Chapter 39

The following day was Saturday, so Errol didn't go to school. He didn't know what to do at home and was bored. He thought of calling Uryu, only to find out he was busy.

'What should I do? I'm not in the mood for games or training, and playing the piano will only entertain me for a couple of minutes before I get bored again,' he thought while lying on his bed.

Looking out of his window, he saw the clear blue sky and felt a pleasant breeze entering his room.

"I guess I'll just walk around the town then," he decided.

Jumping out of bed, he grabbed the black jacket he usually wore and left his room. He passed some maids who bowed to him, but he was used to it.

Walking down to the first floor, he encountered Grandpa Orlando, who was walking up.

"Oh, Errol, where are you going?" Orlando asked him, noticing he was wearing the jacket he usually wore when going out.

"Nowhere specific. I just plan to walk around. The sky is too beautiful to stay in my room," Errol said with a smile on his face.

Orlando smiled back. "Hahaha, is that so? Well, I won't stop you, but be careful. For some reason, there are a lot of accidents happening around the town."

"Don't worry, Grandpa," Errol reassured him.

Grandpa Orlando nodded before proceeding to walk up the stairs again slowly. Errol helped him to the top.

"Hahaha, I may be getting really old, but anyway, go now and enjoy yourself. I'll just go to my room to rest," Orlando waved Errol to go on, and walked away.

Errol couldn't help but look at his grandpa's retreating back. Orlando now had more white hair and his back was more bent than it used to be. Errol thought for a moment before silently touching his back, and with a thought, used an Order.

[The moment Orlando Belladona sleeps, his body will slowly restore to its peak]

He then watched his grandpa's back disappear before leaving the house. He had no destination, so he just let his mood guide his way.

He wandered all around Karakura town, buying food from the stalls. He visited the arcade, which he hadn't been to in a while, and saw some of his scores had been beaten by other people.

He decided to reclaim the throne, and after leaving the place, rumors spread that the legend had returned.

His last stop was Izumi's house. He didn't know why his feet had led him there, but he decided to rest there nonetheless. The house no longer looked old and haunted, but like a normal home.

He stayed there until 6 pm before deciding to go home. He didn't ride anything and just walked home like he had when he left the house.

He had no plans to stop anywhere until he felt the spiritual power of a Hollow just a few minutes' walk away. Not only that, he also felt the spiritual power of a Shinigami, which was clearly Ichigo's.

Errol thought for a moment before saying to himself, "Well, nobody can say no to a free show, so why not?"

He jumped from his position to a roof before jumping again to another. He arrived at a house and saw some familiar faces: Inoue, Tatsuki, and Ichigo, who was fighting a Hollow that had a human-like upper body and a snake for a lower body.

He looked around before seeing the chains in Inoue's chest connected to another Inoue on the ground, which should be her body. He thought of helping them but after thinking for a moment, they didn't seem to need help, so he just decided to watch the fight.

He saw the Hollow attack Ichigo with his claws. "Orihime is mine! Mine! MINE! I won't give her to you!"

Ichigo blocked his attacks with his sword, which he showed more mastery of compared to his original counterpart. "Shut up! Orihime is not an object you own! Orihime is Orihime, she owns herself, not anyone else."

Errol watched their fight and monologues, and could only think of one thing. 'It's different, the way Ichigo fights is different. If I remember correctly, his use of his sword is just him brute-forcing every enemy he fights at first, but now his movements are more efficient.'

The following events unfolded: Orihime let her brother attack her, which he hesitated to do, and regained control of himself. Orihime then began to tell him how she just wanted to show him that she was okay and could live on her own. She even showed him her hairpin that her Hollow brother had given her.

Her brother then used his regained control of his body to use Ichigo's Zanpakuto to cut himself. Rukia then healed both Orihime and Tatsuki, before changing their memories of the events.

Meanwhile, Errol was just sitting on top of the roof, watching everything unfold. He thought of helping them and returning her body to normal, but that was pointless as he would just be sent to Soul Society after getting cut by the Zanpakuto.

Although Errol was very doubtful of the ability to send Hollows to Soul Society through cutting them. Maybe there was some truth to it, but he felt like it was just a lie to make people less hesitant to cut down Hollows.

'Soul Society is just full of lies after all. The Shinigami tell souls who they use Konzo on that they will be sent to a better afterlife, only to live like beggars on the street upon arriving there,' Errol thought as he stood up before jumping away under the night sky.