Chapter-36 | Advice Before Leaving...

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Schiller walked over and picked up the old record player, giving it a tap and saying, "Hmm... it might be broken. These old antiques are always a bit finicky."

Daredevil couldn't see, but he was definitely startled by the music earlier and he said, "I had no idea these old antiques could make such a commotion..."

Peter said, "Looks like it's like Steve, one of those stubborn old guys."

Schiller fiercely warned his symbiote in his head, "If you turn the music up that loud again, you'll never get to drink again!"

As a result, the symbiote excitedly chattered in his head and Schiller took a while to understand.

The symbiote told him that until last night, it was actually not in its adult phase, but rather a young symbiote.

Originally, symbiotes didn't differentiate between adults and young. However, this special symbiote created by the god of symbiotes was very different and needed energy to nourish itself in order to grow.

Yesterday evening, the symbiote discovered that it had unlocked its own gene library, which is the password etched into the genes of each symbiote. This password allows it to have the abilities of other symbiote. These abilities include division and reproduction, infiltration of other objects to control them, and even mimicry and creation out of thin air.

Schiller could clearly feel that the symbiote's speech had become much more coherent and was no longer like a parrot.

The symbiote told him that this was because its gene password contained the language of the symbiote race, that is, the language used by the god of the symbiotes. He had not known it before.

Hearing this, Schiller tried to say: "Nathalu?"

Almost instantly, Schiller felt a wave of shock, anger, and grievance in his mind, and the symbiote seemed to be shocked.

After being introduced by the symbiote, Schiller learned that the language of their race was different from that of humans and any other language in the world.

The language of the symbiote race is a catalog sequence language. Each syllable they emit is actually a directory of a large amount of content. The real content is etched in their gene library and can only be understood by the symbiote race.

The content engraved in the genome is not text that human beings can understand, but rather a password that requires special organs to decode. It is a very special encryption language. Any race other than the symbiotes, although they can hear the symbiotes speaking, cannot understand at all what they are saying. This is because the content of the symbiotes' speech is actually the directory in their genome password.

For example, the word "Nataru" may only have three syllables, but inserting these three syllables into the sequence of the symbiotes' genome represents almost the length of several minutes of brain waves.

The content represented by this syllable is the total sum of all insults in the symbiote's language. These insults are dirtier than any dirty words in any language on Earth.

The symbiotes say: "This word! You will be beaten up!"

Schiller thought about it and obviously, useless knowledge has increased again.

Steve came at noon and missed lunch. He saw the dejected Peter and asked him, "You still haven't finished your homework. Wasn't an all-nighter yesterday enough?"

"An all-nighter with ghosts." Schiller said, pointing his hand and saying, "You'd better ask those two..."

"Don't say it like that, it sounds like an old antique." Pikachu said.

Steve waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's get back on track. I may have to go on a mission soon and I'd like to bring Peter along. It'll be helpful for him to get some practice."

"You'll have to ask Stark about that. After all, Peter signed a contract with him first."

"Is that rich guy planning to keep Peter stuck in those boring laboratories? What does he want to turn Peter into? Someone with the same nasal voice as him?" Steve asked.

Schiller said, "I also have to leave for a while soon, and before I leave, I want to see Stark again. But I'm not sure if he'll agree to let Peter go with you, given your not-so-good impression of each other..."

"You're leaving? Where are you heading?" Steve asked.

Schiller shook his head and didn't say anything, but Matt eventually spoke up. "I think Peter should stick with the Captain. It's not just because I'm biased, but Peter seems to have never left the town he grew up in. Boys shouldn't be like that."

"I want to go to the west. To be honest, it's been a long time since I last visited there, but I remember the scenery being quite picturesque."

Peter was already feeling excited. Matt was right. Because of his family's difficult financial situation, Peter had never been on a trip before. The furthest he had ever been was in the suburbs of New York. And what American boy doesn't have a cowboy dream when it comes to the west?

Seeing Peter eagerly looking at him, Schiller raised his hands and said, "Alright, alright, I'll go talk to Stark. But you guys better be careful. Getting out on a mission is not the same as doing experiments in the laboratory. Peter, if you get hurt, your aunt will definitely shed a gallon of tears."

Peter covered his forehead. He just wanted to explore and have some fun.

Steve said, "You'd better not have too high expectations. Don't think this is really a vacation, kid. If you don't do well, the first person to beat you up won't be the enemy, it'll be me."

"Who is your enemy?" Schiller said, "Of course, I just want to know about things within my security clearance. Other than that, I have no interest."

Steve said, "Actually, it's not difficult guys. S.H.I.E.L.D. is in the west and found some secret spies, or maybe it's not accurate to say spies, it's more like a killer organization."

"They seem to call themselves ninjas, come and go without a trace. I don't know who hired them. They killed a state senator, which in itself isn't a big deal, but it seems like the leader of their organization has a more ambitious plan, and I just happen to need a warm-up activity."

Matt stood up and said, "It's the Hand. Elektra told me that their organization is looking for dragon bones here, but they haven't made much progress, so they're taking orders locally and creating many murder cases..."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. may or may not know this, but if they haven't made a bold move yet, it means the situation is still within a controllable range." Schiller said, "More importantly, if S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to know the conspiracy behind them, they have to be patient."

Matt sat down again. He knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. had been watching him and his girlfriend Alicia for a long time. Just because they don't have a move now doesn't mean they won't in the future. After all, Alicia is a killer for the Hand and was hired by Kingpin. Matt had to find a way to get her out.

Schiller patted his shoulder and said, "I know what you're worried about. You're not afraid of your shadow being crooked, but your girlfriend might not be. You don't want her to be a spy to save her own life because that's just as dangerous, but I can give you a suggestion."

"Although I don't know what dragon bones are, they must be something good, otherwise the Hand wouldn't try so hard to find them. You said that something so good, why would Kingpin not like it?"

Matt quickly understood his meaning. Although they are both unreliable people, they might not necessarily work together, especially when their interests conflict. Perhaps Alicia can find an opportunity to escape.

After Steve left, Schiller was picked up in a special car and taken to Stark Tower. Stark was holed up in his laboratory, desperately tinkering with the suits. Schiller shook his head and said, "If you keep doing this like this, it's not me who will turn into a vampire, it's you."

Stark twisted the wrench viciously and said, "You don't know what the army's people came to me yesterday and said. Haha, they want my suit. Do you guess what they want to use it for?"

Schiller didn't answer him. Stark was silent for a while, stood up, threw away the wrench and looked at his suit and said, "What you said is right. I can't give up on what the enemy wants. Now they want to turn my suit into a war machine, so I have to dismantle it..."

Stark said to himself, "Even if I take apart all the Iron Man suits, what will I get? Peace in the world? No more wars? ... They'll just find a different way, and the result is that the people who were supposed to be saved by me will no longer have the chance."

"I know you didn't want to give them to them. You must have fiercely refused them, and then they'll take a step back and say 'Okay, we don't want your Iron Man suits, how about some ordinary weapons instead?' Right?"

Stark pursed his lips. Schiller was right, it was one of those old tricks.

"Can I only choose SHIELD?" Stark said.

He walked over from the experiment bench, pulled a chair and sat down, leaning tiredly on the back of the chair. "What exhausts me the most is that you know every road is a trap, but you still have to choose one."

"I don't recall if Howard knew things would turn out like this when he founded SHIELD. But I think he must have known, because he's as smart as you, Stark, but he still chose to do it."

"Do you also wish that I would turn to S.H.I.E.L.D.? If I chose S.H.I.E.L.D. now, it would certainly reduce a lot of trouble for me. As long as S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't let go, no one can take my armor from me. But I always feel that this decision will bring me even more trouble."

"Do you have a third option?" Schiller asked.

"I don't think I do, but you don't have to be so direct about it," Stark replied.

"You don't have a third option, but you have another choice: not to choose," Schiller said.


Before Stark could object, Schiller continued, "You've gotten yourself into a mental trap, always thinking that you have to choose one side. But that isn't always the case. You can keep dragging your decision and if one side pressures you, give them some hints, like their offer is more attractive and you're considering it..."

Schiller said, "Have you noticed that this is a completely buyer's market? You choose whoever is better because of the better offer they make, not because of the pressure they put on you."

"And what could be the condition for Stark, the world's richest billionaire, to be moved? I think as an unprecedentedly rich and scientific genius, your demand is slightly higher, and no one should doubt it, right?"

Stark showed a very complicated and entangled expression and said, "You mean ... I have to act like a woman with two boyfriends, pretending to be with whoever performs better, but in fact, no one is with me, and I just naturally enjoy their attention."

"To be honest, Stark, your damn metaphor completely reflects your damn character," Schiller said.

Stark proudly spread his hands and said, "Who is the guy who understands a woman's heart the right way?"

Schiller said: "Jarvis, the surveillance in Pepper's office should have been working yesterday, right? I can't wait to see the charismatic Mr. Stark in action with the woman he understands best."

"Damn it... Jarvis, did you mess up yesterday? You still had the camera on?? Hey, don't call up the screen, okay, I admit it, some women I don't understand, especially Pepper."

Jarvis beeped twice and said: "Miss Pepper has been on the line for 23 minutes."

Stark immediately jumped out of his chair.

"Just joking, sir." Jarvis said. Schiller then said: "Do you know who understands women best? It's Jarvis!"


Helper of the day!

Rigchel : These names will be a death of me... Thanks Rigchel, for the support!