Chapter-42 | A New Job Offer...

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In a small bar located on the edge of a wealthy neighborhood in the south of Gotham City, Schiller squeezed a bit of lemon juice into the prepared golden liquor and picked up the cup, saying to Gordon: "Congratulations, Detective, at least now you can act according to your own will."

Across the round table, Bruce also raised his glass and Harvey picked up his glass and said, "It is indeed time to celebrate. You are the most honest police officer I have ever seen."

The four people clinked their glasses and Gordon took a drink. His face was slightly red, whether from excitement or the effects of alcohol. He said, "The more I think about it, the more I realize how far I still have to go."

Bruce said, "It's always a pleasure to make progress."

Schiller chuckled and covered his mouth with his glass, then said, "Is that so? It seems that our recent pure-hearted young man has made significant progress?"

Bruce put down his glass and said, "I remember Professor once told you that you have no suggestions for my private feelings and love life."

"But I also reminded you to be careful with your kidneys. I mean protecting your kidneys, not just not letting them be cut. The view from Tricky Street is really breathtaking, and the neon lights there are famous all along the East Coast..."

Gordon's eyes turned back and forth between the two of them, and then he raised his eyebrows and said, "What riddles are you guys playing?"

"Nothing, just I'm advising you to mind your own business in the future. Some people have confidence in their kidney function."

Gordon understood now and said, "It seems that Bruce's love life has been very rich lately."

Schiller put down his glass and smiled. "On the contrary."

He leaned forward and nudged Bruce with his arm, saying, "It looks like you and the girl you mentioned are making good progress. How is it progressing? Have you guys decided on your relationship?"

Gordon immediately perked up his ears and Bruce rubbed his temples, looking at the three people who were interested in the matter with a look of resignation. He said, "Come on, come on, what does it matter? That's my personal business. The theme of our gathering today is to celebrate Gordon's promotion."

"I don't think the position of head of the Gotham Police Department is worth celebrating as much as the world's richest man getting a new girlfriend," Gordon said.

"That's still a bit exaggerated. After all, the girlfriends of the world's richest man are too many." Schiller said.

"But the head of the police department is no different from a regular police officer, useless." Gordon said self-deprecatingly.

As Bruce was being taunted by them, he said, "Alright, I admit it. It's like this. I fell for a, not that kind of fall, not because of her pretty face and figure...oh, she's definitely pretty and has a great figure, but it's not... "

Gordon and Harvey both looked like they didn't need an explanation. "What matters is a good heart, not a beautiful face... But now I know that statement is bullshit. Every man in the world knows that this statement is bullshit."

Gordon adjusted his tie and said, "Could it be that there's really a girl that made Bruce's heart move? I'm really curious to see what kind of divine being she is."

Bruce said, "She's not really special, just a girl from the slums. Like all ordinary girls, she likes shiny jewels and jewelry and dreams of having a castle full of jewels."

"Do you prefer German or French castles?" Schiller asked. "I think Neuschwanstein Castle is not bad. How about buying it?"

Bruce slammed down his glass in frustration and said, "I'm not hitting on her! I'm serious. Don't look at me like that. I admit I was a bit...well, not a bit...but I really plan to marry her..."

"You don't have to say such pleasant things when you're not facing her."

Schiller quickly interrupted Bruce. Was this something anyone could say?

But it didn't matter much in the end. After all, Batman is the main character, and if the main character says this, it probably won't cause any problems.

Bruce took a sip of wine and he, rarely excited, said, "We have indeed confirmed our relationship and have been on several dates these past few nights. She even gave me a very beautiful jewel."

"And you? Have you given her anything?" Harvey asked.

Bruce said, "I'm thinking about it."

"That's a bit rude." Harvey said, "Don't you look down on her slum background? Forgive me for being blunt, but not everyone is as lucky as you. In my opinion, at least for you, class should not obstruct love..."

"Of course I don't think that way."

"The problem is, if you don't give her a gift that demonstrates your feelings soon, she might think that way," Schiller said. "Any girl from the slums who is in a relationship with the world's richest man probably won't have much confidence."

I apologize for the mistake. Here is the corrected version:

"Alright," Bruce said. "What should I get her? I've been thinking about it for half the day and I can't come up with anything."

Harvey didn't know the true identity of Catwoman, as he didn't know that Bruce was Batman, nor did he know their story.

But Schiller was crystal clear on this.

"How about a pearl necklace?" Schiller said.

Bruce clenched his hand around his glass, took a sip of his drink and said, "I have to admit, I'm not a big fan of pearl necklaces, but if she likes them, then I'll definitely get her the best one."

After the party ended, Schiller returned to his apartment to tidy up, except for the smell of alcohol on him.

Schiller wasn't commuting between DC and Marvel for no reason. As a result, he waited for Marvel's plot to develop on its own and also resolved his affairs on this side in a timely manner after coming to DC.

He was a relatively cautious person and wanted everything to be well organized. Although it was unexpected that the old headmaster didn't end up in prison, his purpose in coming back was to tie up the loose ends of the last Jonathon case.

The old headmaster is now Batman's target, and Schiller doesn't plan to interfere for the time being. But there is still one other person, the missing Victor District Attorney.

Professor Schiller knew that it was probably Sal Maroni who had kidnapped him, but Maroni would not necessarily have wanted him dead. A former police chief could have useful information in his mouth, and Maroni would not let Victor die easily unless he could return the favor. However, Professor Schiller had to kill Victor.

Schiller, when he stole the fear gas at the beginning of the Jonathan Case, used the simplest method - breaking and entering. However, he couldn't completely cover his tracks at the time. Although he removed 99% of the evidence, he still had to eliminate the remaining 1% chance of being discovered.

In order to overturn the Jonathan Case, Victor entered the evidence room more than once. He was the only person who could potentially expose Professor Schiller's theft of fear gas. After Jonathan was institutionalized, the traditional version of concentrated fear gas was no longer in circulation. However, due to Maroni's huge losses, many gang members were targeting this weapon. If anyone revealed who stole the fear gas, they would swarm like sharks when they smelled blood.

Professor Schiller had planned to visit Maroni, but before he could, an unexpected person approached him. Schiller followed a black-clad man into a car, and the man in the suit sitting in the front said, "Professor Schiller, you don't have to be afraid. The Godfather has invited you over, he just needs your help."

The extended limousine soon arrived at a mansion not far from the South District. Professor Schiller followed his guide into the mansion, which was decorated in an old-fashioned style. After walking up to the third floor, the guide knocked on the door and a deep voice said, "Please come in." Professor Schiller walked in and saw a tall man, or rather an old man. His hair was silver-gray, he was wearing a tasteful suit and a bow tie, and a red poppy was pinned to his breast pocket. He had an imposing presence that did not seem angry.

He fiddled with the ring on his hand and said to Professor Schiller, "Professor Rodrigues, I apologize for disturbing you. I have invited you here because I need your help."

"I am honored to serve you, Mr. Falcone," Professor Schiller replied as he walked over to the table separating him and Mr. Falcone. Two black-clad bodyguards stood on either side of him, behind a floor-to-ceiling window.

Mr Falcone did not say much. He just nodded and then directly stated his request: "I have a son who is not young anymore. My family and business both need him to inherit. I would like to hire you as his tutor."

Before Professor Schiller could ask any questions, Mr. Falcone said, "His previous tutor was shot three times in the chest and did not survive. I have heard that you can even get Bruce Wayne to turn in his homework on time, so I think you would be a suitable candidate as a tutor."

"Of course, I'm not threatening you. I know you've caused some small trouble in Gotham, and some people have followed the scent here, but they should all be in the drain now."

"This is my sincerity, how about it?"

Professor Schiller looked at Falcone, who was more like the early DC Comics portrayal of the gang leader. Falcone's inspiration came from Don Corleone in The Godfather, a character played by Marlon Brando.

Now, compared to the image of Falcone in movies and TV shows wearing a jacket and strange sunglasses, the old man really looked more like the family Godfather who ruled the large gang forces in Gotham.

"Okay, but I have one request."

"The previous police chief has been reported missing..." Professor Schiller said.

"You want to find him?"

"No, I want to kill him."

Falcone sat down and took a cigar handed to him by a nearby person. He took a puff and exhaled smoke before saying, "Victor...I know him, a slightly clever old cheat. What grudge do you have against him?"

"I think, in Gotham, it's not necessary to have a grudge to kill someone."

Falcone chuckled with his cigar and said, "It seems that you will be a terrific teacher."


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