He gently pushed me to separate me from him. When we have enough distance from each other, he drops to his knee. He grabs the microphone from his back pocket that I didn't know was there and a medium-sized black box.

I heard everyone in the crowd gasp the same as me. "What are you doing? Get up!" I tried to pull him but he just shakes his head and puts the microphone before his lips.

"Anna, let me start this speech by apologizing. I'm so sorry if I'm so blind that I didn't notice your efforts towards me way back then. I'm so sorry if I'm so thick-skinned that I didn't feel that you're hurting because of my actions and made you confused because of my words," I'm just staring at him, still in a daze at what's happening.

"But I meant what I said to you at the playground and all I said last night. I know I already told you this but let me repeat it. Thank you for not losing hope for me when I'm losing mine. Thank you because you made me whole again. Thank you for standing by my side and being my couch in life even though you are in pain. Thank you for not giving up on me even if I only bother you most of the time," we heard giggles from the crowd. "And thank you for not being by my side for eight years," my heartache when he reminded me of the painful past.

"I didn't say this to make you feel guilty but to thank you for leaving me. Because if you didn't leave, I wouldn't realize how important you are to me. I wouldn't know how I feel for you. So, thank you for helping me to realize that you are the one I truly love," he opened the box with a necklace inside with a heart-shaped pendant. There is also a keyhole on the pendant.

"I know we have known each other for almost all our lives and I want to make it up to you for all the years that we've been separated because of my stubbornness. Anna Black, I love you and I want you to feel it every day of our lives. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I was stunned by his question. My mind went blank, I don't know what to say.

I came back to my senses when I heard the crowd cheer and shout 'Yes' I looked around and saw my parents also yelling the same enchantment. "It's ok, take your time. I don't mind kneeling here until you make up your mind," he sincerely and sweetly smiled at me which made my heart melt.

I smiled back at him before giving my answer, "Yes, I want to be your girlfriend, Kyle Nicholas Smith," I finally said.

He suddenly stands up and lifts me from the ground holding my waist. The crowd cheers even louder when they see Kyle's happy reaction. "Thank you," he kissed me on my forehead many times before he hugged me tightly.

"You don't have any idea how happy I am when you say you like me too," I heard him say between his arms. "I blurted many things to you last night and that's the only thing that matters to you?" I chuckle. He pushed me gently to see my face.

"I know and I remember every word you say. But knowing that you have the same feelings for me, made me want to see you more and clear everything between us."

"Thanks, Kyle. Thank you for liking me," he gives me a reassuring smile before he speaks again. "No, Anna, I don't like you," I was surprised by what he said. He just said it many times earlier, how come he suddenly changed his mind?

"Let me finish," he said when he noticed the frown on my face. "I don't like you because," he leaned closer to me to touch our foreheads again, "because I love you," I can feel his breath brushing on my cheeks when he spoke.

The words that I want to hear from him since these feelings develop. I can hear it from him now. So, close that I can even smell the mints on his breath.

"There is something that I wanted to tell you, Kyle, for a long time," I tiptoed my feet to reach his ear and whispered, "I love you too, Kyle," then I kissed him on his cheeks. I laughed at him when his white face turned red in an instant.

He pulled me close to him again and put his arms around my waist. "Say it again," he said in his playful tone. "No," he was shocked by my playful statement.

"No?" I shake my head to confirm my answer. "I think I have to force you to say it again," he started to tickle me on my side, which made me laugh out loud. "Stop!" I told him, "Ok! Ok!" I accept defeat. He stops and faces me. I put my arms around his neck before saying, "I love you, Kyle," we smiled at each other like crazy people.

We woke up from our world when we heard my Dad clear his throat. "Can we borrow our daughter for a while?" He said with a straight face. "Sure, Uncle. I'm sorry," Kyle scratched the back of his head before he let me go.

My Mom hugged me tight and kissed me on my forehead. "I'm so happy for you, baby," "We wish you happiness, kid," my parents said to me before engaging me in a close hug. The warmth of my parents. I missed this. Even if they always hug me every time I visit here, this warmth that comes from them today is different. It is so comforting.

When they released me, I heard a woman's voice calling my name. "Anna!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Elaine?" I can't help but raise my eyebrow at her. "How...?"

"I came here with George. You're so busy with your, now, boyfriend that you didn't even lay an eye on me," she pouted her lips in annoyance. "I'm so sorry, Elaine. Can you please forgive me? I missed you," I made my voice cute to please her. I used it every time I needed to please her and it always works.

"Hmph, let me stay in your house and you are forgiven," she said without looking at me. "Ok!" I said cheerfully. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Are you forgetting something?" George approaches us with his hands inside his pockets.

"Thank you for coming, George," I said after letting go of Elaine in my embrace. "It's nothing, Sis," he playfully winked at me. "So, where are you planning to stay tonight?"

"I don't know but I have an idea," he looked at Kyle who was busy talking to his parents. I think he felt George's gaze and looked in our direction. George waved his fingers to him to say his greetings. Instead of waving back to George, he shifts his eyes to me and waves his hand.

George feels devastated when Kyle ignores him. "Fine! I think I will not stay in his place tonight," he said, pouting his lips. Elaine and I just laugh at him.