Chapter 48

                   Author's POV

Lan laid down on Pearl's bed narrating to her all that had happen to him. Pearl sat in shock listening to him.

"You mean to tell me all this happened and I wasn't aware of it!" Pearl yelled in shock.

"I-I didn't know how to tell you, I felt embarrassed. Plus I cheated on him Pearl" His eyes turned glassy.

"Oh dear...." Pearl hugged him comforting him.

"It's okay. Things happen. Relax"

"Do you think I should tell him?" He asked suddenly feeling nervous at the thought of telling Mark.

"Hmm...that sounds like the logical thing to do but only tell him when you're ready" She advised.

Lan nodded in agreement.

"" Pearl bite her lips wiggling her brows at him.

"What?" Lan asked at her sudden change in behaviour.

She moved closer towards him, looming over his face, a cheeky smile on her lips.

"I don't mean to be intrusive but how was it?" She asked wiggling her brows.

'She definitely meant to be intrusive' Lan thought.

"How was what?" He asked sitting up.

Pearl frewed her brows annoyed. She wasn't sure if he truly didn't know what she was talking about or if he was just playing dumb.

"How was the sex? Did it feel good?" She asked, her eyes widening with curiousity.

"Pearl!" Lan yelled blushing. His cheeks tinted red.

"What?" She asked cluelessly.

"Damon is a hunk. Have you seen the guy? Oh right that was a stupid question. Not only have you seen him but you have also felt him. Did you touch him huh?" She winked chuckling.

Lan's cheeks felt hot.

"S-stop" He said shyly.

"What? Just tell me! You don't know how many times I have imagined him naked when I first saw him" She said pleading.

Lan's eyes widened as he stared at her with a disgusted look.

"What? Everyone has their own fantasy" She shrugged not in the least bothered.

"So...Was he large? Thick? Long? How did it feel? Come can't leave me in the dark here" Pearl pouted shaking him.

Lan sighed hoping the ground would open up and swallow him.

Pearl was even more crude than Damon.No! No one is more crude than that guy. He thought, admonishing the thought.

"I-I didn't really see his size, I was nervous remember? B-but I think he was t-thick and l-long." He stuttered. Even saying it out loud felt like a crime to him.

"I knew it!" Pearl fit bumbed the air looking proud of herself.

" good was it? Give me something...a rate please..." She pleaded desperate.

Lan sighed glaring at her "Aren't you suppose to tell me how wrong it was and advice me?" He asked.

Pearl brushed him off"I already did that. Now tell me...."

"Arghh! Fine fine! It was good" he replied.

Pearl raised a brow at him and crossed her arms.

"Just good?" She asked not convinced.

" was more than good" he replied looking away.

"How much more?" Pearl asked a teasing smile on her lips.

"75...I guess." Lan replied biting his lips in embarrassment.

Pearl gasped"That's a 100 coming from you. You enjoyed it didn't yah?"She winked bumping his shoulder.

"S-stop I didn't" Lan denied.

"Lier" Pearl chuckled.

"Oh how I wish I was in your place." She sighed a dreamy look on her face.

Lan scoffed bumping her back hard.

"Dream on" He replied giving her a nasty look.

Pearl raised a brow at him. Her detective mood on.

"For a one night stand, you sure sound possessive" She said.

Lan's eyes widened as he stared at her.

"M-me? No way" He refuted her claims.

"If you say so"She shrugged not believing him.

"Enough about me. Tell me about you. What's been happening?" He asked her.

"Well..."Pearl drawled out.

"Luke and I are dating!" She clapped happiness twelling in her eyes.

"No way!"Lan gasped surprised.

"I suspected something was going on between you two but not this. When did it happen?" He asked.

"Something happened between us that club night after we left...." She blushed looking away. Lan grinned.

".....And the next morning he asked me to be his girlfriend. So we are officially dating" She clapped excited.

"I'm so happy for you" Lan said equally excited.

He sighed as his shoulders slumped.

"What's wrong?" Pearl asked when she noticed his sudden downcast mood.

"I wonder when Mark and I could be that open" He said.

Pearl held his shoulder an understanding smile on her face.

"Don't worry, I am sure it will happen sooner rather than later" She comforted him. Lan smiled appreciating her efforts.

He slept at Pearl's place that day, calling his mom to inform her. Which she was okay with since it wasn't his first time.

They spent the whole day together. Talking, having pillow fights and eating.

It felt good having his friend all to himself.Lan thought.

They slept on the same bed sleeping off at night. One disturbed by a dream and the other having a dreamless sound sleep.

Lan was stuck in a dream of Damon once again.

This time he sat on the swing beside Damon a smile on his face. They looked so happy together and Damon looked different.

He looked like he was glowing with happiness. A warm genuine smile on his face.

The scene changed next to him wrapped in Damon's arms as they made out. It started out gently till it became wild with clothes getting thrown around.

Damon sat him on the kitchen counter as he kissed his neck. Lan pulling him closer a sigh escaping his lips. He could feel Damon's bite on his neck startling him as he jerked awake.

Sweat coated his forehead as he sighed annoyed at yet another dream of Damon.

He laid back down wiping his forehead and forcing himself back to sleep. But this time he could sleep peacefully.