Chapter-53 | A Time for Life and Death...

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" His condition is very bad, excluding the risk of infection that could be caused by all the messy wires he's got in his body, he's also old, his body doesn't recover as well as a young man's, there's a high risk of leaving after-effects after an injury, even if he can survive the infection and inflammation, his body functions have been severely damaged, I think you can ask him first if he has any last wishes ..."

Stark pounded the table, making a violent sound that startled Strange, and with that the highly spiteful doctor said, "You'd better make sure you give me a consultation that's worthy of your violent temper."

"I'm pretty sure you have the balls." Schiller said to Strange.

  Stark looked at Obadiah lying on the lab table, his pupils had begun to lapse a little, an extreme emotion surrounded Stark and he couldn't understand why exactly Obadiah was doing this.

  "I've always wanted to prove to Howard that the biotech route I once proposed was by no means useless, that he could give someone strong enough strength to still manipulate a mech perfectly through the power of their body even if their body had aged beyond recognition ... "

  "But you're about to die!" Stark said very angrily, "What on earth could be more important than life?!"

  "Howard died before I did ..."

  Stark was speechless as he heard Obadiah say again as if with a sigh, "Serves him right, it's a shame he died so early ..."

  A complex emotion rose from Stark's heart, he knew that Obadiah and Howard's relationship was not the perfect partnership that many people thought it was.

When you're with a supreme genius the whole way, there are few people who don't have feelings of jealousy and perhaps at one time Obadiah had wanted to prove that he was just as good without Howard.

  Unfortunately, without Howard, he didn't know who he was going to prove to.

Obadiah was getting old, and perhaps he knew that if he didn't do it again, he'd never have another chance.

  There had to be a Stark who understood that he was right, and if old Stark couldn't do it, then young Stark could.

  "I have to find a way to save him!" Stark flung himself onto the lab table on the other side and began to frantically rummage through the information, he had no time to think about Obadiah stealing his mech core at the moment, after all these years, Obadiah was practically the only one he had left, and now that he was about to die, Stark couldn't care about anything else.

  "A heart stent! We have to get him a heart stent!" Stark said.

  Strange shook his head and said, "You really have no medical knowledge, his heart is about to fail, this is not something a stent can fix."

  "Then we'll get more!"

  "Unless you can mechanically recreate a new heart for him, the one he has now will not be able to perform the function of transfusing blood to his body and he will die of heart failure in three hours at the most."

"Are you a doctor who only speaks sarcasm?!" Stark asked angrily, and Strange, who was even angrier than he was, said, "One word from you and you've taken up my whole afternoon! I'm just being honest! He's hopeless! You don't think doctors are God, you've made seven or eight holes in your own heart, even if God were to come he can't save him!"

  Schiller patted Strange on the shoulder as he said, "Can't you see what's going on now? This tycoon who's already so poor that he's only got money left, he's willing to pay anything to save his uncle, as long as you can come up with a proposal he would buy at whatever price you want."

Strange rubbed his temples and said, "We're both doctors, would I not want to make this money? But if he can be saved by medical means, then there's no one in this world that can't be saved."

  "What did you just say?" Stark asked suddenly, turning his head.

  Strange froze and he said, "What did I say?"

  "To ... mechanical heart! Rebuild a heart for him!"

  Schiller looked at his watch and said, "You only have three hours."

  After saying that, he glanced at Obadiah again.

  "That's still an optimistic estimate, I'm afraid that once it's been more than two hours, even with a new heart, his whole body will be necrotic from lack of blood."

Stark said nothing, he was suddenly quiet and seemed to stop being so irritable for a moment, all the cells inside his brain frantically functioned at hundred percent.

  "That's ridiculous, what about the rejection reaction you'd get from trying to replace a living person with a heart made from a machine?" Strange said.

  Stark turned right back and punched him in the face as Schiller dragged him out of the lab and Strange rubbed his nose and said, "These damn rich ... people."

  "Stop complaining and think about the seven or eight figure consultation he'll pay you afterwards, feel better yet?"

  "He'll really pay that much?"

  "That's Stark, look at the bottom of your feet, a floor tile here could be a month's salary for you."

Strange didn't say anything in a very rare moment, it didn't look like the big consultation coming up was making him any happier either.

  After a while Stark burst out and said, "I've got an idea! Yes, I've got an idea! The Ark reactor, that model ..."

  "I need an assistant, come on! Get over here!"

Strange sat motionless and Schiller had to stand up and say, "I'll do it, hopefully I won't be a screwing bulb again."

  Once inside the lab, it was a mess made by Stark, Schiller stepped over the various papers and materials scattered on the floor as Stark began to pound away at a lab bench full of various complex instruments, as he did so he said, "That model is useful for more than just the composition of the energy reaction, it's structure is very adaptable to the human body, as for the rejection reaction... ..."

  Stark suddenly stopped moving his hands and propped them up on the table, then lowered his head as he whispered, "I almost died from a rejection reaction too, maybe that's karma."

"Don't bring up all your theories about karma." Schiller glanced at Obadiah.

  He still seemed conscious, but the excessive lack of blood had left him speechless, and he didn't look at Stark, just kept his eyes on the lab table.

  Perhaps the young Obadiah had stood by like that, watching Howard's enthusiasm as he went about his business at the bench, back when they could do experiments all night and then talk over breakfast about how these inventions would change the world.

Howard was passionate and ambitious, an incomparable genius, and Obadiah was more like a shadow of that genius, Howard was born to change the world, and Obadiah, he just wanted to use his powers to make something better of himself.

  Obadiah felt his whole body begin to heat up, a warm current flowed from his heart to his limbs, and in a haze he saw countless images playing out before him.

  Howard had died too soon, but Obadiah was grateful that Howard had died so early, it gave him a good enough friendship to remember before he died, the most passionate and glorious years of his life.

A colossus had risen in his hands to dominate the world.

Thankfully, Howard died too soon for that friendship not to gradually wear down to fade in the midst of the mediocrity of the world's uncertainties, ever so glorious that even before he died, he seemed to have no regrets.

  "You'll have to hurry." Schiller looked at Obadiah and said, "We've made some mistakes in our estimation, you've got an hour and a half at most, he's already losing his consciousness."

  Stark turned around in a panic and said, "No!!! No! Wait, wait ... don't, how could he ..."

"Just like you did before, the desire to live is a very important thing, once it is gone the body will start to deteriorate at a rate you can't imagine."

Stark squeezed the components in his hand with a tight death grip, he said nothing and turned away to continue his experiment.

In his head, Schiller asked the Symbiote, "Can't you reconstruct a heart for him?"

"No, his heart is missing something and needs the Symbiote to maintain it, without me, it will die."

Schiller thought back for a moment as if that was indeed the case in the comics too, the older Eddie relied entirely on the venom to transform his cells into part of his body and would die without the Venom just the same.

"There are parts that can be combined." The symbiote said again.

  Schiller said to Stark, "You can try to make the parts and I can combine it with flesh and blood using reconstruction without fixing and stitches."

  Stark took a pen and drawing and pointed it out to Schiller and said, "The structure of the Ark reactor would work perfectly for the heart, look here, let's replace the entire left ventricle, strengthen the heart muscle here and put an artificial heart pump in here ..."

  Schiller called Strange in and Strange looked at the drawing and said, "It's possible if only in theory, but I advise you not to do it, the combination of human body and metal would be very risky, it's a challenge that the medical profession has been unable to break through and you're not even a doctor. Even if you could bring him back to life for a while, the subsequent maintenance of the parts and the deterioration of the metal would all be problems ..."

Schiller said, "Obadiah seems to have been working on bio-mechanics, he must have useful information, Jarvis, can you find out where Obadiah is doing his research?"

A beep came from Jarvis and then said, " Calculation in progress ... locating ... locating successfully."

  "Storage device has been detected ... The data has not been uploaded, please wait, I am using physical cracking ..."

  Within minutes a mech flew in holding a heavy computer, Stark flipped out a USB stick and plugged it into the computer, soon Jarvis said, "Data has been encrypted ... encryption cracking in progress ... cracking complete ... has been fully uploaded."

  Stark hurriedly turned to his mainframe and froze the moment he opened the screen.

  It was densely packed with information and drawings and Schiller couldn't make out what was written at all, after a moment Stark took two steps back and said, "Maybe he's right, maybe he's right ..."

"He found another way, a completely different way from mechanical armor ..."

  "You're running out of time." Schiller said.

  "No, now I only need half an hour, no no no, 20 minutes, all this information is readily available, Jarvis now help me with the calculations immediately, we'll start by constructing this model ..."

  An hour later, both Stark Schiller and Strange walked out of the lab with tired faces, Strange's hands were covered in blood as he said, "How in the world did this happen? You guys literally made a heart out of a bunch of broken hardware and then managed to get it to beat, for God's sake ..."

Schiller wasn't much better, giving a replacement heart was a laborious job and his chest was soaked in blood.

  Stark leaned against the wall and sat down slowly as he said, "Am I really just like my father? Blind with arrogance and obstinate ..."

  "No. ..."

  Stark looked up at Schiller, who had spoken.

"You are worse than your father."


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