Chapter-38 | Harvey Dent...

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Regardless, the new school principal's ban on alcohol on campus is still being implemented smoothly.

Any vehicles or stores that sell alcohol are not allowed to appear near Gotham University. All parties will be checked, dormitories will also be searched, but they will not confiscate high-power appliances, but will turn out all the alcohol and then severely punish the students.

Even though Gotham University has produced the Scarecrow as a major antagonist, most students obey.

It is obvious, however, that this has also affected another group of people.

What kind of city is Gotham? Everyone knows that the drunkards here are not those who start drinking after work.

In Gotham City, the tens of thousands of drunks support the countless bars and stores that sell alcohol, and the top tax revenue comes from tobacco and alcohol sales.

Of course, you cannot let students drink, but if they do not have an alcohol addiction, who will the wine merchants sell the wine to?

The truth is that students are easy to cheat on. Any hobby they pick up during this period will follow them for the rest of their lives, including drinking.

If they start drinking at the age of 20, they will spend thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars on alcohol for the rest of their lives. Each drunkard will spend a large portion of their salary on various types of alcohol.

The profits from selling alcohol are then scavenged by those monopolists, who use these profits to continue investing and then build larger factories. These drunks are hired for lower salaries, but they only receive two bottles of poor-quality water after work.

What a perfect chain of industry this is, and they only have to distribute some tasty beer cheaply near Gotham University without making a profit. Of course, they start with beer, then distilled spirits, then liquor.

For years, Gotham City has operated in this way. If you didn't let those people corrupt the students, wouldn't Gotham have become a civilized city with a simple and honest folk culture long ago?

Schiller is very clear about this, so he never intended to be a responsible and competent teacher here. This city does not allow clean seedlings to grow because only villains and criminals can survive here.

Turning Gotham University into a utopia? Don't joke, those naive graduates won't survive a year in Gotham City.

It's just a large swamp with countless small swamps where no one can escape.

The principal never mentioned letting Schiller take part in this matter since Bruce wrote him a letter withdrawing his participation. In spite of this, the pressure on him was overwhelming, and he had to find another helper since he was part of the chain of interest.

"Hello, my name is Harvey, Harvey Dent, a lawyer, mainly focused on criminal litigation and judgments."

Schiller and Harvey shook hands, and before Schiller could speak, Harvey said, "I've heard of you. You did a great job in the city. That damn serial killer was punished by the law and is now in jail."

His speech was fast, like a lawyer. And the tone was steady, the tone was firm, and then he continued: "But I must say, you didn't perform as well in implementing the ban on alcohol at Gotham University as you did in those major cases. I think saving the future of this city is as critical as catching criminals, isn't it?"

Schiller had just released his hand, and he took a sip from his mouth and said, "Maybe."

Harvey heard the reluctance in his tone and frowned and said, "I heard some of your deeds in the south, but you don't seem as hateful as rumored."

"More than that, I want to know who is spreading my deeds?"

Harvey was taken aback and said, "Don't you say it yourself?"

He looked at Schiller up and down. Neither Schiller nor his character seemed like a clever, brave detective or an unbiased judge. He looked scholarly and appropriate for his profession.

Harvey was smart. He said, "You mean someone is intentionally spreading your story? But why would they do that? To make a name for yourself? What's the benefit of that?"

Schiller asked Harvey to sit down and he sat across from him. He said, "Maybe you only know the first half of the story. Later, I was set up in a case in Metropolis. Otherwise, why would I come to Gotham? That's not a pleasant thing. Clearly, these people still don't want to let me go."

Harvey was taken aback. He said, "I'm sorry, you really shouldn't be in the spotlight then. But it's okay, I'm now the legal consultant for Gotham University. I fully support prohibition. It's okay to drink a few drinks. I drink too. But heavy drinking during college is not acceptable."

When Harvey spoke, his speech was always clear and logical, with a strong tone that gave people an unconscious sense of security. If it weren't for Schiller knowing that he was the later Two-Face, he would never have connected him to the coin-flipping madman.

Two-Face is a very complex villain and he is the only one that Batman has tried to save. Batman has tried many times, but he has not been successful. Maybe the defeat he feels from this is even greater than being defeated by the Joker.

Because of Harvey Dent, he was truly a virtuous person, the shining knight of Gotham City.

Batman was too deeply influenced by him. Maroni injured Harvey in court and drove him insane. This made Batman fully realize that without violent enforcement, there is no authority, law, or judgment.

A despicable and dirty criminal, in the presence of a large crowd, injured an honest prosecutor. However, he didn't have to pay any price and no one dared to try him again.

Schiller placed his hands on the table and looked into Harvey's eyes. He said, "Mr. Harvey, I think you understand the situation here better than the new Dean. You should be aware of how many interests this will violate."

"I'm aware, but I don't care," Harvey said.

Schiller sighed and took off his glasses. Then he began wiping them with a cloth. While wiping, he said, "Maybe you're really prepared to accept the cost of upholding justice?"

"It sounds like you feel strongly about it," Harvey said.

"Of course, because my life is on the line," Schiller replied.

"Then I believe you, and I feel the same way," Harvey said. However, he was still very empathetic. He said, "I won't criticize those who give up on this path because of the various dangers. They have already done their due diligence. I don't know how far I can go on this path. But in this world, it's not necessary to reach the end to win."

Schiller didn't continue to answer. He shook hands with Harvey again, and Harvey left. For the first time, Schiller didn't try to use words to disturb or persuade the other person.

Schiller had heard a very reasonable saying before: don't try to remind someone who is always walking in the dark that they are not blind.

So Schiller wouldn't try to correct Harvey's thoughts or tell him that his actions are useless in Gotham. Every action and every choice Harvey makes is right and just, but unfortunately, this is Gotham.

The shining knight can't save Gotham and the dark knight might not be able to either.

Harvey was indeed a very charismatic person. He didn't like to fight alone like Daredevil Matt. He was a master at using all the resources he had at his disposal to connect with teachers, students, and even colleagues. Mrs. Murphy praised him over a dozen times a day and wanted to introduce her daughter to him. Even the janitors who clean the restrooms liked him.

Even though most students did not like having their hidden alcohol confiscated, they still admired Harvey and thought of him as a successful and kind elite.

Harvey was welcomed by most people at Gotham University just a few days after he arrived.

The new chancellor, Sheldon, became more depressed. He had hired someone to be the gun, not to turn himself into the gun. He simply wanted to find a scapegoat to place on the front lines so that he could profit from it.

But just like Schiller's excessive toughness, Harvey was too popular, so much so that he stole almost all of the limelight.

Few people knew the newly-elected chancellor's name, but almost everyone knew the new legal advisor, Harvey Dent, a high-educated and high-income, enthusiastic elite lawyer.

And among those who were on good terms with him were the difficult to handle Schiller and Bruce. They were willing to talk to him about their life ideals because they had similar educational backgrounds and were once alumni of Columbia University.

Bruce felt that he and Harvey were particularly compatible and that they could talk about everything together. In terms of justice, Harvey gave him many different perspectives, which inspired Batman a lot.

Previously, Schiler's intuitive approach to conversation had already made Batman accustomed to being stimulated first and then thinking on his own afterwards.

But Harvey was different. Harvey would try his very best to answer all of Bruce's questions in detail. When Bruce presented a different perspective, Harvey would not ridicule him and disrupt the flow of his words. Instead, he would listen quietly and express his own views after analyzing the differences between his views and Bruce's. If they could not reach a consensus, they would each retain their own views and discuss them again next time.

No one would dislike a friend like this, who is wise, experienced, enthusiastic, compassionate, and knowledgeable.

Schiler was also happy because with Harvey, Bruce would no longer bother him every day, and the psychological clinic would finally be quiet.

Apart from the few days later when Gordon came, almost no one appeared here.

Gordon came to send him an invitation because he had been promoted and had skipped several levels, which was a worthwhile thing worth celebrating.

Gordon did not have many friends and his colleagues at the police station had some red eyes towards him, so he was not comfortable inviting them. Therefore, he decided to invite Schiler and Bruce to a small gathering.

Bruce introduced Harvey to the police officer and they hit it off immediately. In a certain sense, Harvey and Gordon were the perfect partners. They were really similar, except that Harvey was more radical and Gordon was more conservative.

While these two were getting along so well, Bruce was left out in the cold. Schiller, holding a glass of wine, looked at Bruce standing outside the psychological clinic and said, "Let me see, has the homeless man finally remembered his home?


"Hey, don't say that," Bruce said. "Although Harvey is very competent, I think in terms of professional ability, Professor Schiller is still stronger."

"Thank you for your compliment, but your credits for this semester will definitely be deducted," Schiller replied.


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