Chapter-44 | Poor Sheldon...

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The next day, Schiller finished class and collected his homework on time as usual. However, today he found that the 32 homeworks in the class were handed in neatly. Based on the thickness, it appears they wrote enough words.

He felt a bit strange. Despite his best efforts, there were always one or two people who didn't submit it in. Among the many people who handed in, there were also many who tried to fool him. Pile up blank sheets of paper or copy some articles and hand them in.

But this time, he stood on the podium, flipped through the papers, and found that everyone had written papers seriously.

When the students saw him flipping through his homework, they didn't dare vent their anger. In the past, at this time, class was about to end. The students were all packing up their things, but now no one made a move, and they all stayed in their seats obediently, waiting for Schiller to speak.

The reason for this situation was very simple. Just last night, the whole class knew that Schiller went directly to Falcone, Gotham's underground king, in order to chase Evans for homework.

In the pre-Batman era, Falcone and his twelve gangster families held a lot of power in Gotham. Sal Maroney, the leader of the Eastern District, was just a lackey of the Lauren family, which ranked last among the twelve families.

The Falcone family was the most powerful, and old godfather Falcone had a lot of say among the twelve families. At this time, it was absolutely necessary to know the surnames of Falcone and the other twelve families in order to survive in Gotham.

The story of Schiller chasing homework to the Godfather of Gotham made for an exciting night of making up homework for all the students.

Sheldon was very happy with the homework situation in Schiller's class. He said, "It looks like everyone has taken this homework very seriously. After I review it, I will give everyone extra credit. There are a few students who have written particularly well. If you are not planning on applying to graduate school, you can come to my office to discuss a recommendation letter."

The classroom erupted into warm applause at Schiller's announcement. It was unclear whether the applause was for Schiller's reward or for the students who had survived the difficult assignment.

Sheldon observed all of this from the surveillance cameras in the classrooms of Gotham University. He used these cameras to monitor Schiller and look for any opportunities to get rid of him.

In the following days, the students in Schiller's class were extremely quiet and well-behaved. Evans even took on the role of monitor, collecting and distributing homework and maintaining classroom discipline. The teaching environment was orderly and efficient, and Shepherd had nothing to criticize.

This gave Sheldon an illusion.

When he was working in the Academic Affairs Office at Princeton, most of the students were basically at this level. When he first arrived at Gotham University, he was busy gaining a foothold and did not take the time to understand the level of the students. In his opinion, writing homework is a student's bounden duty. Although Gotham University's ranking is not as good as Princeton's, it seems that the quality of students is not far behind.

At least in Schiller's class.

Sheldon focused only on Schiller's class. In Schiller's class, all the students were very quiet, and the learning tasks were completed very well. This made Schiller's teaching arrangements run smoothly.

So Sheldon had another idea.

We all know that the prohibition on alcohol on campus that he implemented was stuck between a rock and a hard place. At this point, most people who are willing to follow this plan have also quit drinking, but those who are unwilling are all diehards. This group of people would rather resist with guns than let the school interfere with their right to drink.

Students can resist with guns, but Sheldon, the principal, can't use a gun to force students not to drink. This plan is stuck in an awkward position mainly because he is not a native of Gotham and his thinking is still engrained in a civilized society.

Sheldon was also a professor before taking up administrative work. He graduated from Oxford University with a major in modern literature and taught at both the University of California and Metropolitan University.

Sheldon felt that if he wanted to control Gotham University, he had to get along well with the students. Being welcomed by everyone like Harvey was a smooth start.

So he wants to teach a class by himself.

Coincidentally, there is almost no literature department at Gotham University, only one teacher who teaches basic courses. For many years, literature and philosophy majors have not been recruited. After all, there is really no soil for literature and philosophy in this damn place.

Reinvigorate the literature department and take the lead in reviving the literature major. If he can recruit a group of liberal arts students taught by himself, then he will have his own direct descendants in this school. This is what Sheldon planned.

And it seems that Schiller's classroom is very comfortable, and the teaching goals are well implemented. Generally speaking, the weather is sunny, the rain has stopped, and Sheldon feels that he is doing well.

Although he is a university professor, the process of teaching classes is not much different from that of teaching elementary schools. Sheldon is like a cloud player watching videos. He feels relaxed watching Schiller in class from the monitoring end.

The process in Schiller's class involves walking into the classroom, waiting for the students to sit down, and then taking out the textbooks to begin the lecture. There will be one or two discussion sessions in the middle. After the discussion, either Schiller will ask questions, or the group will send someone to speak. Afterwards, Schiller conducted a round of summarization, and then talked about other content. There will be a link to comment on homework at the beginning of the next class.

The university classrooms in the 20th century were like this. There are no fancy slides. Most teachers follow the textbook. This is especially true for subjects such as psychology that require a lot of memorizing. If you don't explain the book thoroughly, then don't think about anything. Learn to understand.

Watching this process in the classroom video, it is indeed not difficult. If the students cooperate, they can even end the teaching objectives ahead of schedule, and they can chat for a while at the end.

After the students became very obedient, Schiller was also willing to talk to them about the crazy murderers he had seen. Although Schiller couldn't remember many details due to amnesia, this legendary experience still made this Helping the hairy boys to listen with gusto, they found that this particularly strict professor did have his own merits.

When announcing the establishment of the Faculty of Literature, Sheldon fired the teacher of the basic literature course, and then started teaching himself.

Like most people watching video games, they believe they can do it themselves. When they actually begin to play the game, they get killed, quit, and delete it immediately to get a refund.

Sheldon was no exception.

After he actually started the class, he found that Schiller's class was completely an illusion. There was no obedient student here. The basic literature course and the basic psychology course are somewhat similar to a certain extent, that is, they involve a lot of recitation and writing.

The first time they handed in homework, there had to be dozens of assignments but only two were handed in, and one of them was only half written.

Sheldon showed his tough politician style and denounced this behavior of not handing in homework in class. Therefore, when he asked for homework the second time, they didn't turn anything in.

For example, science courses such as mathematics and physics, there are some people who are naturally more interested. The basic literature course is such a long and boring course, there is no student at Gotham University who will take the class seriously.

In class, students complete all assignments. Sleeping is considered a healthy hobby. They eat, chat loudly, snap game controllers, and even fly leaves in public.

No matter how much Sheldon yelled, no one paid any attention to him. The problem wasn't that he slammed the door in anger, but that this class turned into a series of chaotic self-study sessions.

Sheldon also didn't understand Gotham. He would know that his students are competent if he did. In addition, the quality of people in this city who can make it to college is really high.

In this university, there is no threat of guns to classmates, no physical bombing of schools, and no kidnapping of teachers and professors. The students in Gotham can already be called the city's civilized pacesetters.

However, Sheldon was almost pissed off by them.

In particular, many students knew that Sheldon was responsible for the damned alcohol prohibition, so they began to protest in Sheldon's classroom. Spray, drenched him with wine, and even organized drinking parties in class.

Sheldon yelled that credits would be deducted and they would be expelled, but these people didn't care at all. Sheldon expelled two students, and the rest of the students became insane. As a result, one dark night, Sheldon walked into the school, and was smashed in the head by two wine bottles thrown out by someone in the grass. He was admitted to the hospital.

He couldn't figure out why the students who were as obedient as quails in Schiller's class turned into crazy extremists when it came to him.

Maybe it's just that he hasn't heard what Schiller said: Here, only criminals can deal with criminals.


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