Chapter-39 | Batman's Kidney Crisis...

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"That's it. Since that night, she has run to that neighborhood every time. It's just too dangerous. I don't know how to persuade her, because she doesn't like Bruce at all, and she also rejected my date, but I clearly..."

Schiller poured himself a glass of champagne and said, "Heading to Gotham's slums for several nights in a row and not encountering any danger, are you sure she's just an ordinary person?"

Bruce wiped his face and said, "This is exactly what I'm worried about. If she's just an ordinary girl, then it's no problem, but if she's not an ordinary person and follows me like this every day, what can I do?"

This matter also had to start with the last case.

After Jonathan's case was solved, Batman ran into other problems.

When Batman rescued Christine from the thugs who kidnapped him the last time, he thought she was unconscious at the time. However, Christine was conscious, and she fell in love with Batman ever since.

No mistake, it's Batman, not Bruce.

She refused to go on a date with Bruce a few days later. Every night, she returned to the neighborhood where she was kidnapped to see if Batman would appear again.

"In a way, you should be happy because Batman's charm made her reject even the world's richest man," Schiller said.

Bruce's expression was complex.

Being liked by a beautiful girl is certainly worth celebrating, but the situation was so bizarre and peculiar. A girl fell in love with him but rejected another because of her love for him. If this were written as a love story, it would take at least 100,000 words to fully describe it.

"I don't have any advice for you regarding your personal feelings, except to take care of your kidneys," Schiller said at the end.

Bruce didn't expect Schiller's prediction to come true so soon.

That evening, Batman was still patrolling Gotham. He had recently gained fame in Gotham because he had cleaned up the slums around the Mawson Street neighborhood.

This time he wasn't patrolling the dirty slums, but rather the luxury neighborhood where robberies often occurred.


In fact, the probability of a major crime occurring here is no smaller than in the slums, because in the slums there are often drunken brawls, extortion by gangs, or mob violence, but in the luxury neighborhood, a robbery once a gun is fired, at least two or three people will fall in a pool of blood, and the luxury store clerk is also very likely to be killed. This type of case is no less vicious than gang fights in the slums.

Furthermore, those who take on such cases are often seasoned veterans. They work together, plan meticulously, and leave after robbing. They are difficult to deal with.

Batman has already struck two robbery groups, but they were unlucky. After Batman upgraded himself and moved here from the slums, he was confronted with a robbery and murder case. They killed two female store clerks and robbed the store's jewelry. Coincidentally, a pearl necklace was scattered on the ground.

So this robbery group is now in prison.

The other group was not strong either. A group of inexperienced thieves was hit head-on by Batman and are now eating prison meals.

This day, Batman was standing on the roof of a building opposite a jewelry store. He watched as a shadow crawled through the window of the jewelry store's back door. The shadow was petite but agile. The female clerk opposite had not yet reacted when she was strangled by her.

It looks like it should be a female thief, yes, a thief, not a robber. She didn't smash the glass of the jewelry cabinet, but searched the clerk's body for keys and opened the glass door of the jewelry counter. Just as she was holding a gemstone and admiring its shine, a shadow appeared behind her and said, "Miss, no matter how you look at it, this gemstone does not belong to you." As soon as she turned around, she was hit and fainted.

The female thief's luck was apparently better. When Batman was about to drag her to the police, a group of robbers broke into the antique shop across the street. Those were the real robbers, wearing masks, carrying assault rifles, and forcing the clerks into the corner with bags and guns.

Batman had to let go of the female thief and deal with them, and when he returned, she was not there. However, the matter did not end there.

Within the next few days, Batman always felt someone was following him, but the other party seemed agile, and several times he failed to catch their tail. Batman designed a small trap one day. He pretended to throw a bag of jewels that a robber had just stolen into a garbage bin on the corner of the street.

Sure enough, the slender figure crept into the garbage bin to pick something up, and Batman grabbed her.

When Batman saw that it was Catwoman, he breathed a sigh of relief. Batman held out his arm and asked, "The gemstone, hmm?"

"Don't you think our ears match?" Her voice was sweet, and after speaking, she used her finger to play with her ear on her head. That's right, there were also two ears on her mask. Although they weren't as sharp as Batman's, their position was similar to Batman's, both on top of her head.

Batman said absently, "Are you another bat?"

"A bat?" Catwoman said incredulously, "Who is a bat? I am Catwoman. Don't only cats have ears like this? Do you think you are a bat? What kind of freak would consider themselves that kind of animal?"

"Catwoman..." Batman tasted the name, then he retrieved the bag of gemstones from the trash bin and threw it at her. "No cat would like gemstones. Don't bother the jewelers anymore. I'll let you go, considering you haven't killed anyone."

After speaking, he turned to leave, but Catwoman grabbed his cape. Catwoman laughed and shook the bag in her hand. She said, "Big guy, you must still have this, right?"

The Batman wrinkled his brow. He didn't know why everyone could tell he had money.

He had clearly modified the Batman costume to be extremely low-key and hadn't used any advanced drugs. He even slightly slanted his beard.

Batman didn't turn around, he just said over his shoulder, "I don't have any. You can't expect a bat to have that kind of thing."

Just as he was about to leave, a whip coiled around his waist. Batman didn't feel any force holding him back, but he felt a soft body press against his back. He heard Catwoman say close to his ear, "If you are a bat, then you are the most interesting bat I have ever seen. We'll see each other again..."

After speaking, she jumped over to the wall of an alley and quickly disappeared. Batman touched his ear and thought, a cat that likes gemstones? She really is a strange person.

Just like himself.

He didn't expect to run into Christine on the way back to the city. The beautiful cheerleading squad leader, dressed in a thick down jacket and wearing a hat that covered her sexy figure and beautiful face. Batman had just seen her and wanted to avoid her. But after thinking about it, he still walked over to her. He had to persuade her to go back. It was too dangerous for a young girl to appear on the streets of Gotham so late at night.

Christine ran over to Batman as soon as she spotted him. But just as she ran to his side, she wrinkled her brow and asked, "Do you have a girlfriend? Are you on a date with her?"

Batman was at a loss. He just said, "Don't stay here, you know it's dangerous."

"But I just want to be your girlfriend." Christine shrugged. It was clear that she wasn't used to saying this because usually it was others confessing to her.

Batman said, "I don't need a girlfriend. Get back quickly."

"Then what's the deal with the Louis Vuitton perfume on you? Don't tell me you like women's perfumes."

Batman felt a very headache.

The man who had always been accustomed to flowers, how could he miss such things? He knew that he had just been embraced by Catwoman. However, he didn't expect that this female thief, who came out to steal in the middle of the night, would also wear such strong perfume.

Batman didn't say anything, he just left with a shake of his cape.

Although Batman didn't want to deal with Christine, there was someone who was very interested in her, and that was the new principal, Schiller.

Don't forget, it was Christine who accused the old principal of kidnapping her. This was the biggest evidence to convict the former principal.

Sheldon knew that the Jonathan case involved the old principal and Victor had stepped down. This whole thing must have a mastermind behind it all, because there are too many mysteries unanswered here. Jonathan was subdued by who? Christine was rescued by whom? Gordon alone cannot handle such matters.

Sheldon believes that even if Christine is not familiar with the people behind the scenes, she must know who Schiller is. He also wants to figure out this issue and clarify the series of relationships that brought the Jonathon case out. Only then can he sit in this position securely. The relationships in Gotham are too complex and convoluted, so a reliable entry point is necessary to stand firm here. According to Sheldon, the Jonathan case is the most appropriate subject for investigation.

On the other hand, the relationship between Batman and Catwoman has developed quickly. Perhaps there is fate in this world, as Catwoman's playfulness and romance do not clash with Batman's seriousness and skepticism at all. However, he is completely captivated by her.

The two often wander around Gotham City at night together. Although Catwoman cannot help Batman fight, her skills at sneaking and keeping watch are top-notch. Catwoman loves various jeweled accessories and Batman has plenty of money.

However, they are unable to come to an agreement on the topic of theft. Batman thinks that Catwoman has a thief's inclination, but Catwoman thinks that she simply likes those jewels and that there is no problem with taking them to enjoy for a few days if they are left on the counter and not being bought by anyone else.

Finally, one day, Batman followed Catwoman and stopped her theft once again. Catwoman was completely angered by him and in the midst of their argument, Batman, out of pity and affection, did not attack her. However, Catwoman's moods are unpredictable and she slapped Batman and then used a short dagger to stab him on the side of his waist.

Thus, this love crisis involving Batman turned into a real kidney crisis.


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