After that proposal, everything went back to normal. Our parents gave their blessings to us before we left the town. My Mom being my Mom, suggested that we have to get married since we are at the marriage age. We both laugh at her suggestion.

When we got back to the city, we didn't live together. We don't want to rush everything between us. We still live in the apartments where we lived before separately. He always sends me to work and even fetches me from my workplace even if he is tired. He also helps in the café on his day offs. He always made breakfast for us, including Elaine.

Elaine already taught me some basics of cooking but when I ate Kyle's dishes, I felt embarrassed that he is better than me in matters like this.

It's been two years since Kyle asked me to be his girlfriend. Like other relationships, we've also been through a lot of ups and downs. We're having quarrels when we don't understand each other, and displeasure, but before the day ends, we make sure to settle everything between us.

Elaine met her boyfriend when she visited me in the clinic once. She told me that she fell for the guy at first sight. Since then, she always visits the clinic even if she doesn't have a business there just to see the guy. In the end, they settled down and decided to be together.

George becomes chief known worldwide. He even got his TV show and his restaurant which has many branches now. Kyle was promoted from department manager to director. He's working so hard to reach his goals in life.

I'm at the clinic doing some random check-ups of the abandoned animals in the shelter when I receive a text message from Kyle.

Kyle: Hi! What are you doing?

Anna: Checking the animals in the clinic. What's up? Aren't you busy, Mr. Director?

That's what I called him to tease him. Since he got promoted, he has become busy at work. He always comes home late but he still manages to ask how's my day and wake up early to cook breakfast for us in my apartment and that's enough for me.

I know he's trying his best to give the attention I need but the kind of job he has needs his full attention to avoid errors. I understand him and I will never ask for more.

Kyle: Yeah, kinda but I missed you. I want to see you badly

Anna: You're so dramatic. You've never changed hahaha

Anna: Well, it's almost closing time. I can meet you at your work if you want.

Kyle: Sure, but I have a much better idea

Anna: What is it?

Kyle: I'll fetch you at the clinic. Sounds good?

Anna: Sure. I'll wait for you.

Kyle: Great!

Kyle: I love you

It is rare for a man to say this kind of word. It sounds cheesy but this is how he expresses his love to me plus his efforts to be with me.

Anna: Love you too

While waiting for him, I continue to check the remaining animals in the clinic. Thank goodness the animals are all in good condition. They don't have any parasites inside them or fleas.

I'm arranging all the things I used when Beth called me. "Ms. Black, Mr. Smith is here," she said. If she hadn't said it, I wouldn't have remembered the time. "Ok, thanks. I'll be there in a minute,"

It didn't take long to fix everything I used. I get out and meet him, waiting patiently in the waiting area. His back is facing me so I planned to surprise him. I'm about to cover his eyes when he started to speak which made me startled a little.

"Are you trying to surprise me?" He turns around to face me and sees a frown on my face. "Hi, Annie," he giggled to see my reaction. That's how he addresses me ever since we became official.

"You're such a bummer, Kylie," I pouted my lips and looked away from him. "No, I'm not. I'm just excited to see you," he stood up before he kissed my head to apologize.

"Whatever," "Are you mad? I can pretend that I didn't see you if you want," he said sweetly while his head was on my shoulders and his arms were around my waist. "No, that's fine," he let me go and went back to where he was seated. He gets something while I'm busy pretending to be mad at him.

"Look what I've got," he exclaimed in excitement.