Chapter 30

~Damon's POV~

"Just hang in there okay, I'm saving up and when it's enough, I will get you checked in a good hospital" I promised her holding her hand.

She smiled weakly and rubbed my cheeks"My time is near dear, why don't you just spend that money on you. Do you think I don't notice? The bruises on your forehead, your painful silent grunts and how weak you look. You have not been taking care of yourself" Her eyes clouded with so much sadness that I couldn't bear.

I know her well enough to know that she is blaming herself for everything that's happening.

"I'm fine, now you need to get better" I said patting her palm warmly.

"Promise you will?" I said staring at her.

"I promise" Her voice was so weak that it scares me at times.

I heard stumbling outside making me know it's my cue to leave.

I stood up from the bed and ran my hand through her hair.

"I promise I will be back and when next I do, I will take you to a good hospital" I promised jumping out from the window.

I manuvered my way and hid from him. This place is so hidden that anything can happen and no one would ever find out. I walked out through the alley into the main street.

All I need to do now is go find Drake, I'm sure he has something for me to sell.

I walked down the pavement receiving glances and giggles from ladies making me smirk.

I know how handsome I am and I sure don't mind the attention I keep receiving from ladies although I don't have time for them now.

I walked into Moonlight bar and headed towards the counter.

"Where's Drake?" I asked the bar attendant.

I'm a regular face in this bar so he just pointed towards the back. I walked down a dimly lit hallway into a more secluded space. A few red couches are in this room. Three men all being entertained by ladies.

I spotted Drake sitting by the corner, a cigarette in his mouth and a half naked girl on his lap.

I hate coming here so much.

I walked towards him and sat down by his side receiving a wink from the girl on his lap.

"Hey boy what's up.." Drake asked holding the girl on top of him.

"Do you have anything for me, I need the money urgently" I went straight to the point not ready for his talks.

He chuckled and puffed his cigarette on my face.

I didn't flinch nor did I move away, the stench and smell of cigarette is one I'm used to since I do smoke as well.

"Why are you in such a hurry boy, relax. Here" He said handing me a stick.

I sighed and reluctantly took the cigarette from him lightening it up and taking a puff.

"How about Lily here, entertain you ai, she's been staring at you since you walked in"He said slapping the butt of the girl sitting on his lap.

She smiled at me running her fingers on my arm. Her hand was trailing down to my croutch but I caught it before she could touch it.

"I'm not in the mood" I said moving her hand away.

She looked offended as she glared at me.

"Boy you need some fun in your life. You can have all of them if you want" he said pointing at the girls entertaining the men in the room.

They all waved at me smiling seductively.

I ran my fingers through my hair trying to keep my anger at bay.

Drake is a middle aged man. He's the owner of the bar and a very well known drug lord. He hires people such as my self to sell it for him to people and the pay is divided between him and us the seller.

Ever since we met when have developed a relatively weird bound. Others address him as Sir D or boss but I just call him Drake and he doesn't mind.

He's the owner of the house I lent to Nate for that trip. He can be good if he wants to.

He knows about my situation and helps me with good offers most times and the money I earn is split between us.

He always gets higher profit but when it comes to me, it's equal that's why I always go to him for offers.

But Drake is a cruel bastard at the same time, very greedy and trickish.

"Drake I just want an offer if any is available" I said.

He sighed and tapped the girl off his lap sitting up.

We both smoked in silence when he spoke breaking the silence.

"Their is this offer but it's risky boy" he said shaking his head.

I don't mind taking risk, anything to give me money.

I sat up and listened to him.

Once he noticed he captured my attention he sighed and continued

"It's dangerous boy"

I chuckled in amusement. Is there any that isn't.

"I can handle it" I said with determination.

He waved his hand at a girl and she came handing him a brief case.

I'm not a novice to not know what's in it.

He tapped his fingers on the brief case. I could sense his reluctance to give me.

I sighed annoyed " Look Drake, I have done this before, I can do it" I said.

"If you say so. This should be given to Don Santiago. He is a prominent thug be careful lad. He is sly and might not want to pay up so be extra careful. He stays in a well hidden and dangerous zone full of thugs and criminals."

He handed me the briefcase and a paper with his location.

I throw my cigarette and stepped on it ready to head out for my task, tucking the paper in my pocket.

"Boy?" He called out.

I turned to stare at him.

"If you come out alive, keep the money" he said.

I raised a brow in surprise.

My lips tugged into a smirk.

"Be careful Drake or I will think you have gone soft on me" I chuckled.

"Just get out alive" He said.

I walked out of the bar in determination.

Their is no way I will loose this chance, I will finally be able to send my mother to the hospital. I have to take the risk and do it.

I walked down the bustling road with the briefcase in hand. I headed up to my loft and opened the door stepping in.

My loft is small and I pay rent to the old greedy lady.

Their is nothing much in my loft other than a small bed, a bathroom and a small kitchen in the parlor. Well that's if a rusty couch and a wooden table would make out for a parlor.

That's why no matter how many times Nate wanted to visit me, I can never let him. They can never know where I live. I don't have time for some pitiful looks and sorry eyes.

I plopped down on my bed, setting the briefcase aside.

If I succeed I will have enough money to get mom a check-up, a decent apartment and set her up for some start up treatment for now.

I have to plan this well. But if I die at least it ends with a bullet to my head. Easy and quick.

I shut my eyes trying to sleep but I find my self thinking about the small nerd Lan. It's been a while I have seen him.

Sleeping in his bed beside him, gives me peace of mind and helps me sleep well. That's why I sneak into his room most nights.

Whenever I think of him something in me just lights up. It's crazy cause I'm sure I don't like him that way. Yes I enjoy teasing him and seeing the shy look on his face but that's it and nothing more.

"I need to stop thinking about him and focus" I sighed shutting my eyes for some much needed sleep even though I know that's far from me. For like always I will be haunted with my usual nightmare, the day my sister died.