"You're so dramatic," I chuckled, then hugged him back. We continued our conversation in his room, I asked him about his relationship with Stephanie, and if he noticed anything unusual about her. He said that she was still the same as when he first confessed to her; nothing changed. Even when they encountered the athlete guy after the sports festival, he didn't have any suspicion at all.

I sigh in disbelief. I'm sure there is something unusual towards her when she meets that guy but Kyle is so blind to see it. "You should sleep now," I stand up and approach the door, "you need to rest, you're exhausted, just message me if you need something."

"Wait!" he shouted, which made me stop from opening the door, "where are you going?" I held my laughter when I heard him ask me in his panicky voice.

"What, you're scared of being alone in your room?" I turned around to look at him. I grinned when I noticed that he was throwing daggers at me using his eyes. "I'm just kidding, ok? I'm staying downstairs. Don't worry I'm not going to leave you alone," I swear to him.

"W-why don't you just sleep in my room? You can sleep on my bed, I can sleep on the floor," I'm trying my best to suppress my laughter, he looks silly. I walk towards him and flick my finger on his forehead. "What are you? A three-year-old that I need to watch while sleeping? This is your house, this is your room, and that," I pointed to his bed "is your bed. How can I sleep on a stinky bed?" I laughed so hard at my joke that made Kyle even more irritated.

"Stinky bed you said," I stopped laughing and stepped back little by little when I noticed a devilish smile on his face. I ran my life out when he tried to throw his pillow at me. Good thing, I closed the door on time before it could hit me. It's not like I'm being a germaphobe, I just don't want to lie on the same bed where he might have laid his girl. I know Kyle can't do such things, but I don't know. One thing is for sure, people can change.

At first, he was having a hard time entering the school because of the girl. Memories are playing in his mind like a movie. Though the encounter with the girl is unavoidable, I'm trying my best to divert his attention to something else until he finally moves on, I think.

Sometimes we meet her and the athlete in the cafeteria, or library, and sometimes when we're resting at our favorite spot. It's like they are doing it on purpose. To show off that the athlete guy is a much better boyfriend than Kyle.

Instead of feeling jealous or angry, he ignored how they showed their affection to each other. As time went by, I could no longer see the sadness in his eyes. He became himself again. The loud and outgoing Kyle I know.

When we have free time, he invites me to go to the mall. Even though we have money to buy whatever we want, we still choose to window shop or just look at the items inside the shops. After window shopping, Kyle and I decided to play a little before we head home. We were wandering around in the arcade when Kyle saw a photo booth.

"Hey! Come here," he pulled me inside the photo booth and started to press some buttons on the screen after he inserted some coins. "What are you doing?" I started to get nervous when he blocked my way out. I'm not a photogenic type of person, so as much as possible I will avoid cameras.

He knew about it, that's why he always dragged me to any photo booth he saw without saying anything to me. "Let's take some pictures. We rarely go to the mall, let's seize this moment, ok?"

He cupped my face and turned it to face the camera in front of us. Even if I feel uncomfortable and shy, I still do different facial expressions. We tried to do wacky faces, and formal ones, and we even tried to make fun of each other. But I didn't expect Kyle to kiss me on my cheeks. The camera captured that scene and it also captured our reaction after that kiss.

I don't know what got in his mind when he did that. My heart jumps nonstop. It feels like it's going out of my chest any minute. I can feel my face heating up, fortunately, it was dark inside the photo booth, or else he was going to make fun of me. Whenever I'm with him, I'm turning into a different person. When I'm with him, I can do the things I don't usually do when alone or with other people.

After collecting the pictures, we went to a food court to eat. While eating, we decided to check our pictures and we couldn't stop laughing when we saw them. The other customers can't stop themselves from raising their eyebrows at us, some are smiling at us.

"Argh!" I growled when I saw the picture where he kissed me while he was still laughing, "what the heck? Why did you do that?"

"What? We looked so cute in that photo," he said while wiping his teary eyes with his finger. Yeah, we do look cute, especially our reactions, he smiled while I was in shock, processing in my head what just happened. I can feel my face burning up again, this damn heart of mine, when will you stop beating for this idiot?

I volunteered to keep the photos, between the two of us, I'm the most responsible one. I can take care of and hide the pictures in a secure and safe place, while he can lose his things and his borrowed stuff. He borrowed something from me before but he didn't return it because he forgot where he put it. Such an airhead.

I'm glad that we are back to what we were before, the closeness we have before he met Stephanie. Teasing, playing, studying, and walking together side by side. It made me wonder, can he see now how I feel for him? Is this my chance to be with him forever? Just thinking about it makes my heart flustered. "Hey, are you ok? You looked so red," he reached his hand and was about to put it on my forehead when I slapped it away from me. "I'm fine," I walked faster than him, and since he is taller than me, he easily catches up with me.