Chapter-52 | Iron Man Never Backs Down...

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 Rod said, "No, thanks, I don't smoke ..."

Immediately after that, he saw Stark take out a cigarette by himself, then tossed it in mid-air, and instantly, a pair of light blue and silver mechs armed to his body, as Rhodes gulped and said, "Give me one, please."

  On the other side, General Johnson had just climbed back into the cockpit of a giant robot when a fist as big as a sandbag appeared in his field of vision.

  Iron Man was about to join Rhodes in dealing with Johnson when he was stopped by the reared-up steel monster, and he heard Obadiah say, "You know what? Most of those things I once told you about your father were not the truth."

"In fact, he smoked and drank, hung out with women, daydreamed all day long, was good at thinking out of the blue, and only let others clean up his mess after he fucked up a heap of things."

"I made up all those heroic stories about him, but he was a complete asshole."

"But you know how I stopped him when he opened his mouth to spout some stupid idea out again?"

  Iron Man had a bad feeling, but before he could answer, a sandbag-sized fist appeared in his field of vision.

  Looking at Iron Man who flew backwards, Spider rubbed his hands and said, "Well, now comes the question, who do we help?"

Captain America patted his shield and said, "I think Obadiah has a point, he is, after all, Stark's elder, more reason to beat him up than I have."

  "But it's not good for us to watch like this, right?"

  "Then let's not look, let's go, there are wounded people to carry to the ambulance."

  The other side. Iron Man's head rose from a heap of steel and said, "Wait! Uncle ... Well, Howard sucks, and so do I! But I think there's a better solution than that, and I think we can sit down and talk about it! Or have a board meeting or something, don't always solve problems with your fists ..."

  "You're even less qualified to say that."

With a roar, the steel giant leapt up and landed in front of him, shadows enveloped Iron Man's armor, Obadiah said, "You will soon understand that this iron shell of yours is of no use whatsoever, even if you change it to a different kind of appearance."

Iron Man was helpless, Obadiah seems to be determined to beat him to death, his anger also rose, he said: "You will soon know if it is only a change of appearance!"

  With that, he dodged the giant steel monster's fist as nimbly as a flying bird, and almost instantly he flew to the steel monster's back and punched it in the back.

The steel monster swung a backhand, Stark again flexible dodge, his current body armor is lighter and thinner, as well as the power system was modified to be faster and more flexible.

He stretched out his palm, next to the ruins the steel began to shake slightly, and flew up in a second and straight at the steel monster, Jarvis said to Stark: "Magnetic control system is still in the process of upgrading, can not use high-frequency operation, and the energy is about to run out ..."

  Stark put his fist in a squeeze, the steel bar flew out at the steel monster.

Obadiah apparently also did not foresee this trick, after all, the original Iron Man's picture is of a warrior, in addition to the palm cannon, most of the time was also swinging fists with the enemy, but now this body silver and blue mech made him look more like a mage.

  With the swing of Stark's arms, the steel bars flew toward the steel monster. Obadiah only had time to maneuver his mech and dodge a large part of the bars on his left side, but a few still hit his armor's right arm.

But he was much more decisive, and jumped out of the way the moment he was hit, lending his strength outright to land an uppercut on the Iron Man in the air.

The Iron Man's armor sprang up with a series of sparks, but he was not willing to be outdone, and he directly made a reverse dive.

One punch on the neck of the steel monster, the steel monster slightly swayed, grabbed one of Iron Man's legs and threw him out.

Iron Man was again shaken to the core, it so happened that he landed on the battlefield of Rhodes and General Johnson, Rhodes was also somewhat disadvantaged, Iron Man shouted: "Come on! Switch opponents and let's start the second half!"

This was the right decision, Rod's armor was more powerful, but he faced General Johnson, that huge armor had eight tentacles, indeed Stark, with a more agile armor was better to deal with.

So, Rhodes steadied his body, and directly dived straight, and flew towards Obadiah's steel giant.

After choosing the right opponent, the battle began to clear up, Stark used high mobility, directly removed a large part of the tentacles on General Johnson's back, no tentacles to assist movement, Johnson's armor became a sandbag.

The robots he summoned were also largely taken care of by Stark using high speed and flying.

On the other hand, and the Steel Monster gave Rod a tough fight, though it was not easy, but the Steel Monster in the previous explosions had leg failure, several rounds down, the Steel Monster fell to the ground, seemingly unable to get up again.

  Rod walked over to the Iron Man and said, "I once heard my original boss, General Andros Sr. mention that he knew your father when he was young, but exactly what happened, I'm not sure."

  "That damned scumbag Howard! He tipped off old Andros with an order with the military! Originally, I wasn't supposed to be a little major general in the Air Force!"

  "That doesn't even matter anymore." Stark said, "I'm afraid you won't even be a major general now."

  "Everyone knows that only Iron Man can build these mechs, and I'm using all the technology you gave to the military, as long as ..."

  "No, that's not what I meant, I mean, Howard is a lousy guy, but I think he does have something to learn from, like, finding the right partner in the military, and of course, that's not you ..."

  "Aren't you going to shut down Stark's weapons manufacturing division?"

  "Where did you hear that rumor?"

Johnson turned his head to look at the Obadiah's mech.

  "Did my uncle tell you that?"

"And did he tell you that every Stark is like that, we're very fickle, only a few minutes ago I changed my mind, not only am I not going to shut down Stark's weapons manufacturing division, I'm going to officially work with the military, it just so happens that I have a few ideas for a one man exoskeleton, and an auxiliary support system for medical use... ..."

  "No! You can't do that! Hell, I already promised Hammer Military Industries ..."

  "Stupid always goes to another stupid." Obadiah's voice came again from the distance.

Johnson's mech burst into a series of sparks, clearly it had something hammered in it.

[ShaneFreak: XD, hammered in it... Hammer Industries...]

"It looks like that Hammer military engineer made these mechs for you, but with all due respect, these things are long obsolete."

"Yeah, you only gave outdated technology to Rhodes." Johnson had not forgotten to stir up trouble by now.

  Rod said with his arms around him, "He just gave me a cigarette, a very fashionable cigarette."

  Stark didn't talk to Johnson anymore, he walked over to the collapsed steel monster, then opened the cockpit, Obadiah was lying inside, he didn't look outwardly injured, but his face was very bad, he looked like he was dying.

  "Doctor! I need a doctor!"

  Schiller appeared in response, and he spread his hands and said, "I guess it's not me you need as a psychiatrist."

  "Sure, but cut the crap and get him to a hospital."

The Symbiote said to Schiller in his head, "His heart ..."

Schiller felt Obadiah's pulse and found that his heart rate was indeed off, Obadiah coughed and said, "The external source of energy is not sufficient to drive such a behemoth ..."

  "You did something to your own heart?" Schiller asked.

Stark ripped open Obadiah's shirt with some anxiety and found that there was indeed a wound on his chest, and he said with some anxiety, "Hurry up! Get him back to my lab first! ... Damn it, this bio-mechanical path just won't work! That's simply draining the life away!"

  "You are as arbitrary as your father, never listen to people's opinions ..." Obadiah said, but seeing the blood running down Stark's forehead, he finally said nothing.

"You send him back first, it just so happens that I know a pretty good neurosurgeon, you'll see him at Stark Tower later."

  When both Schiller and Stark were gone, only General Johnson and Rhodes remained on the battlefield: "You fucking lunatic! Rhodes! Don't you know the natural duty of a soldier is to obey orders? I'm the one who's on top of you now! That old Andros retired long ago and got the hell over it!"

  "Yeah, honorably retired as an admiral, still got a well-paid idle position in Congress with a big pension, went to Hawaii for two months last winter, and his granddaughter just got into Harvard ..."

  Johnson's mech let out another violent explosion.

  Half a moment later he said, "You'll regret it, Rod, Stark was never trustworthy, and you'll regret being his friend."

"They are selfish, sensitive, suspicious, and will ruin everything sooner or later. They have a brilliant mind that can save themselves, but they won't save you, they won't save a watchdog."

Rod took off his armor and stepped out of it as he looked around.

The place had been completely battered into ruins, not far away, Spider and Captain America were putting the wounded into ambulances, most of them were evacuated in an orderly manner, but a number of them were injured by the aftershocks of the explosion during the escape, which were just rescued.

New York is very large, the aftermath of the battle only affected a few nearby streets, more distant highways, vehicles and pedestrians continue to bustle.

Soon, the end of the sky lit up with a purple haze, it was almost dawn.

  "You're right, Stark are a bunch of rotten people, impulsive, capricious, never consider the consequences of doing things, waiting for others to clean up their messes, but Iron Man is different ..."

Rhodes looked at the light at the end of the sky, he reached up, took off his shoulder badge, looked down, pinched it on his fingertips, and then, threw it in Johnson's face.

  "... Iron Man never backs down."


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