Chapter 30

[Time Skip 2 Months]

Currently in the Karakura hospital in the afternoon was a middle-aged man of average height who appears quite fit for his age. He wears thin, frameless glasses and a plain grey suit with a light blue shirt and a tie adorned with Quincy crosses. He has narrow blue eyes and is fair-skinned with white hair.

This man is Ryuken Ishida, and right now he is looking at his wife Kanae Ishida who was sleeping on the bed of their hospital.

2 Months ago she suddenly lost her strength including her Quincy power. Her health is slowly deteriorating every single day and he couldn't find the reason for this no matter what method he used. He send his son Uryu to his grandpa as he didn't want him to worry about his mother.

"Don't worry, I'll find a method for you to get back on your matter what it takes" Ryuken said in a gentle tone as he touched his wife's cheeks.

Kanae might have felt him even in her sleep and unconsciously smile. Her smile made Ryuken calm from his stress and gave him more strength to find a method to heal her.

He left the room where she is sleeping before going back to his private room. As he walks through the corridor nurses and doctors are bowing out to greet him as he is the director and owner of the hospital.

He just nodded at them and continue to walk until he met a familiar face that has been missing for these two months, leaving only a letter that said 'I'll take a long vacation, see ya'.

"Oh Ryuken long time no see, you look thinner than I remember, something happened?" Isshin come to greet Ryuken before noticing something wrong with him.

Ryuken looked at Isshin who was talking as if he did nothing wrong and come closer before kicking him. Isshin was surprised and immediately ducked.

"Hoy what's wrong!? Why are you suddenly attacking me!?" Isshin asked while panicking.

"Nothing, I just felt like venting my frustration on you after seeing your face for the first time in these two months" Ryuken pushes his glasses as he gives Isshin a stare. "More importantly, where have you been these two months, I tried to call on your little clinic but got no response?"

"Well...a lot has happened...I almost lost my wife and son when they were attacked by a hollow and I couldn't help but be thankful and wants to spend time with them on a vacation..." Isshin said with a nervous laugh.

"2 months just for a vacation? and more importantly, Masaki almost died from a hollow? Is it so strong then why didn't I sense it?" Ryuken calmed down and ask.

Isshin's stupid act disappears and replace by his serious demeanor. "No the hollow strength is not much from what I have heard, but that is not the problem."

Ryuken looked at him confused but Isshin's next words made him stunned.

"Masaki... lost her Quincy powers," Isshin said.

Ryuken immediately regained control of himself. "...then how is she now?"

Isshin looks at his reaction in confusion. "Well she is with our kids at the house right now, although the loss of her powers made her feel some regret she is already grateful to be alive"

Ryuken immediately holds Isshin's shoulder surprising the man. "Hoy.. what's wrong, did you finally swing that way?"

"She is fine?" Ryuken asks in confusion.

Isshin immediately notices something wrong. "What's the problem with my wife being healthy?"

Ryuken calmed down and explained what happens to his wife Kanae 2 months ago, her continues deteriorating conditions and his lack of a solution.

"Kanae also lost her Quincy powers and now her health is deteriorating?" Isshin asks in surprise.

"Yes...that is why, when I heard that Masaki also lost her powers, I thought she is also in the same situation," Ryuken said, he held Isshin's shoulders with a lot of strength making the man who lost his power feel a bit pain.

"How did you get her back to health? Please..." Ryuken said with his expressionless face but Isshin can see the desperation in the eyes of the man.

Isshin thought for a moment before giving him an answer. "Sorry, Masaki did lose her power but she didn't get any weaker during this time, so I don't have the solution..."

Ryuken lost the strength in his hands and let them fall. "I see..." He was about to turn around when suddenly Isshin said something.

"Wait I just remember something, before I arrived at the location of where Masaki and Ichigo got attacked by a Hollow, and the time Masaki lost her powers, there was actually another person there" Isshin said.

Ryuken who thought he could only try hard to find a solution suddenly look at Isshin with aggressiveness. "Who?"

"Calmed down Ryuken.." Isshin tried to calm Ryuken only shut up from his glare. "Well it was a kid with some special power"

"What power?" Ryuken ask.

"I don't know, but he did save Masaki and Ichigo so I am grateful to him, but that is not the important thing," Isshin said. "The thing is... when I arrive I saw my wife spitting some silver thing from her mouth"

"Silver?" Ryuken listen carefully.

"Yes, it was a silver clot that the kid who save my wife said was inside her heart, he removed it cause he thought she will die if it was not removed, I actually came here to you this time cause I want to ask if you know about it" Isshin said.

Ryuken who heard his words immediately run towards his wife's private room. Isshin decided to follow him in silence.

Later after using some special method, Ryuken inspects the heart of Kanae and found something wrong. Most of the hospital devices and even his spiritual technique, can't find the silver thing that Isshin is saying, but he did find something wrong with her heart.

"Isshin, do you know where the kid you are talking about live?" Ryuken ask.

The next day Errol was walking out of the house in the morning when his grandfather pulled him out of his room and told him to go outside, due to him not leaving the house for a week.

He didn't know what to do, and remembered the address given to him by Isshin and Masaki and thought to visit them.

He walks around the Karakura town passing a lot of streets until he finally found a house with a Clinic on its side called Kurosaki Clinic. He walks to the entrance and was about to press the doorbell when suddenly the door opens and Isshin walks out.

Isshin looks at Errol in surprise before looking ecstatic. "Belladona-kun it's been a while and good timing! This might sound shameful as I still owe you for saving my wife and son, but I need your help"
