After a few years in middle school, we finally made it to high school. We still go to the same school, but I am no longer with him when he walks to school or when he walks home.

During our sophomore year, I decided to be alone to study for our upcoming exams. Inside our school is a big maple tree that has changed its color from fresh green to yellow-orange, indicating that winter is coming. I always go there every time I want to be alone, it is peaceful there since not too many students pass or go there.

When I arrived, I saw a couple kissing passionately under the big tree. I can't blame them, the scenery of the tree with such bright colors is so romantic. It is not the right place to do such things though, we are still inside the school premises but it is more awkward if I tell them to stop, so I let them do their thing and decide to leave.

I turned around and I noticed a male student standing behind me with an unexplainable look on his face. His hands are tightly rolled like a ball, his eyebrows were deeply furrowed, and rage is obvious in his overall physique. His deep set of eyes met mine. That is the time when I realized it was Kyle.

I was stunned when I realized what was happening. I turned around and saw both of them looking in our direction with amusement written on their faces.

Kyle and Stephanie's relationship is not a secret to our school since they are both popular. How come she ended up kissing the athlete who is also popular? Since when are they doing this behind Kyle's back? I feel my blood boil like hot water. How dare she do this to Kyle? If I only knew that she was this kind of woman, I wouldn't have entrusted Kyle's heart to her.

It's fine if Kyle breaks my heart since he doesn't know how I feel for him, but she's different. Kyle's been in love with her for so long that he almost sacrifices his whole allowance just to give her what she wants. He almost failed the exams because he spent most of his time with her instead of studying. And now all of his sacrifices become nonsense.

I want to teach her a lesson that she can't forget. I let go of the books in my hand, I tried to charge toward her but someone stopped me from doing what I wanted. I can't see any expression on his face, aside from the determination in his eyes to stop me from hurting her. Is this what they call blindness caused by love? I pulled my wrist from his grasp and stormed away from the scene. I am disappointed and at the same time, I feel angry at him because he stopped me and that itchy girl from hurting Kyle.

My classmates were surprised when I entered our classroom with a terrifying aura. My friends asked me what happened but I don't want to talk about it since that is Kyle's private matter. My day proceeded without knowing what happened after I left, I can't focus on my class because of that.

Until the classes end, the images keep on playing in my head like a movie that makes me even more pissed. I don't see Kyle or Stephanie inside the school. They must have gone somewhere else.

Inside my bedroom, while doing my homework, I received a text message from Kyle saying that he is in front of our house. I want to ignore him because he didn't let me hurt her but I can't ignore my heart. I still went and checked him. I'm his friend, who else can he cry on besides me? Though I never saw him cry before, I still want to be there for him even if he only wants someone to accompany him.

"Mom," I called my Mom who is currently doing some unfinished tasks in the kitchen, "I'm going out for a while."

"Where are you going at this time?" she peeked through the kitchen counter that divides our kitchen from our living room to see me. "Kyle's," I answered while fixing my coat. "Ok, be careful on your way," she didn't ask any more questions. I didn't tell her the reason why I'm going there nor asked me why, she only knows Kyle needs me if I went there at this time.

Night's cold wind blew as I stepped out of our door. In the darkness of the night, a figure of a tall man stood a few feet away from me. His shoulders are down, his hair and clothes are a mess, and he almost drags his bag on the ground. He is taller than me, but tonight he seems so little while I'm standing before him.

He didn't lift his head. He's just standing there like a statue, unmoved by my presence. This scene breaks my heart, I want to cry, but I need to be strong for him. I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I put one of my hands on his back, while I put the other one on his head to lay it on my shoulder.

That is the only time he moves. He let his bag fall on the ground and hugged me tight, so tight it gave me trouble breathing. I can feel him trembling, not so long when I feel a warm drop of water on my shoulder. The cold air had no effect to cool down the warmth of his tears.

We stood like that for I don't know how long. I removed my coat and gave it to him which he didn't reject. "Let's go," I picked up his bag and walked beside him to their house. His parents are not around due to their work. I told him to have a shower, which he obeyed while preparing something he can eat.

I told my Mom that I am going to stay at Kyle's place for tonight, to which my Mom agreed. Both of our parents have trust in us, they know that we will behave and we are not going to do anything except talk, laugh, and sleep. Kyle needs me and Mom knows it, that's what I love about my Mom.

I let him eat in silence before I asked, "how are you feeling?" He smiled bitterly at me after he placed his utensils down.

"I'm a bit better now because you're here with me," that's what he said, but I know deep inside, he was still upset, and downhearted. The food on the table is still hot, but the atmosphere feels frigid. Not so long when he speaks again, "thank you," he breaks the awkward silence between us.

"Thank you for what?" I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"For staying with me. For being with me when I need you," he looked at me straight into my eyes like he could see through me before he smiled. "I'm your friend, this is at least what I can do for you," I retort, returning the smile he gave me.

"No, you are not just my friend," he stands up and walks towards me that made my heart flutter, "you are my best friend, and even though I somehow left you behind because of a girl you still stayed beside me to be my support in crucial times," he explained and hug me. I hope he doesn't feel how strong my heart beats. He never sees me as his special someone, but as a good friend that is always by his side.