Chapter-37 | Batman's Withdrawl Notice...

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On a cold and damp morning in Gotham City, the wind creeps through the cracks in the windows and onto the balcony. They condensed into a string of small water droplets that sparkled under the light.

Schiller sits in his office chair, looking at his students' essays, when a document is thrown over from the desk next to him. He takes his eyes off the work in his hand and turns to read it.

"Campus alcohol ban? Which genius got themselves into trouble this time?" Schiller asks.

His colleague, Anna, stood by the water cooler, waiting for the water to be ready while resting her hips on it and saying, "Clearly, it's our new genius principal, or rather, a reckless one."

Before Schiller could continue asking her, Mrs. Murphy, the principal's assistant, waddles over and knocks on the door. "Professor Schiller, the principal is looking for you," she says.

As Schiller stands up, Mrs. Murphy approaches him and gently pats his arm, whispering, "He's really tough. You'd better be careful."

Schiller arrived at the principal's office. The recently appointed principal, who had only been there for a few days, was named Sheldon Smith, a white man who supported the donkey party. It was said that he used to be the leader of the teaching affairs office at Princeton University. He didn't know why he wanted to come to Gotham University as a principal.

As soon as Schiller walked in, Sheldon pointed to the table, indicating for him to sit down. He was a typical white leader, looking energetic like a lion. He said, "I think you must have seen the document I issued. Yes, the campus alcohol ban is necessary."

"I really don't know how this school can allow beer trucks to drive straight to the gate. It's ridiculous. If this is the mess left by the previous principal, I'll definitely clean it up right now!"

"You know, in this case, we must take a tough attitude. According to your resume, Professor Schiller, I don't think it would be harder to deal with a group of children than to deal with serial killers, right?"

Schiller saw through the implications of his words: Although I want to make a splash as a newly appointed official, you have to be my gun.

Schiller chuckled and said, "Of course, of course..."

Then his tone cooled slightly and he said, "In fact, dealing with anyone in this world is not much tougher than dealing with those crazy serial killers."

The principal heard the warning in his tone, he was not a fool, at least smarter than the previous principal, he said: "I have heard about the previous turmoil in the school, but it has nothing to do with me, there is a need for a change of order here, and also a need for more effective management."

Schiller showed a smile, he said: "Your ambition is grand, to establish a proper order in Gotham. I almost want to applaud for this goal."

"Not Gotham, but Gotham University. This will be my territory. Being responsible for students is not something I want to sound flattering about. I just want to say that the previous principal was a weak idiot, so he was kicked out, but I am different!"

While he spoke, he made various radical gestures, including pinching his fingertips together to emphasize and knocking on the table, a typical American politician.

Schiller looked at his watch. He said: "My class is about to start, but since it is a task assigned to me by the new principal, I will definitely complete it successfully."

After saying this, he left. The brand-new principal watched his back, his face looked terrible, his intuition told him that he would not be easy to deal with.

The next day, a withdrawal notice was sent to Bruce Wayne's desk.

Inside it reads:

"Due to your repeated drunkenness on campus and organizing parties with alcoholic drinks, it has been found that at least 50 or more students have consumed alcoholic drinks paid for by you. I regret to inform you, Mr. Schiller, that we will be cancelling your enrollment and you must move out of the student dorms within three days.

Professor Schiller Rodericks."

The next day, Sheldon was holding his forehead in the office, it can be seen that he was a bit panicked, he said to Schiller: "I don't want it to be... forceful, oh, yes, indeed forceful, but, what I mean is, not this kind of forcefulness, this is too much..."

The newly appointed principal cursed in his heart. What kind of crazy person is this? How dare he write a withdrawal notice to the heir of the Wayne family? This is Gotham University's biggest gold achievement! He sponsors the university with billions of dollars a year!

In the absence of Wayne, then what is the point of him being principal?

Schiller still had the emotionless smile on his face, he said: "I think it is better to nip it in the bud, if we can even expel Bruce Wayne, then no one will dare to violate your ban on alcohol, right?"

Sheldon opened his mouth but found himself at a loss for words. It was difficult for him to describe his complex emotions at the moment. He couldn't find the right words to refute Schiller. In fact, what Schiller said made too much sense. Bruce Wayne, aka Batman, was the one who drank the most, drank in broad daylight, and even dared to cause a scene after drinking at the university. And Schiller was right, if Bruce was expelled, the other students would definitely behave themselves.

But the problem was, which private university's principal would dare to expel the chairman of their board of directors?

The principal didn't dare, but Schiller did. He would be more than happy to see Bruce leave as soon as possible. This is because if Gotham University were to be attacked by the Joker one day, it would be a big problem for them.

Sheldon wiped the sweat off his forehead and said, "First of all, let's retract this notice of expulsion..."

"I never retract my own letters, but as the principal, you can make a phone call and have him personally deliver the letter to my office."

Schiller knocked on the table, imitating Sheldon.

"Principal, I am a teacher. Do you expect me to bow down to a student who has made a mistake? It is the principal's job to appease the board of directors, not mine. My duty is to teach and educate. I don't care if he is Wayne or anyone else, no one can cause a disturbance in my classroom."

"By the way, please tell him that if I smell any alcohol in my classroom in the future, I will kick him out immediately. Don't blame me for not warning him."

Schiller is crazy! Sheldon thought.

What kind of crazy person is Schiller? Why does he always seem to be at odds with Bruce? He is the world's richest man!

"Your stubbornness shocks me," Sheldon said with a gloomy face after a while. "I hope you can maintain your tough style."

Schiller smiled and said, "I will. Many times, I have faced vicious mental patients and crazy individuals in major cases. Compared to them, Bruce is like a newborn foal. I hope he can stand in front of me before learning to run."

The principal looked at Schiller, whose face was pale and sickly. His gray eyes, hidden behind lenses, seemed shrouded in an unbreakable gray mist.

After Schiller left, the principal pressed the switch on the recording pen under the table. He thought a rich kid would not be able to endure a teacher insulting him like this. It would be appropriate if Schiller's words today were carved on his tombstone.

If a withdrawal notice wasn't enough to make Bruce angry, then Schiller adds more fuel to the fire. I wonder what Bruce will think after listening to these recordings?

Sheldon thinks that no matter what skills this young, reckless wealthy man has, he will never be able to defeat the power of capital. The Wayne family has a thousand ways to make a professor disappear from the world. Even if Bruce wasn't as cruel, he wouldn't let someone who constantly insults him get away with it.

After receiving the recordings, Bruce's expression was strange. He wasn't angry. That's right, he wasn't angry at all.

In fact, even if this person wasn't Schiller, Bruce wouldn't get too angry because he isn't as impulsive and reckless as he appears.

But after listening to the recordings, he actually felt relieved that Schiller hadn't thrown any more difficult or difficult to answer questions at him. This is because Schiller hadn't used the even more vicious tone he usually uses when asking Bruce for homework.

Bruce knows that this reaction is wrong. How can his expectations be so low? Shouldn't Schiller compliment him before he gets a tiny bit excited?

No, what's the big deal?

Bruce threw the recording pen on the table and grabbed his hair. He had to admit that after listening, he couldn't help but associate it with the recent good work done by Batman in Gotham. Maybe that's why the professor's attitude changed.

Of course, he is Daredevil after all, and soon he started thinking about the matter at hand.

Schiller's targeted attack on the principal seemed well-informed, as if he had some extra sources of information that revealed Schiller's involvement in the trial of the previous principal.

Bruce narrowed his eyes, thinking that Schiller, a dangerous character, was probably the first target in his plan to create order at Gotham University. He was planning to turn it into his own personal forum.

The next day, Schiller had his usual class and didn't even look at Bruce. He picked up the textbook and started the lecture.

Sheldon, who was able to control the classroom camera, couldn't help but frown. Why didn't Bruce cause trouble for Schiller? What was the situation?

Bruce, disguised as a playboy, had caused a lot of trouble before. He had beaten several of his classmates alone. Although it was wrong to beat a professor, for the world's richest man, there was no one he couldn't compete with and no one he couldn't afford to defeat.

Next, he saw an even more incredible scene. During the hand-in of assignments, Bruce actually handed in a stack of paper, and based on the thickness, it looks like he actually wrote a full 3000 words.

When has Bruce ever handed in an assignment before? Which professor at Gotham University dared to accept his assignment? Which course at Gotham University dared not to give him full marks?

Thinking of this, the principal opened up the credit system for Gotham University and found that in Schiller's psychology course, Bruce's assignment score was less than two points. His overall grade was bottom of the class. In the comments section, the teacher wrote:

"As a wealthy person, he certainly enjoys life while fulfilling his duties, but as a student, he is a complete failure."

The principal's hands were shaking. This was not an internal website. Instead, it was a site that all students must log on to at the end of the term to check their grades and comments from professors. They can clearly see the comments that each professor gives them and they can also leave comments for all of the professors.

The principal thought to himself as he scrolled down the mouse wheel. Suddenly, he saw Bruce's comment to Schiller: "I promise to complete all my assignments next semester. If I do, can you give me an extra two points on my grade, or even 1.8 points? If I can get a score of 90 or above on the final exam, I sincerely hope that my credits won't be completely deducted, even if it's just one point."

Isn't this just a revised version of "teacher, I'm sorry, please give me a chance"?

The principal's face turned black as he shut off the computer. He was filled with frustration. Many people wanted to join the Wayne Corporation, which would bring them substantial benefits. The principal was one of them.

But it looks like he doesn't have much of a chance now. Bruce doesn't care if he is the principal of Gotham University or not. The position of principal could easily be replaced by him.

It seems that Professor Schiller has really managed to tame the world's wealthiest man. Sheldon thinks that no matter what, he must get rid of Schiller. In order to progress further, he must have an irreplaceable position with Bruce. Schiller is his biggest obstacle.

On the other hand, Bruce has started to become unhappy with the new principal.

Because when he returned the expulsion notice to Schiller, Schiller almost wrote "get out of here" on his face.

Before this new principal came, everything was still running smoothly. This was true whether it was communication with Schiller or cooperation with Gordon. This was all very beneficial to the social development of Batman's career.

As a result, the new principal suddenly issued a ban on alcohol, causing Schiller to find an excuse to expel him. Of course, Bruce would be angry.