Would you like to visit our house?"

"No, I also need to go home, or else my grandpa might be worried sick about me," Errol said.

"I see, then you come to visit our house sometime, I'll let you meet my cute daughters but, I won't allow you court them even if you are my wife and child savior" Isshin said seriously before receiving a smack from Masaki who looks apologetic to Errol

Isshin glance at Yoruichi for a second who also stared at him. Before their stare broke.

Isshin carried Ichigo and left with Masaki. Not before giving Errol their address so he can come to visit their house sometime.

Errol and Yoruichi stayed there watching their back disappear.

'So I am in the same age as Ichigo hah, I guess that would mean everything will go chaotic in a half-decade... I old was he on the show? Wait, more importantly, he has Quincy line age!? That would mean he is a human, Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy...that sounds ridiculous it will actually be 5 if we count his Fullbring' Errol thought while his face kept frowning.

"Is there something on your mind again?" Yoruichi asks.

Errol shook his head and smile at her. "No, nothing"

Yoruichi just looked at him before they began to walk toward his home. But in the mind of Errol.

'Why the fuck does it feel like Ichigo always uses the power of his enemies and show it to their face like saying that he's better than them'

He might be thinking some useless things, but he did find some patterns even with his incomplete knowledge about the anime and that is...

'Ichigo will always have the power of his enemies in each arc. Shinigami in Soul Society Arc, Hollow to Arrancar Arc, Fullbring to Fullbring Arc, and even in some movies like the hell part where he got power from the hell itself....' Errol's eyes sharpen as he thought. 'That would mean that there will be an arc about Quincy's in the future, which means there is someone stronger than Aizen or someone that is more troublesome than him'