Chapter 40

(Time Skip: 1 Month Later)

Errol continued to lead his life as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred, despite the unfolding narrative of the world around him. The only significant change was his newfound source of entertainment: observing Ichigo and Rukia's routine of concocting excuses to slip out of class and battle Hollows.

After the incident involving Inoue and the Hollow, it was Chad, also known as Sado's, turn to encounter these supernatural beings. Chad found himself in a situation where he had to protect a bird possessed by a child's soul, which was being misused for amusement by a Hollow. Errol observed Chad's impressive battle against the Hollow, even though Chad was unable to see his adversary.

Following that, there was an incident where Ichigo's body was inhabited by a mod soul named Kon, causing havoc in the classroom. Errol fondly remembered the chaotic scene and Ichigo's repeated apologies for the disruption he hadn't caused.

There were other incidents, some of which Errol had seen in anime, and some he hadn't. No matter what transpired, Errol remained a passive observer, feeling no need to intervene.

Errol, however, started to feel uneasy with the increasing appearances of Hollows. This sparked concern for the safety of his home and his grandfather, prompting him to consider a visit to Urahara's shop to inquire about potential protective measures like barriers.

One day, just before lunch, Ichigo suddenly exclaimed, "Sensei, my stomach hurts!" and dashed out of the room. The teacher attempted to stop him, but before she could, Rukia chimed in, "Sensei, I feel the same way. I need to go to the toilet!" and followed suit. The teacher, left standing in the room, mused, "If you guys need to go to the toilet, why do you always leave together at the same time?"

As the lunch bell rang, Errol stood up and was about to invite Uryu to join him for lunch on the rooftop. However, he noticed Uryu swiftly exiting the room. Errol followed him, eventually reaching the rooftop.

Uryu, with his spiritual bow materialized, aimed an arrow at a Hollow that was in the same location Ichigo and Rukia had headed towards. He released the string, sending a spiritual arrow flying towards the Hollow, hitting it right in its mask, and eliminating it permanently. Ichigo and Rukia paused in confusion, looking at their Hollow radar.

Seeing their confusion, Uryu smiled. Suddenly, he felt a pat on his shoulder and turned to find Errol. "Yo, Uryu, what are you up to?" Errol asked with a grin, before stepping back.

Uryu sighed, relieved it was only Errol who had seen him use his power. "It's just that... I've been annoyed by their sluggish response to the Hollows this entire month. One arrow from my bow should be enough to kill a Hollow in seconds or at most a minute. But they take at least half an hour. It's just to show that Quincies are superior to Shinigamis," he explained, his tone shifting from annoyance to smugness.

"Well, do your thing, just don't cause trouble for others," Errol advised.

Uryu's face twitched in irritation. "Do you think I'm the type to cause trouble?" he asked, pushing up his glasses in an attempt to appear cool.

"Yes, you are," Errol responded simply, causing Uryu to lose his composure.

"Well, others might think you're the cool, nerdy, and rational type, but you actually tend to act impulsively when something touches your heart. Like how you attacked me with your bow when I accidentally destroyed a limited rare cape in the game we played," Errol explained, nonchalantly eating his lunch.

"Of course I was angry! Do you know how much time I invested in crafting that cape? I collected numerous rare materials and completed countless challenging quests over weeks, only for you to accidentally use an item that has a chance of destroying random items during our PVP!" Uryu retorted angrily.

Errol pointed at him, "See, you easily lose your composure when something you hold dear is at stake."

"That's a normal reaction, you idiot!" Uryu retorted, cursing at Errol.

"Seriously? Here I was thinking I had honed my observational skills," Errol mused. "By the way, have you noticed the increasing frequency of Hollow appearances in town? Look, those two are running off to confront one now."

Without hesitation, Uryu launched another arrow in the direction of the Hollow, effectively killing it and leading the two Shinigamis to believe their radar was malfunctioning.

After dissipating his bow, Uryu adjusted his glasses. "I don't care. It's actually quite convenient. I've decided to confront them and prove who is superior!"

"To look cool?" Errol queried.

"Yes, to lo- it's not! Don't make fun of me," Uryu retorted, his cheeks flushing.

Errol chuckled at his reaction. "Well, you do what you want. Oh, and I have somewhere to go later, so you can head home alone."

Time moved forward, and by the afternoon, Errol was making his way towards Urahara's shop.

Upon arrival, he knocked a few times before opening the door. "Hello, is anyone around?" He called out.

"Oh, Errol-kun, what an unexpected visit at this time of day. Do you need something?" Tessai greeted him, busy moving items around the shop.

"Good afternoon, Tessai-san. Is Urahara around?" Errol greeted him in return before asking his question.

"Oh, Errol-kun, didn't expect you to visit today. Is there something you want to buy?" Urahara appeared from another door, dressed in his usual attire.

"Yes, I was wondering if you have something like a Hollow repellent?" Errol asked, considering the safety of his house, his grandfather, and the maids. He thought they might have some protective measures.

He was considering using an Order to create a barrier around the house, but that would occupy one of his Order slots, which might be needed for other purposes at some point.

"A Hollow repellent? If there were something so convenient, there would be no need for Shinigami," Urahara said with a chuckle. "But I do have some rechargeable barriers that can defend against Hollows to some extent. They can withstand a full blow from a Hado of 60 before breaking. You can simply pour your spiritual power into it to recharge the barrier."

"I'll take that. Do you also have some protective charms?" Errol asked.

"Are they for your grandfather? Hmm, I have a few, but I could make more," Urahara replied, his tone businesslike.

"Make me 50, and give me 5 of those barriers," Errol requested.

"Sold! Thank you for your purchase," Urahara said with a smile, rubbing his hands together. "Unfortunately, I'll need some time to create the charms and three more spiritual barriers as I only have two at the moment. You can pick them up tomorrow evening, if you don't mind."

"No, I don't mind." They concluded their transaction after Errol paid. As he was about to leave, he asked Urahara, "By the way, where is Yoruichi-nee?"

"Who knows? She hasn't returned for a month, but I think she'll be back soon," Urahara responded.

Errol nodded before heading for the exit. Just as he was leaving, someone entered the shop.

"Owner, are you here? I think this Hollow radar I got from you is bro-" Rukia was looking for Urahara when she saw Errol leaving and was taken aback.

Errol glanced at her before walking past her and heading home. Rukia snapped out of her surprise and tried to chase after him, but he was already gone. She looked around but couldn't even see his shadow.

She went back inside to find Urahara relaxed and grinning from a large purchase.

"Owner, the guy who just left, do you know him?" Rukia immediately asked.

"Errol-kun? Yes, he's a regular here," Urahara replied, not hiding anything as Errol had never mentioned he was concealing his identity.

"Then... can he see souls?" Rukia asked cautiously.

"Yep," Urahara simply nodded.

"What are the chances that he knows Ichigo and I are Shinigami?" She asked.

"Nothing to hide, as he probably knew it from your first appearance," Urahara said with a smile.

"Ehhhh!" Rukia gasped, suddenly recalling every interaction she and Ichigo had had with Errol since they met him. The amusement in Errol's eyes as he watched them make excuses and act strangely.

Meanwhile, Errol watched her reaction from a few hundred meters away, thinking to himself, 'Acting mysterious and cool actually feels good.'