Chapter 12

Author's POV

"Breakfast time!! Everybody out!! "Jacob yelled as he kept banging a spoon on the frying pan causing a lot of noise

Once he heard the groans of everyone getting closer he stopped banging the frying pan and dropped the spoon down.

They all strutted into the kitchen with their bed hair, glaring at Jacob.

"Don't give me that look, I woke up early to prepare this for every one of you "Jacob spoke glaring at them.

Their eyes turned to the food on the counter making them all sigh in satisfaction.

"Coffee!" They exclaimed at the same time.

Laid out on the counter were pancakes and eggs with coffee.

They all approached the counter and took their food. Some sat on the counter, while others took their food to the couch in the living room.

Jacob stared at the food left on the counter "Where's Lan? "He asked no one in particular.

"Here" Lan's replied as he entered the kitchen.

"Thank you"He smiled, took his plate and a coffee, and quickly pulled a stool. He finished his food quickly sighing in satisfaction.


After eating, they have been lazing around on the couch when they heard the doorbell ring.

"Go open the door Mark"Jacob grunted as he stared at the door from the couch.

"Why don't you go?"Mark asked refusing the stand-up.

" Lazy pokes"Pearl spoke.

She sighed as she forced her lazy body up and walked towards the door. She pulled the doorknob open ushering the person in.

Once they all saw who it was, their eyes widened.

"Damon!"They all exclaimed in surprise.

Their faces were bright as they quickly approached him where he stood showering him with so many questions.

Lan was still where he sat. His eyes were so wide that they looked like they were about to fall out. His mouth was wide open as he stared at Damon smiling at the others.

"What's he doing here?!" he mumbled to himself.

"How did you find us, Damon?"The others asked leading him to the couch.

Damon plopped beside Lan and winked at him.

"This is his friend's house guys. He was the one I told you landed us the house to use since his friend is not around in the meantime "Nate spoke patting Damon's shoulder.

" H-how do you guys know him? "Lan asked still in shock.

"What do you mean? Have you met him before? "Luke questioned.

Lan was quick to shake his head, refuting the idea of knowing him.

"Well, Damon here is our friend. He just got back after a long time" Mark replied smiling.

" Oh.."That was all Lan could say.

" Damon, that's Pearl my brother's friend.." Nate introduced him to pearl.

Pearl's cheeks reddened as she waved at him "Hello"

"...And this is Lan, my brother"Nate concluded.

Damon smirked at lan as he held his hand"Nice to meet you lan" he spoke.

Lan pulled his hand out of his grasp.

"So Damon, came to join in on the fun huh?"Luke asked with a grin.

" Well..if you don't mind having me that is"Damon replied staring at Lan.

" Of cause not!"Jacob replied.

They all spent an entire five minutes trying to catch up with Damon when the man excused himself and went back to his room.

He was about to shut the door when a foot stopped him.

"What the---"

" don't want them to hear you" Damon replied as he walked into the room.

"Nice space," he said eyeing the room.

"What are you doing here Damon? You knew whose brother I was, didn't you? And you never told me!"Lan said glaring at him.

Damon sat down on his bed and crossed his leg"It won't be fun then" he replied.

Lan sighed annoyed"Just leave before they become suspicious of where you went, "Lan said scared of them finding him with him.

" Oh don't worry, even if they find out, it won't matter" Damon replied grinning.

" Just leave!"Lan glared at him.

Damon stood up and walked towards him " Not without a kiss" He pushed his mouth forward closing his eyes.

Lan rolled his eyes looking disgusted. He pushed his face away and forced him out of the room and shut the door in his face.

A knock came on the door making him hold his temple in annoyance.

He pulled the doorknob open.

"I thought I told you to---" he trailed off once he saw who it was.

"Mark?" he asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah. it's me, "Mark said raising a brow at his facial expression.

He walked into the room and shut the door.

"What was Damon doing in here?" he asked curiously.

Lan's eyes bulged as he tried to look for an excuse.

"He wanted to know if he could sleep here" he replied.

" You told him the space's taken right?"Mark asked with hope.

"Of cause"Lan replied forcing himself to chuckle.

Mark smiled when he saw him chuckle "You look cute with a smile on your face" he spoke unconsciously.

" W-what?"Lan's ears reddened when he heard him.

" Um... n-nothing" Mark stuttered as he awkwardly scratched his head.

"Just came to tell you that we are going to the lake. Coming?"Mark asked walking to the door.

Lan was still a bit taken aback " y-yeah" he replied following him out.