Chapter-43 | God Bless, Godfather...

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Thank you for letting me know the correct names. Here is the revised text:

"Sal and his partner are a bit clever. I remember when I first met him, he was a young punk who had just come to Gotham. He was extorting cargo ship owners with a few people at the dock. Soon after, he caught the eye of the red-headed Lauren in the red light district. That red-haired guy roamed the neighborhood with him and soon bought his first bar. That was over 20 years ago..."

Falcone sat in the chair, smoking a cigar and reminiscing. He said, "Sal won't let the police chief go. Even if he has to extract some information from his mouth, he will eventually die. You can change the conditions, like if there's anyone else you want to kill or if there's any other trouble you want to solve?"

"My trouble comes from Metropolis. I won't trouble the Godfather."

As Falcone turned his head, he glanced at him. "The guys I helped you solve seemed to have some background. What have you gotten yourself into?"

Schiller looked up and said, "Godfather, I think I may be the longest-lived family teacher for your son."

Falcone tapped the table with the end of his cigar and said, "When you do things for me, of course I won't let trouble find you. But you get involved in those strange things yourself and now you hide here..."

"Don't you fear that I will drag the Falcone family down?"

Falcone turned the chair back and said:

"When did the Falcone family come ashore? From the day I came to Gotham, I knew that we were all wrecks on the sunken ship and never hoped to make it ashore."

Then he sighed slightly.

"...But my son and I think differently."

Ivan Falcone, that is, Ivan Falcone, is different from the old godfather. He is full of blood and thinks that he can order Gotham's order by himself.

That's right, although he is the successor of the future mafia family, he really wants to reorganize the order of Gotham. Yet this order is based on violence, rather than creating a utopia.

Truth be told, Little Falcone's idea may even be more normal than Batman's. Absolute violence leads to absolute authority, and absolute authority controls everyone. The only question is whether he can control his own mind.

After a while, the butler knocked on the door outside. Ivan stood behind him. As he walked in and saw Schiller, he clearly hesitated and then turned to the butler and whispered, "Do you remember that I recently mentioned forgetting to bring homework or forgetting to turn in homework?"

The butler shook his head. Ivan was obviously relieved. Schiller stood up and said, "Ivan?"

"Do you know each other?" Falcone asked."

"Father, this is my university professor. I remember I mentioned to you that I had to write a psychology assignment."

Before Professor Falcone could say anything, Ivon said, "I apologize, Professor. If there are any problems with my recent assignments, it may be because I have been busy recently and neglected them. If you are not satisfied, I can rewrite them immediately."

Then he moved his lips and turned to Professor Falcone and said, "Father, recent events in the Eastern Block have kept me busy and perhaps I neglected my studies. Professor Schiller's visit to see you caught my attention. I am truly sorry."

Professor Schiller understood that he had misunderstood and thought that he had come to visit the family. Ivon was secretly terrified.

He had heard of Professor Schiller's infamous reputation before - he was known as someone who would kill anyone who crossed him and was even rumored to be a serial killer collector. In class, he would mercilessly berate Bruce Wayne for not turning in assignments and even sent him a withdrawal notice...

Professor Schiller, the homework fanatic, was well-known throughout Gotham University for being strict with student assignments. No matter who you were, if you dared not turn in an assignment, you were sure to receive humiliation in his class. This was even if you were Bruce Wayne, chairman of the board of directors of Gotham University.

However, Ivon never expected that he would come to the home of the head of the largest gang family in Gotham, chasing after him for an assignment!

Ivon lamented in his heart, has this professor gone mad? No wonder he berated Bruce Wayne like a drowning dog, even the new school principal...

As the heir to a gang family, Ivon originally didn't believe those random rumors, but he now believes them. Who would visit a gang leader's home unless they had some mental issues?

It's not surprising that Professor Schiller is so concerned about assignments. His mentality is still stuck in his previous life's teaching style. It's worth noting that many students can't handle the heavy workload of psychology, and often don't get a high score on the final exam. If they want to pass, they have to rely on their grades from earlier assignments. But if they don't even turn in their assignments, their grades will definitely be low.

If the pass rate is too low, Professor Schiller's evaluation will certainly be affected. Although Gotham University doesn't have a reliable evaluation plan for professors, and no one cares about student pass rates, Professor Schiller is used to it. He feels that he hasn't even used 30% of his power, yet the students at Gotham University, who have received a happy education since childhood, have already been broken.

He could kill them with just one class essay at the university where he taught in his previous life. It's worth noting that those students wrote 20,000 words for a small essay and completed their large essays according to the standards for publishing.

So he couldn't understand why someone would fail to meet the requirement of less than 3,000 words for a small essay. This is particularly true for an English essay which inherently has fewer words than a Chinese essay. A standard 3,000-word essay is only about 2,000 words in English. How could they not submit enough words?

Therefore, after Professor Schiller used all sorts of methods to frantically chase after assignments, there were finally some students who turned in their assignments on time in his class.

Professor Schiller thinks that such a talented student deserves praise. Both of them are first-year students. Look at that incompetent Bruce. A two-thousand-word essay with one-third of transitional words, one-third of meaningless modifications and descriptions, and the rest besides "the" is "a". Most people only write two characters with a hyphen, but he can write a long row. Like this, he had the courage to let Schiller help him.

Falcone slightly wrinkled his brow and said, "Since that's the case, how does Ivan perform at school? Are there any problems with his homework? What about his exam scores?"

Ivan took a deep breath and Schiller said, "Actually... it's quite okay. I also talked to Anna who teaches advanced math. I am prepared to give him a graduate student quota because Ivan is quite adept at science. He also has a talent for psychology."

Ivan let out a sigh of relief and seeing his son's performance, Falcone told him, "From now on, Professor Schiller will be your tutor."

Ivan was startled, his back chilled, but he dared not question his father's decision and could only say, "Okay, Father."

Falcone supported the armrests of his chair and stood up from the chair, saying, "It looks like I need to deal with the trouble you brought from the metropolis."

Schiller shook his head and said, "This is a big trouble. I don't think the price I paid is worth it for you to do this."

"Being a tutor for my son is not enough," said Falcone. "But if you become a friend of the Falcone family, we will take care of all the troubles for our friends."

"Every metropolis has someone behind it," said Schiller.

Falcone shook his head and took a puff of his cigar. "You still don't understand me, Mr. Schiller. 40 years ago, I came to Gotham alone, and at that time no one had heard of the name Falcone. 30 years ago, I became the boss of three streets, and at that time there was no Falcone family..."

"I don't want to boast about my achievements, but I have ruled Gotham for 40 years and ruled this city that was once called hell," he said.

Falcone used the end of his cigar to press against the table, and smoke rose from his fingers. "So all you have to do is say 'yes', and all the troubles you have suffered will say goodbye to you."

Schiller looked at him, and Falcone's expression was even more calm than he had imagined.

Schiller thought, this Falcone is clearly not a small gangster villain in the most recent Batman comic. Instead, he is the rightful Godfather of Gotham, the uncrowned king of Gotham City.

Even without Batman, Gotham City was never peaceful. The Godfather ruled here for forty years, and such a man cannot be as stupid and shortsighted as depicted in the comics.

Finally, Schiller stepped forward and kissed the right hand of Falcone, saying: "God bless Gotham, Godfather."

Schiller stressed the last word with a twist in his mouth, and Falcone noticed the subtle difference, but he didn't mind.

No matter how splendid he has been in these forty years, the Godfather is really getting old, and Falcone's family's inheritor is still far from mature.

Falcone thought maybe the era of Gotham without a king was about to come.


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